An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

11-04-02 AJ

God's message today is very important.  He talks about the rewards that we will give newspapers and stations if they endorse me, and is important. So here's the link.  I'm sure you'll like the other things in the letter, too.

Someone has asked "I kind of sense that you don't like Princess Diana's idea of her son canceling his wedding and her idea of him abdicating. " Well, I have to admit that this something I'm really not fond of. Though her idea of their becoming regular citizens and running for Parliament, then both of them serving a term as Prime Minister is very good, I still think her eldest son should be king.  He should've been king long ago when I knew him in the past, and he would've changed history, things would've been much, much better.  I'm afraid there is a bond between us that many people will not understand. But he will always be my lord, my liege, my Earl Of Huntingdon, my Baron Of Locksley.  No matter how much history passes, no matter how many adventures we have, no matter how many other forms we exist in,  those times will always be the dearest to me, and the most cherished.  For my cousin was a man among men, and one of the greatest humans I have ever known.  And I will always share the relationship that we had.  
I am delighted that him and his lady are reunited, and she is as beautiful as ever. And I wonder about her temperament. She seems to be far nicer than she was when I knew her before.  But she was a noble lady, and will always be cherished.   Those things are so hard to explain to others, that when you fight in battle together, and your blood is on each other from defending each other it creates a bond that others simply cannot understand, and will never understand.
Diana's idea of him being my personal pilot while I am President and even while I am campaigning is a cute idea, but I don't think the English would like the idea of their future king being the personal pilot of The President Of The United States, and I don't think the American public would like it very much, either!  But it is a very cute idea, but there's some things that we simply cannot put together!  
But no, I don't like her idea, I don't like the idea of her sons abdicating, they should be  what they were intended to be.   He should have been king, and he should be king now.
One other little note.  God mentions in the rewards The Catholic Church.  Well, all other churches are also welcome, The Anglicans, The Lutherans, The Jewish People, The Muslins, any synagogue or mosque that helps us will also receive the reward that God is offering to The Catholic Church.  It's for everybody that helps us, not just a particular group.

A Servant Of
Him Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621