An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

05-11-02 AJ

Greetings, My Son!

    Now we've got everybody excited with this idea of me taking up residence in California!  So much would need to be done.  So much power would be needed and of course financial resources.  Of course I would need a particularly powerful place to reside.  By chance do you have any Mormons on your staff?  Here is a letter I would like to send to the Mormons in Los Angeles. 

An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints
Los Angeles, California

05-11-02 AJ

     Again the possibility has risen of me making my Earthly residence in California, using the power there to fight the creatures of Darkness, to try to make my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, president of The United States.  It would be very much easier for us if I could make my earthly residence in a powerful temple that already exists.  So again, I am asking that The Mormons, The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, offer to let me use their temple, the one that would be the closest to Hollywood and Vine in Hollywood, as my Earthly residence, to dwell there in my spiritual form and transmit my power throughout the world.  Of course in order to do this my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, would have to move to Los Angeles and sanctify your temple, bring my power and glory there.  I would appreciate The Mormons assisting him in his efforts to become president. 
    I am asking all that truly believe in me and my Son Jesus, to give Speaker Polley a no interest loan of one dollar, at least, for ten years.  These loans would be put into a trust fund and used to support Speaker Polley and his wife while he campaigns for the presidency, and then to support him during the presidency. At the end of that ten years these loans would be returned to the people by being donated to charities in the regions where they were given.  I like this idea much better than raising millions of dollars for hate ads and throwing the money away.  I ask my servant to conduct his campaign by doing good deeds.  A good deed The Mormons could do is to help raise the funds to bring my servant to California, to Los Angeles, and, to conduct his campaign from there. 
    The Mormons are already highly blessed in my Kingdom, because in all of this turmoil with the betrayal of Jesus, only The Mormons have stayed absolutely faithful to me.  Members of every other denomination have betrayed me for the homosexuals.  Only The Mormons have stood by me in my Kingdom and have taken over the positions of many who have fallen by the wayside who can no longer do their duties because their people have failed me.  There are vast rewards that are offered for those people that support us.  If The Mormons provide a courier/protector to help my servant restore his powers so he can save the human race, I will give that young woman power and glory equal to my own in a thousand years, and a world in the stars that will be especially for The Mormons and, the people of Utah.  Here is a link to material explaining what the courier/protectors are, and what is expected of them.

    My sons have failed me.  They have fallen into perverted lust. They reject me.  Now the only hope we have is my daughters.  Only they can save the human race. 
    These are terrible times, but thus far The Mormons have kept my Kingdom alive, and are glorified. I now offer them more glorification, if they give me a place in California, in Los Angeles, from where my power can flow out to the world and battle the evil that is devouring it.  I give them an opportunity to be the salvation of the human race.  Others are needed.  If The Mormons come to us, if The Mormons stand with us, we have an opportunity to call others. 
    My servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, is looking to do co ventures to raise funds for his different projects.  He will share the profits from those co ventures with The Mormons.  The Mormons can benefit the entire world and take their people to the stars.  The alternative is not pleasant.  If we fail the Earth will wither and die. All life on it will disappear.  The human race will become extinct.  The choice is yours, glorification or, extinction, it is entirely up to you.  But I would be delighted if my servant was to receive emissaries from your churches in Los Angeles, young men and young women willing to help him make the move and if they bring with them the donations, the loans, from the people of California, to set up the trust funds and make the move possible. 
    I would like, personally, to use my servant's physical form to drive the truck carrying his most powerful artifacts into Los Angeles, to be unloaded by The Mormons at his new residence.  If The Mormons in the material world support me as those in my Kingdom have supported me, we will be unbeatable!  The creatures of Darkness will not be able to prevail against us.  It is entirely up to you rather the human race lives or dies, rather they go to the stars or perish.  The power has been given you. Well, you've actually taken it because you have been faithful. I ask you to cast off the acceptance of homosexuality and return to me, return to my perfection. 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
But Who Wishes To
Dwell In The Holiest
At Los Angeles
For A Time

   This is what I would like to have delivered to The Mormons  in Los Angeles, because they are our greatest hope, along with The Jehovah's Witnesses there who hold our most powerful treasures, my most powerful Angels.  They are the hope of the world.  If you've got somebody on your staff that's a Mormon, or, if you have Mormon friends, those in my Kingdom beg of you, get this message to their people!  Some of them must be Republicans.  Some of them must want to survive! 
    We can do wonders!  I'm glad to see the demonstrators got their potties!  It's about time!  But we can do other things, besides.  My servant will not be a slave!  He will not be made to buy health insurance.  He will not be ruled by a petty tyrant.  I do not think you want to be, either.  No one else can win. You can see that yourself.  All the other candidates are faltering.  They've changed their opinions on things too many times. The people just do not trust them!  They need someone that will tell them the absolute truth, no matter how strange it is, no matter how much it frightens some, he will tell them the truth.  He will not hide what he is and he will tell them exactly what he intends to do!  He'll end the bureaucracy, he'll end the corruption.  He'll get really nasty on the criminals.
    Some time next summer, as part of his campaign, he wants to go on patrol with the border patrol in New Mexico and Texas.  He wants to get out there and tell the people fighting on the border "Help is coming!  When I'm president it'll be here!  If Mexico can't control these criminals and restore a secure border, we'll close it, if we have to put a man with a sniping rifle every hundred yards and shoot anyone that tries to come across.  We will stop the flow of drugs into The United States, no matter how much  some people want them!  Of course we would prefer to do it other ways.  But one way or another we will stop this poison coming into The United States, and those coming in illegally.  We will punish those that are knowingly hiring them, not just token fines, but we will shut them down and put them in prison if they will not obey the law. 
    My candidate will pull no punches, he will not placate anyone.  He will fight!  He will fight for the children that are being destroyed by this poison, who are being taken advantage of by these murderers that sell them death, and he will call them what they are.  So I ask you to help him. I ask you to help him get out there and tell the people there's hope coming, there's somebody coming that won't be wasting his time spreading sodomy and permitting anything to do it.  There's somebody coming that's going to care about them, that's going to work for them, that's going to fight for them, and, their children, who's going to say "Not in America!  We're not going to be slaves!  We're free men, all! Nobody's going to tell us we have to let our children be perverted, that filth is acceptable!"  My servant, my candidate is what the American people want.  You know it, the rest of The Republican Party knows it.  Those who, in their greed, won't give up their desires and would destroy the world to be president must step aside and let a righteous man take the lead.  He might not always be popular, people might not like some of the things he says, but he's always just, and, he's always fair because he is my true servant. 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
But Wishes To Dwell
For A While In
The Holiest Of Los Angeles
And From There Rock The World!

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and