An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

29-06-02 AJ

    Good old Elgard has got our message to Iowa up at You Tube!  We're very pleased with the number of visits that our Message To The Ashtarians got.  We believe it may have gotten some results!  Here's the link to the latest.

    Alice is full of questions this morning, but it's really good stuff!  Here's the first.

    Did you make a mistake in your letter to Iowa?  
     There is NO draft! The draft was abolished back in 1973 after the Vietnam War.  There is only registration for the selective service now."

    Alice, as long as there is registration the draft still exists.  It has not been abolished, it has simply been shut down.  The president can reactivate it at a whim, any time he feels the military isn't getting enough recruits to sustain it.  We want to take that away from him.  We want to end registration so the draft will really be done.  
    Somebody else asked, "How could the house or senate pass legislation so the incoming president could sign it on inauguration day?"  It's simple. They simply put a rider on the legislation saying it cannot be signed or go into effect except with the incoming president's signature on inauguration day.  Simple!  
   Alice's next question is,


Read the Iowa letter and had a question. But first, I had to laugh when I read about the guy that wears diapers and acts like a baby and is on social security benefits. I too saw that TV show, and I wondered why he got SS benefits, since he would go out of his house dressed normally, is able bodied to buy wood and tools to build huge baby furniture for himself.  
Okay my question is; why does your wife Linda get government benefits ? "

     Why Linda is getting benefits is she was overwhelmed by the occurences that have been hitting us for the last few years, the attack on me in North Dakota, my sister's insanity, my false imprisonment here in Ellsworth on trumped up charges, all of it just added up to the point where we couldn't function together any more and Linda had to have income herself, to fulfill her needs.  The social workers here in Maine recognized this fact and arranged her income.  Now she is learning to take care of herself and rebuilding her strength.  Though she's able to help with the correspondence she can no longer provide me the levels of energy I need.  That is why we need the courier/protectors.  But one of the reasons we want to get the current project in full swing is so she will have her own income and will not need the SSI.  The years of work that she has done makes her well deserving of this support.  However, those who did not come forward and support her as they should have had, before all these things happened in all probability will not be able to deal with that fact and may cease to exist when they leave this world.  None of this should have occurred!  By now we should have organizations all over the world.  Obama should've never risen to power.  But that's why Linda needs the funds so she can rebuild her strength, so she can feel of value again.  We think she's doing a pretty good job!  We wish we could find the lost material, all the emails we sent out during the last year that seem to have disappeared.  They give a full account of all this insanity.  But they seem to have been wiped from our computers and flash drives, and unfortunately none of our friends that have come forward kept them.  We have the hard copies of some of the letters, but we simply haven't had time to search for them or, to type them up.  There's going to be plenty of work for the courier/protectors!  They are needed so much to take the extra burden off Linda, or, for their staff to. But I'm sure her daughters are going to want to help.  Because they'll be her daughters just as much as mine.  People keep saying we can't make it work. Well, we'd better or this world is going to become a lifeless ball of mud and a lot of people are going to be very, very unhappy.  Are they ever!
   Alice keeps them comin'!

"Gerald and Linda

    I really enjoyed your new video, Iowa Caucuses. I hope that the Iowa people will too.
    Oh Linda you are looking really cute, and Gerald you are looking good too. Both looking and sounding great."

    Flattery will get you everywhere, Alice!  But we do think that was a pretty good job for the little time we had to put into it!  We're gettin' pretty good at this stuff!   
    Alice continues,


    You actually told people that Lady Gaga was one of the Siren's! Duh it is Greek Mythology not real. It is a fictional story. Sirens are Not real. I suppose you think that unicorns are real too ? Is Peterpan, and Captain Hook real too? Next you will be saying that you knew or were Jason from the myth story Jason and the Argonauts."

