An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

04-08-02 AJ

    Rather slow day!  Catching up on some odds and ends in our regular message.  Here's the link.

    Constantly hearing that people believe The Tea Party movement has failed, that they've lost their momentum, that they were not able to stop the debt limit fix shows they're powerless.  Well, God makes a suggestion to them.  "Start backing my candidate, and candidates that will back him.  Start supporting our efforts now.  Join The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Help us get the support of the rich that Obama wants to bleed white.  We're not finished if we work together.  We can still save The United States, and, the world.  Because of Obama the American credit rate has been decreased in Asia.  So he can sleep with his boyfriends and not be ashamed of it, America is becoming a third rate nation.  Let's work together!  Let's stop it!  Let's stop thinking about what we disagree on, and start working on what we agree on, that Obama and The Democrats have gotta go, that they have to stop obstructing progress.  We don't want more government, we want less government!  We don't want more interference in every aspect of our lives, but less.  Help us tell Obama "We don't want you!  You're a loser, you're a fraud, you're not even an American citizen!  Get outta here!"  Help me raise the people and we can make a better world."
    Some people say I'm a racist because I oppose Obama. I'm not opposing him because of his race, I'm opposing him because he's a pervert that sells little boys to his boyfriends for votes, and I'm not gonna let it happen any more!   With your help we can easily win.  So come on!  Let's make history!  Let's show the world what the land of the free can do, that they're not meek little lambs being led to the slaughter.  
   God sent Caylee to me with a message yesterday afternoon that He wanted me to remind the networks of the offer that we are making to them.  The first national network that really brings our campaign to the public notice will receive the reward of getting all our press releases one hour before anyone else.  And if I win the election, they'll get the press releases from The White House one hour before anybody else.  Some people say this is illegal, we wouldn't be able to do it.  They're gonna have to show me the damn law!  God likes to reward those that stand with Him. It's just His nature.  Of course He wants Fox, but if somebody else comes along first, they get the reward! 

    Here's the links to some of my recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621