An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

18-11-02 AJ

Greetings To A Most Valued Son!

    I have produced a video which we will be distributing around the country asking you to take immediate action against the police that are using pepper spray on Occupy protesters. Here's the link.

   And I again ask you to get the message to the Occupy protesters that I would like them to join The Christmas Buyer's Strike.  The behavior of Obama's Gestapo shows that they are getting desperate, that they want to stop these demonstrations because they are putting too much pressure on them. The people are speaking out against the corruption that Obama allows to stay in power.  And Obama does not like being questioned.  Something must be done to break up these big companies that simply control too much, dominate too many people, that become corrupt governments unto themselves and think they are the special elite that should run the country. 
   Some people say we are pitting the poor against the rich. Absolutely untrue!  We are pitting the honorable and the decent against the corrupt and the cheating, those who will do anything to enrich themselves at other people's expense.  And as usual, it is only a very small minority that is causing the trouble, only a handful of corrupt individuals that want to control everything, including the current resident of The White House.  We must stand against them!  We must make headway against them!  The Christmas Buyer's Strike is the most valuable weapon that we have.  It is what Obama is absolutely terrified of.  If we can take the Christmas season away from him we can break the economy and force him out of office. 
   I'm asked "What about the little guys?" Well, I have this to say to those who must buy Christmas presents.  Don't buy them at Wal Mart, K Mart, Sears, or Macy's, buy them at the little shop around the corner.  Buy from the little guy if you have to buy at all.  But don't buy from the big stores.  We want them empty the day after Thanksgiving.  We want the retailers to have the most dismal Black Friday in history.  We want them crying the next day "Why is God against us? Why is He doing this?" And the answer is simple. They allow Obama to stay in power.  They allow him to murder women and children to push his agenda, and we must stop him! 
   This complicated health care mess that he has created must be straightened out. There must be a simpler way.  The way we propose we think is best, a simple voucher system.  A person checks on their tax return that they can't pay for their health insurance and if they're within the income limits The IRS sends them a voucher, they go out and pay for their insurance, and they get full and complete coverage.  No complicated plans, they pay whatever insurance company they like and they get full coverage, no co pays, no restrictions, they're taken care of.  That simple!  Any insurance company that won't cooperate they lose the right to do business in The United States.  Simple!  The people that can afford to pay but can't budget have to have all kinds of fancy things, can be given counseling so that they can afford to buy their health insurance.  People have to get their priorities straight!  Their teenager having health insurance is more important than them having a car, is more important than them having a snowmobile, or, an elaborate stereo, or, a big screen television.  People have to get their priorities straight!  As we keep saying, it's simple!  If people won't, if they don't have health insurance, that's not the public's responsibility.  It's the responsibility of the people that want to live outside their means and expect other people to pay their bills.  Some people say I'm unreasonable, some people say I'm unfair.  I don't think so.  I expect those that have the means to take care of themselves, not to spend everything they have on luxuries, and expect others to take care of them.  It's just the way I am. 
   Think about our ideas!  Think of having a president in The White House that would be trying to implement those ideas, not give the people something that's absolutely useless, but something that's going to help them. 
   Oh!  We made some offers to Cain.  We have to withdraw them.  Apparently he's a drug addict. He supports marijuana and wants the government to be softer on other drugs. Sorry!  Can't accept that!  Anyone that wants to legalize marijuana is somebody we can't deal with, someone we have no place for.  If he mends that attitude we still might have some place for him. But he would have to be warned, if he was a member of our administration and said marijuana should be legalized, he would be gone the next day, no question, no doubt!  We will not have anybody with us that supports marijuana!  It is a non discussionable item. We will never accept its legalization.
     The day of my servant's inauguration he plans to make sweeping arrests of the drug dealers in the states where it's been legalized. Every doctor giving prescriptions, every pharmacist distributing it will be arrested as drug traffickers and punished accordingly.  We will make it federal law that the possession of any amount of marijuana is a felony punishable by the seizure of all property and ten years in prison.  That will be our goal, nationwide, anyone caught with it, anyone funding the drug lords and the terrorists. Because there's no difference, almost every one of the terrorist groups makes their money selling drugs, so the people buying them are funding attacks on American soldiers somewhere in the world.  People will argue this, but it's the absolute truth. 
    I again ask you to support my candidate, to support The Buyer's Strike.  Help us stop this insanity!  A trail of blood leads to every drug addict's house, the blood of the innocents who have been murdered to feed their filthy habits.  It must stop! 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

    You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and