From God To John Boehner

My Beloved Son,

  Below is a petition I have sent to The Knesset in Israel, asking them to stand with me in the defense of my daughters against those who degrade and subject them.  I would appreciate it very much if you would make sure that this message reaches The Knesset.  If you have friends there just inquire of them if they received the message from God through His servant Speaker Gerald Polley who is God's candidate for president seeking the Republican nomination. If you have Jewish friends I would appreciate you giving them this message and suggesting that they support my candidate, for he is the hope of Israel. 

God The Father
The Lord Of Hosts

An Open Petition From God The Father
To The Knesset Of Israel
Especially Its Female Members

09-11-02  AJ

    I am writing to you today asking you to support my truth. There are traitors among you, men who are betraying me for their lust and greed, who are making false teachings against my daughters, and trying to pass laws separating my sons and daughters.  I ask all Israel to stand against these false teachings, to stand against these men that deny me, and will not do what I instruct them to do.  Many are creatures of Darkness that desire to destroy Israel, to weaken my chosen people so that they will not be able to stand against their enemies and Israel will be destroyed.  Some will ask "Why is a rabbi saying that men and women should be segregated a danger to Israel?" It is simple. These foul dark creatures know that when my sons and daughters are together their powers join and double, making them four times stronger together than they are separately.  These foul creatures want to take this power away from me.  They want to make my sons and daughters weak, having only their own power so they can destroy Israel.  So they challenge my teachings directly and try to separate my sons and daughters. 
    I will tell you right now, any man that says "I don't want to be in a room with women because they make me lust!" is a weakling, is a man that's speaking in direct defiance of me.  Because I have said clearly, and without question that my sons will desire my daughters, my daughters shall desire my sons, that they shall go forth and multiply, filling the world with my glory.  This is my command to all men.  So for a man to say it's wrong for women to make him desire them is speaking directly against my commands and directly defying me!  Any man that is so weak that he cannot control his desires, be with women and be sociable with them, and, fulfill my commands should not be a part of The Nation Of Israel.  He should be cast out!  Any man teaching such ignorance is my direct enemy, is directly challenging me, is saying that his desire superceed my commands.  I will not have it! 
    Other men are jealous of my daughters because each month they make a blood offering to me in a promise to fulfill my commandments that they will produce children and spread my glory through the stars.  Some men try to claim that their glorification is a shame, that their sacrifice is dirty and defiling, that what they give to me to fulfill my commands makes they unholy and disgusting.  I destroy such men forever.  I cast them out of my Kingdom, out of The Kingdom Of Israel and they are devoured by their own filth, by their own ignorance, and cease to exist forever. 
    Worst of all, most sickening of all, is the greater majority of the so called rabbis that are teaching this falsity do not want the young men with the young women because they want them to lust after them instead of the young women.  They live in insanity, they live in perverted filth. They desire men, not my daughters and wish to be intimate with them. So they try to degrade my daughters, try to shame my daughters and make young men believe their perfection is preferable to that of dirty, filthy women.  These are the foulest of the creatures of Darkness.  These are the sickest that would destroy my children for the lust between their legs.  I will speak no good of them, I will only insure the world they will be destroyed forever.  Every man that says a boy is preferable to a woman is already the living dead, their souls are already destroyed.  They are creatures of profound abomination.  No matter how popular they are, no matter how wise people think they are, they are the filth of the gutter, they are the trash thrown out the window.  They are not even fit to be called my children and should be put out of all of Israel. 
    Those who betray me, those who speak against me would destroy you, they simply do not care. The only thing they care about is their perversion, their lust.  So they will turn you against my daughters in the hopes that they can lead you to eternal destruction.  I ask you to stand against them!  I ask you to rise up against them!  I ask every woman in The Knesset to put forth legislation saying that there can be no separation of the genders in public places, on the street, in stores, theaters, any public place.  If men don't want to be with women stay off the streets, stay out of public places.  If you defy me, if you defy God, then keep it at home.  But in public you will respect my daughters. 
    Any person in the military that is at a public gathering where women are entertaining and refuses to stay shall be prosecuted for disobeying orders and sent to prison for ten years.  Any rabbi that teaches the segregation of women, the separation of the sexes shall be removed from his post and forbidden to teach.  Anyone that makes false statements as to what I have taught concerning male and female will be removed from their post, no matter who they are, no matter how high their position.  If any teach falsely that my daughters are in any way evil, shall not be allowed to teach in Israel. 
   Marriage is not an institution of slavery.  It is a partnership where a man and a woman join together to join their powers so they can serve me better and better glorify me.  Anyone that teaches men and women should not be together is directly standing against me, directly opposing me, directly saying "My teachings are superior to God's!  I know better than God!  I am superior to God!"  any such as these should be put out of Israel.  For they are things of divine loathsomeness, of utter evil! 
    Well, I've had my say.  I've told you how things are, and I've asked my daughters to act on my behalf with my full power and my glory.  I ask them to call out to all of Israel around the world not just in Israel, but everywhere, and tell your sisters "God is not ashamed of us.  God glorifies us, God praises us!  We are not cattle, we are His glory and we will not be oppressed by ignorance any more when God forbids it.  We are equal to our brothers.  They are not superior to us, and we are not superior to them.  God has declared we are their partners so that when we combine together we become a greater whole. This is God's way and it should be the way of Israel, of every part of Israel.  Join us!  Cry out "No more!  No more will we be called evil, no more will we be called filth!  God forbids!"  And know that I do. I forbid it with all my strength and with all my power.  I turn that power against every man that says my daughters are inferior, that says they are slaves, that says they are cattle, that claims they are property.  I make an oath to my daughters, I make a promise to them, I will crush these men. I will make them a forgotten memory.  They will only know Darkness and horror and pain beyond imagination because they try to subject my daughters.
    This is the word of The Lord Of Hosts, The Ruler Of Heaven And Earth. Attack my daughters, speak against their glory, try to degrade them, and I will destroy you forever. This is a promise, this is a prophecy.  This is my word!  

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes For A Time
To Dwell In The Holiness
Of Los Angeles.
I Could Use The Help Of
The Daughters Of Israel There

    You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and