Got this obnoxious email from an individual that claims to be the founder and CEO of your company.  I highly doubt that this is true.  But we will be making his obnoxiousness public.  Apparently he doesn't like freedom of speech and other people speaking against his sickness.  We believe he also uses the title noah610 that he mentions in the email.  If I was your company I would be suing this individual for making such false claims.  

Speaker Gerald Polley

"George Ferguson" <>
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Dear Mr. Polley,

    I've been following you for a while now, mostly because of hilariously idiotic you are but your most recent message has really taken the cake.  In your first paragraph you say that any Supreme Court Judge that supports homosexuality during your administration will be removed and replaced with someone 'sane' (I.E.: Someone who supports your own agenda).  You also go on to say that this will be achieved by filling the Senate with your own supporters.  What you have just described is the construction of a totalitarian theological dictatorship.  These are not the values that the United States was built over.  These are not American ideals.  Unfortunately for you, Mr. Polley, the United States has a Separation of Church and State, and regardless of what you may think this means, what it really means is that the government is not allowed to influence church affairs, and the church is not allowed to influence government affairs which is what you apparently want to happen.
    I'm going to save you the trouble of running for president to inform you of just how quickly the general populace of the United States would rise up against you.  A large portion of the U.S. population is secular, even Atheist and thus would not be afraid of your 'god' which you would no doubt use as a threat to keep control.  The United States has a long and glorious history of resistance against oppressive regimes and yours would fall faster than a sack of hammers off the Empire State Building.
    Part of being president is accepting that not everyone in the country agrees with you, and accepting those individuals ideas nonetheless, something you very clearly don't understand, or refuse to understand.  Now you'll claim I'm one of the 'creatures of darkness' like you did with that Noah610 boy.  You'll claim I'm a fool or I've been 'banished from the Kingdom of Heaven forever', doesn't matter to me.  What does matter is that you stop billowing your bullshit all over the Internet and wasting everyones time and energy.
    I have absolutely no doubt that you won't post this or even recognize that I sent it, much in the same way you clearly did with Noah610.


George Ferguson, Founder & C.E.O. of Aperture Labs