An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

15-06-02 AJ

   God really belting it out today going after the reverend that is predicting the rapture.  Is He ever!   Also talks about our problems with North Dakota.  Here's the link.

    He didn't get to talk about the situation where someone put up a phony ad on the internet making out that McDonald's is racist, charging African Americans more for meals.  This is absolutely unacceptable!  We sometimes do not agree with McDonald's but we do not feel that their products are all that bad.  It is up to people to practice restraint and not blame them for being fat!  Something has to be done about what we consider criminal attacks!  These individuals using the internet to falsely attack people unjustifiably hurt their business.  Exposing legitimate unacceptable situations is understandable, but this cowardly dishonestness is not and we will never accept it!  As president I will seek strong legislation punishing people that engage in this behavior.  It is not funny, it is not cute, it is terrorizing, often extortion and must be stopped!  As these people often use modified copyrighted material there is often ample opportunity to take them to court.  But I believe they should be charged just exactly the same as any individual that walks into a store and tries to extort money from the owner.  This might be unpopular but it is my opinion.  I have no pity or understanding for such individuals whatsoever.  Speak the truth, yes, post legitimate complaints, yes.  But fraud that is intended to harm a business, no way!  Unacceptable!   It will be stopped!  The people doing it will find themselves spending some time in very unpleasant places.  I have been in those places, and I can tell you how unpleasant they are!  There's people in them you don't want to meet, that you don't want to have anything to do with.  Nobody will be able to say I didn't warn you!  
    People are going to be wondering why we didn't make some offer to some city today.  Just tied up on other things.  Too many issues to cover!  But there probably will be more.  God wants to make it work.  I would still rather sell my material and raise the money for my projects that way.  But God likes the loan ideas, and, the trust funds.  People say we couldn't possibly raise that much money, but God thinks we can, just asking a dollar from each family.  Of course if anybody wanted to lend more they would be welcome.  But as we're fond of saying nothing God asks is impossible, highly improbable sometimes, but never impossible!  He is God!  He also sends an important message to the people of China, which we would appreciate the media helping get to them.  They are being used and we would like to stop it.
    Our friend Alice made a good comment.  David Letterman does his show out of New York, not Hollywood.  Would we plan on visiting New York after Kimmel to be on his show?  Well that is a possibility but we were kind of hoping that having God on his show would convince Letterman to do a special out of Hollywood.  If not, we would have to visit him on a campaign swing.  We don't know if we could before God would have to stop working through me on July 4th.  However, God would love Letterman's support!  

A Servant Of  Him
Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621