An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

15-11-02 AJ

Well, my son, in some ways I am pleased, in other ways I am not!  First of all I am asked how could I possibly make such an offer to the woman I made yesterday?  It's simple!  I like to prove my power of redemption.  I like to show that even when some of my children go astray they can come back and serve me in most extraordinary ways.  So that is why I offer this woman what I offer her, so she can be for my glorification.  Now, if anybody has a problem with this, as my servant says, we have a very nice, warm place we can send them.  Of course they're not going to be there very long!  Poof! 
    I am very displeased with reports saying that The Supreme Court may back Obama Care and say it's constitutional, that the liberals on the court will say that it is the responsibility of all to pay for health care. We need to send a message, a strong message, and we need to send it quickly.  So I am asking you, in the name of my servant, to send out a call to all Republicans and any Democrats that have any common sense and don't want to be slaves to this African, that they boycott Thanksgiving, that they don't buy any turkeys or go to any expensive restaurants.  If they have to go out on Thanksgiving day, make it McDonald's, Burger King, or Wendy's.  Let the big, expensive restaurants be virtually empty.  Don't buy turkeys!  Have meatloaf or a casserole, but none of the traditional Thanksgiving meals. Most of all, don't travel.  Stay at home.  Don't fill your cars with gas two or three times on Thanksgiving Day, or, the day before, or, the day after.  After Thanksgiving let the gas stations and the convenience stores that do a great deal of their business during the Thanksgiving travel period be screaming their heads off, calling The Republicans bastards and traitors!  Let them hate you with every fiber of their being!  Send a message to Obama.  "We can cripple your economy.  We can shut this country down.  We're not going to be your slaves!  Obama Care is going to be repealed!  You  will be defeated!" and send a message to The Supreme Court that "If you vote in favor of Obama Care you will be throwing this country into chaos, perhaps even civil strife, because the people aren't going to tolerate it. Make a quick decision and throw Obama Care out. Say it's unconstitutional, the people can't be forced to buy health insurance, that it has to be scrapped and the senate has to start over. Nothing else will be accepted.
    Then, join The Christmas Buyer's Strike. Keep the stores empty until either The Supreme Court rules against Obama Care, or Obama withdraws it.  I would also like you to start immediate impeachment proceedings against Obama for the illegal war in Libya.  If we can cut Thanksgiving sales by 50% The Democrats are going to have to listen.  If we can cut Christmas sales they will be helpless.  Start with your staff.  Recommend they take this action.  Make an announcement to the press that you have heard my call through my presidential candidate, you will not be taking part in Thanksgiving.  You will be joining The Christmas Buyer's Strike. 
   The big retailers are already pushing sales because they are terrified of the strike.  They know what we intend and they're afraid the public will back us.  They know many of them would not survive without Christmas.  It is the greatest weapon we have to bring down Obama. 
    We will not even ask for his resignation at this time.  But we will ask that he repeal Obama Care and publicly admit that he illegally passed it, that he did not have the votes and he cheated.  That will satisfy us.  Then we will ask the people to buy, so it will be entirely up to Obama rather the stores have a Christmas season or not. The minute he withdraws Obama Care the people will start shopping.  No promises that he will, he has to withdraw it, he has to cancel it, totally and completely, and ask the senate to start over again, no compromise, no half measures. 
   But there is something I want you to make absolutely sure of.  We do not want people to cancel Thanksgiving dinners for the poor!  We want those organizations that are arranging them, to continue.  We do not want the poor to be disappointed, we fully believe if we can get enough people to support us, feeding them will make no difference.  So every charity meal that has been planned should go on. 
   And there's a matter on The Christmas Buyer's Strike that I want you to tell the world.  My marines have come to me and asked me not to discontinue Toys For Tots, not to ask little children that don't understand they're being sold as sex slaves that they can't have toys.  I can deny little to my marines, to the bravest of my brave.  And I will make this concession.  Any that buy toys for Toys For Tots will not be held in contempt for breaking The Buyer's Strike.  But older children should understand and ask their parents "Please, don't buy me  Christmas presents, don't sell me as a sex slave to Obama's perverts.  I would rather do without presents."  Send a message to Obama that we are not his toys, his rewards to his perverts. 
   People say "How can you say such awful things?" Look what the man is doing!  Look what the man is supporting.  Look what he wants allowed!  He is selling your children into abomination for power.  The homosexuals are his main support group.  His cry of "Protect their civil rights!" is the main basis of his campaign.  He doesn't care about jobs, he doesn't care about bankrupting the people, he only wants people to accept two men getting in bed with one another and being intimate.  He wants this totally accepted in The United States.  It is the total purpose of his administration and we say "Never!"  We will stop him.  He will not sell our children for votes! 
    You can stop him!  You have the power!  The Republican Party can lead the way.  You have to say "Enough!  Enough of this traitor! Enough of this criminal!  No more!"  We must stand up and say "NO!"
    Again, I ask you to get help to my servant, to help him get on the ballot in all the primaries. Let us be heard!  We are the only hope you have.  More and more your candidates are falling apart.  More and more they're showing they don't have any substance.  You will lose the election.  This is a statement of fact.  If you do not take more aggressive action, if you do not fight you will lose the election and Obama will be in office four more years, this country will be in total chaos. My servant, despite our problems, is the best candidate you have because he will tell the truth.  He won't hide anything.  If he intends to cut The CIA's budget by 50% he will say so!  If he intends to shut down The Department Of Homeland Security because it's redundant and unnecessary, he will shut it down.  If he says he will end the draft and shut down that bureaucracy, he will do all in his power to do it.  We might keep a few things private right now to keep The Democrats from fighting them, but that's only strategy.  If you want his opinion on anything, ask it and he will tell you exactly where we stand on it.  His opinion will never change. 
    I am convinced that if the public gets to hear him they will like him because he's not going to fool around. He's not going to cut medical aid to military families he's going to cut the waste.  He's going to get rid of the foolishness.  He's going to go after the people we don't need, and who are wasting millions of dollars.  He is what the people want, and you know it.  He's unconventional, he's not political, but he'll be the best damned president The United States ever had.  And he won't call all Islamic people satanists, or demons, or devils.  He will draw the line and say "It is not The Islamic People that are attacking us, it is the Fundamentalists, and they are no different from the Fundamentalist Christians in The United States that are blowing up abortion clinics and killing abortion doctors.  It's the same kind of evil, just another name.  So I say, come on!  Let's go!  Let's make this man president of The United States!  Let's let the people know what they have.  Get some funding, get some temporary courier/protectors, and get him to the debates, get him on the ballot and The Republicans will rise to a glory that has never been seen.  They will accomplish things never dreamed of.  And you will be leading the way!  Let's go! 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
But Wishes To Dwell
In The Holiest Of Los Angeles
For A While

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and