An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

19-07-02 AJ

    Lot going on!  Here's the link to today's message.  Lots of good stuff in it!

    Really pleased with the results we've been getting with our videos.  Here's the latest facts.  Our You Tube videos.  The latest "Caylee's Desperate Plea" has 133 views in a week!  The Ashtar video has 427 views put up 1 month ago.  Iowa Caucus has 31 views in 2 weeks.  My Campaign Announcement ‘12  has 310 views since April 8.  
     Would still like to see some more visits to the campaign announcement and The Iowa Caucus video.  Here's the links.  Do pass them around!

   Finally found the petition that Romney wouldn't sign and cannot for the life of us understand why!  We found nothing that offensive about it.  Somebody had told us that it was extremely anti abortion, but it doesn't seem to be to us.  We would gladly sign it.  Here's the link.

We think others should too.  Remember, one of the foundations of my campaign will be a constitutional amendment declaring homosexuality an insanity and banning its teachings.  I fully intend to drive them back into the closet, put a padlock on it, and keep them there!  If people think that's something terrible to say, too bad!  We have to get them off the streets!  As military personnel are now taking part in gay pride parades without being disciplined, we see no reason why those on active duty could not take part in the demonstration God wants in San Francisco Labor Day.  Somebody asked "Will you please stop pushing this? Can't you leave these people alone?" No, we can't!  They're destroying our children, they're destroying our society. They must be stopped!  We'll fight them!  As I say in the regular email, wherever I go I want thousands of them protesting me so those who want to protect their children will know I'm their man, I'm their candidate. I won't make any bones about it!  I won't pussyfoot around it.  They're evil, they're sick, and I'll say so.  I'm not going to be nice to them.  
    Oh!  Forgot!  Obama says he wants the rich to pay their fair share. How much? Does he want their taxes to be 50%, 60%, 70%?  How much does he want to steal from them just because they're prosperous?  I say no!  A flat 15% tax rate across the board for everybody that can afford to pay.  I will ask the rich to help in other ways but I will not rob from them to support social programs and keep the elite in power, or those that think they're elite.  So I would suggest to the rich if you wanna keep what you make support me, support my campaign, not these people that will take 50% of what you have to balance the budget, then spend the rest and make you pay more.  This insanity has got to stop!   
   It saddens God so much when we are trying to save Israel that His chosen people are among those to have become worshipers of Baal and are deserting Him the most when they should be rallying to us.  But now too many of them only worship money and sex and have forgotten the ways of their fathers.  Here's the latest.

"Please remove this email address from your distribution list.

Congregation Beth Israel, Austin, TX <>"

    Really getting a little worried about old noah!  He's gettin' freakier all the time!  Sent me five emails yesterday, each one totally obnoxious.  I think he may have been drunk or high.  He obviously doesn't have much to do.  Here's just a segment of one showing what I mean.  Won't give him the satisfaction of putitng the whole thing up.
"What,you gonna shoot me in the groin too? Come on up to Chicago and try to off me? Or send your one real follower Jesse to do it? That's right, I know Elgard's real name. Come get me Pooky, I'm waiting."
   He says I'm getting too repetitious in my insults and I have to come up with something more original. I'll work on it!  I like a challenge! 
   Here's the links to some of my recent messages.

 Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621