    Alice, almost every legend has a basis in truth.  I did not begin to put all the trouble we had with The Olympians in The Book Of Zeus. Some of their offspring were real headaches, especially when their natural abilities were combined with Olympian technology.  The majority of them were really helpful, but as I say, there were a few bad apples.  Unfortunately myth sometimes is all too true.  These foul creatures did exist, and had to be dealt with.  As for Jason, I'm afraid, dear one, this is another myth that has its basis in truth.  There was a Jason, there was a golden fleece, he did gather a crew and steal it.  Today it would be called a special ops mission.  Him and I did not get along, however.  I did not like the way he treated women and that he liked both clams and oysters, as we expressed it in that day.  In two separate physical forms I had to tell him very forcefully, that I was not interested in that kind of thing.  Nearly killed him!  Some people in that age wish I had!  But really, he wasn't all that bad and did do a lot of good for his people.  Everybody has their faults. But dear one, unfortunately it's terrifying how many myths are more than legend.  Perhaps it's best that people now consider them just stories.  
    Speaking of those times, I'm having a bit of a problem.  Normally when I have a human lifetime, when I return to The Afterlife I separate it from me, create what is called a splinter that is absolutely real in every aspect except it can't reincarnate.  Most of the lives I had in that era were simply power sources and did not live much into their teens.  But a couple achieved some notoriety.  Though it absolutely positively isn't supposed to happen one of them is reincarnating!  This makes the third individual that was one of my splinters that is taking living form, literally right now I am in three places at once and will soon be in four places.  So far it doesn't seem to be doing any harm.  If anything, it seems to be giving me a little bit more power.  Our friend Elgard believes this is happening because mother Earth is doing all in its power to give us the numbers and strength to save her children.  Others believe there is a second Lord God from another world visiting Earth who is empowering this phenomena for the same reason, to save Earth's children.  Whatever's causing it, it's happening!  
    I've been asked what would occur if I got together with one of my splinters?   Absolutely no idea.  There would probably be a very strong bond, and we would desire to work together.  Otherwise than that anybody else's guess is as good as mine.  We may not tempt fate.  I've also been asked "Is there any possibility of one of these children being actually born to me with Caylee Anthony, and how many are there now?"  Another good question.  We believe right now there are supposed to be four girls and three boys.  Don't need as many boys as we need girls.  However there are those that want to be additions almost daily.  But I think we'll try to keep to that number.  We're going to have enough problems in The White House as it is!  I don't think it would be a good idea, even if it was possible. I believe the less of my splinters in the material world, the better.  One of me is bad enough, four of me? No damn way!  
    Alice, no, I've never seen a unicorn, but I've had people swear to me that they have, that they're actually an animal that evolved from some type of deer and have come to resemble a horse.  Just because I haven't seen something doesn't necessarily mean that it never existed.  I've seen a lot, but I haven't seen everything!  I'd love to, though.  Always had an affinity to horses.
    Alice sent this little letter.  

"What I Want In 2012

A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!
I'M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!!
Let‚s Take a Stand!!!
Obama: Gone!
Borders: Closed...
Language: English only...
Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!!!
Drug Free: Make a drug screen mandatory
for anyone on welfare and/or food stamps!
NO freebies to Non-Citizens!
We the people are coming
Only 86% will send this on. Should be a 100%. What will you do?"

    Things to work on, Alice!  Definitely things to work on!
     Old noah is writing again!   He says just because he's supporting homosexuals doesn't mean he is one, or, a pedophile.  As far as we're concerned, bucko, it does!  If you're teaching children to do it, you'll do it!  It's that simple!  You can't say you're not when you're sodomizing children.  Get some common sense!  
    Here's something we hesitate to use but noah claims the picture at this link

    is of him and his friends in front of Prague Castle five days ago.  Probably it's people that don't even know him, a picture he got off the internet of a group in front of the castle.  Linda says "Too bad. If it is him he's kind of cute!  What a waste."  He's supposedly the guy on the left in the black John Lennon t shirt.  Maybe if we circulate the picture the people in it will respond and say "No way! That's such and such, not this noah creep!"  Wouldn't surprise us at all.
     Now, something really important!  There's talk again of Jack Johnson's pardon, the heavyweight champion who was persecuted in the '20s by the white judiciary. People are asking that he be pardoned.  I want to make this statement to The African American community.  If I cannot do things the way I want to do them, I will, on inauguration day grant Johnson a full and complete pardon.  But I would prefer to have the incoming attorney general demand that the courts reopen his case, exonorate him, calling all charges racially based, and condemn the prosecutor and judge who performed this travesty of justice, declare that they should've been removed from their posts for the violation of Johnson's civil rights.  I want the courts to vindicate Johnson, not simply give him a pardon.  I want the system to fix it, not have to have the president do it.  I want the American judicial system to tell the world that this behavior was not acceptable, that attacks on people of color merely because they were achieving were inappropriate, and the people doing them, trash.  I want a clear and definite statement of this in the courts.  And perhaps there are other cases that should be revisited where injustice was done in the name of race.  And those people need to be exonorated.  I will give a pardon, if that's the only way we can achieve the goal.  But I'd rather achieve it with a clear and loud statement in the courts.  
       Speaking of courts, God extremely angry about the world court indicting Gadhafi and his sons.  If they are indicting them, they should be indicting Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the secretary of defense for the murder of Gadhafi's grandchildren, and the continued butchery in Libya.  When I am president we will not recognize the world court.  It is being used by the homosexual community to push their agenda, and we have no use for them.  

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
P.O. Box 392  
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621