An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States
To The World

21-06-02 AJ

   God going after The Pope now.  The Catholics keep begging him to try, though we know it's a hopeless cause.  Maybe the next one will have the common sense to fulfill God's wishes.  But this one is determined to let his people commit suicide rather than give up their earthly traditions.  The way of their fathers is best, even when they know it's a total fraud.  What's it matter if men molest a few boys?  It's the good that they do that counts.  For The Catholics this attitude will never change, and it will drag them into oblivion. Their greatness will disappear.  As we keep saying, it's a sad world, but let us pray the world doesn't disappear with them.  Gotta prevent that, gotta be a way!  Here's the link to God's message.

    Alice sent us some hilarious information about the leader of Iran following a psychic that says the world's gonna come to an end, that The United States is going to be swallowed up in the discourse they're causing in the world.  Well, this lunatic in Iran isn't stupid, insane, but not stupid!  He knows what Al Quaida has been trying to do for years, and now what Obama has succeeded in doing, destabilizing The Middle East, all so he can keep The Islamic People from interfering with his sodomizing of the world, so he can get to their little boys and fulfill his lust.  These things are so predictable that even those who have totally lost it can see what's going on, Alice.  Maybe they can see what's going on better than the sane.  The lunatic in Iran is saying these things because he wants them to happen.  He hasn't been reading anybody else's material but his own, and the idiots that came before him teaching hate, hate, hate, hate hate!  Anybody that's different kill them, anybody that says no to you kill them!  He's expressing the desires of these fools, that if they have their way will destroy everything.  We don't intend for them to have their way.  Doomsday makes money, sells books, gets people into expensive houses.  The people that say "It isn't gonna happen, we're not gonna let it happen, we're gonna stop it!" aren't listened to because people don't want to struggle.  They want it to come to an end.  They'd rather have everything be destroyed than bother any more.  And they're the ones that will destroy the entire human race.  They don't need to read other's material.  They don't even have to listen to others.  The crap is embedded so deep in them they know nothing else, and they fulfill their own prophecies.  This fool has been trying to get another major attack on The United States for years, and utterly failed.  Let us pray that continues!
     Here's the links to some of God's recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621