An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

09-03-02 AJ

    This email will only be sent to newspapers today, as we are so short of time.  Please share it with the radio and t.v. stations in your area.
    First thing this morning we must say how sad we are to find that Google has changed its map.  It used to be one of our greatest sources of information.  We could find things easier there than in the search engines.  But now the experts have fouled it up so much it will no longer work in my computer.  We can't understand why people can't leave something wonderful alone.  When they have something fantastic they have to mess with it so it is useless to the ordinary people, and is only praised by a few experts in computers.  We wish Google would have a site and keep the old map on it for those who love it and let the experts have this crap.  
    We are sad to hear that the governor of Wisconsin is making concessions to The Democrats trying to get them to return and vote.  We wish he would not.  God praises his efforts and wishes he would continue steadfastly.  
    On a sad note God is holding Obama personally responsible for the Christian deaths in Egypt.  He forced out Mubarak and caused the instability that is now gripping the nation, instability that would not have occured if God's plans had been allowed to go forward.  I live by the creed that justice will be done, that these individuals can get away with stuff in the material world but on their judgment day all that they have done will be known and they will answer for every crime.  The sure and certain knowledge of this fact is my solace in all situations.  And I again must warn those engaged in religious violence.  Those instigating it will be punished.  For every person they kill the souls of ten of their loved ones will be destroyed that follow their hate.  They will become the living dead, body, mind, but no soul, and will go so mad that their own people will have to destroy them.  This is God's punishment for atrocities.  This is a new power. We have not had it for very long, but we will use it.  And there is no force on Earth that can keep us from using it, no matter what ceremonies people engage in, no matter how much they pray, if they kill the innocent their punishment will be swift and terrible.  So people need to count.  Every time a suicide bomber kills the innocent they need to tell the world how many of his people are being destroyed.  If they kill 71 people, 710 of theirs are destroyed.  That is God's punishment, that is God's power.  
    The AP has done it again!  God salutes Michael Calderone for the excellent article about James O'Keefe exposing the outgoing executive of NPR as he slams the Republicans and The Tea Party.  This is most excellent work!  Though some of Mr. O'Keefe's practices aren't exactly appropriate, we strongly desire that he stays legal, the things that he has exposed have been beneficial to the public.  
    I never thought the day would come that I would be encouraging people not to donate to NPR.  But now that it is in the control of those promoting the homosexual agenda and attacking those that are trying to save The United States, and, the world, God has asked me to tell His people not to fund this organization until they refrain from these practices, drop the support of the homosexual movement, and stop attacking those opposing it.  No Christian can support an organization that is putting homosexual characters in their programming, especially children's programming, and encouraging children to accept this practice, this filth.  There are limits!  And NPR has gone beyond these limits.  Their attacks on decent people because they have differing views are unacceptable.  
    Someone has asked what if Mr. O'Keefe was to pull a stunt on me, come pretending to be a reporter or something and show a film exposing me?  I wouldn't really worry about it.  I would probably know who they were immediately and play along.  But I would say nothing in private that I wouldn't say publically.  I might be a little less politically correct in private, I tend to call filth filth, and criminals criminals, I never hide God's truths, so I wouldn't worry much about that kind of situation.  I would simply be myself and if people don't like that, too bad!  But I have always promised people the truth.  I won't pretend I support something for votes.  The people will always know where I stand on everything.  
    I am constantly asked to soften some of my views for votes.  The latest thing was my opposition to gun control because I feel that if the public was denied access to arms only the criminals would be armed, and the people wouild be defenseless.  Of course this is what peoople like Obama want.  But it won't happen as loong as I'm around!  And God agrees with me fully!   
    As you know God wants me to base my campaign on good deeds.  We wish we had some influential people to help us.  Because God would like to contact the executives of the Visa credit card company.  He would like them, in honor of my campaign, to give all persons 62 years and over in the primary states including Iowa, a rate of 5% for a year to support my economic policies to show good will towards those that have served this country for so long in every capacity.  Of course you know as part of my campaign I am asking everyone to dump Mastercard because of their treatment of senior citizens.  I ask all who get rid of Mastercard to apply for Visa and let Visa know they're doing it on my behalf.  

 A Servant Of  Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 812-1621