An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

06-11-02 AJ

   Sometimes, my son, I wish we could talk about pleasant things, but the way things are going right now pleasant things are few and far between.  I've been asked won't I honor those Americans that are returning from Libya who fought for the rebels against Gadhafi?  No.  I cannot support Americans that took part in a butcher's slaughter.  They knew this was an illegal war, they knew Obama was doing wrong, that he was targeting the family of a national leader for extermination to push his agenda of sodomizing the world, and they should not have supported him!  People say "But he's the president!"  Presidents have been wrong.  Presidents have done wrong, as presidents have done right.  But when a president is directly violating the law for his own purposes, he should be opposed.  I know sometimes it is difficult, people just don't see things, they want their leaders to be right, but this was not an humanitarian mission, it was a slaughter.  And those who took part in it were totally unjustified in doing so.  I cannot praise them, I cannot honor them.  They should be arrested and imprisoned for violating the rights of a people to make their own choices. 
    My servant will never honor them under any circumstances.  He will never meet with them.  He is not sure he can pardon them.  Obama will probably do that before he leaves office.  But my servant never will.  When they stand in judgment before whoever is sitting on Jesus' Throne he will condemn them for what they have done.  For they have installed a government that will be abusive to women, that will make women slaves under the false laws of Islam made by cruel men, not by me. 
     So I cannot really speak well of them, I cannot praise them.  I cannot honor them.  I hope that they will see the error of their ways, denounce what they were tricked into doing, and condemn the one that sent them to subject a people.
    I will always give hope.  I will always give any that have gone astray an opportunity to redeem themselves.  If these individuals turn against their foul master and speak the truth of what was done in Libya, of who they were working with, they might still yet have eternal life.  But that would be the only way.  My servant is a hard taskmaster!  He does not show pity, he does not give mercy unless it is earned, unless repentance is made.  I have known him for 500,000 years and he has not changed one tiny bit from the being that I first met!  He is steadfast and unchanging.  This is not anything that I consider a fault!  His steadiness and his unwillingness to accept evil I think are his greatest qualities.  I know it hurts some, they want their loved ones to be given second chances.  But sometimes that is just impossible!  Because what people do is too dark, too evil and they refuse to repent.  So there are no second chances. 
    Now, we wrote to you about the little incident last night.  This is something I'd really like you to think about.  There has to be some way of keeping people from using false emails and pretending to be other people, sending out fraudulent information meant to embarrass and degrade people.  This is not right, I want it stopped!  I would really appreciate it if you would work on legislation, you might even put it forth before my servant takes office so it can be worked on and even help us in the present campaign, to find and prosecute those doing these things. 
    I would like to make it a law that anyone that alters an email putting somebody else's email address on it is guilty of fraud, of identity theft and would be punished by no less than five years in prison and no more than ten, one year being added to the sentence for each time they fraudulently claim to be somebody else.  So if a person sends out twenty fraudulent emails they would be liable for a sentence of twenty years besides the five to ten year sentence.  We must make the individuals doing this understand that it is not acceptable, that it is not allowable!  They cannot, no matter how frustrated they are, or how funny they think it is, pretend to be other people and embarrass them.  I simply will not tolerate it!  I want action taken on it. 
    This type of bullying, this type of terrorizing is simply unacceptable!  There is no way it can be called free speech!  It is harassment, it is fraud.  We would never try to forbid a person speaking their opinion.  If someone wants to write to someone and say "I believe Speaker Gerald Polley is a terrible person and the God he represents evil and disgusting.  I do not want him to be president of The United States."  This we would accept.  But when someone sends emails claiming to be Speaker Polley making threats and insults against people, trying to shame him and get him in trouble, totally unacceptable, rather some people think it is or not.   This is not free speech, it is sadistic slander.  It is criminal!  I will not accept it, I will not allow it.  And I want people to stop it!  I want the companies that post such material and will not remove it when they're informed that its fraudulent severely fined.  And if they continue this behavior, shut down!  This is what I ask you to work on, not just for my servant, but for every decent person that dares speak the truth, that dares speak out and say that homosexuality is filth, it is sickness, it is disgusting!  People have a right to make these statements, rather the president of The United States believes they do or not. And those supporting him have no right to harass and degrade decent people because they speak the truth.  This petty tyrant, this petty coward will not silence my people, will not say that they are forbidden to speak because they disagree with his opinions, and his insane supporters will not degrade and insult them. If we've got something to say to somebody we'll say it right to their face!  If somebody's a pervert we'll say so!  And we will not be insulted because we do! 
    That taken care of, there's something else I'd like to have you work on if at all possible.  We spoke about my servant wanting to patrol with the border patrol.  He doesn't want this to be simply symbolic. He actually wants to spend a few days with these heroic people that are putting their life on the line every day trying to stop this filth coming up from Mexico with their poison and be clearly understood, I'm not speaking of the majority of Mexican people.  I'm speaking of the drug lords and their murderers that will do anything for money, including selling drugs and children to perverts.  I am talking about things that cannot even be called human beings, a very small minority of a great people that is shaming them throughout the world, and, who the people of Mexico want to be rid of just as much as the people of America want to be rid of them!  One of the greatest joys my servant could have would be to take part, to help in the seizure and destruction of a large shipment of drugs.  He would not want to lead such an effort, but he would like to back up those taking part, and protect them with a weapon while they are performing their duties. 
     My servant has this thing, he doesn't like to send people into any situation that he would not take part in himself.  Therefore, he wants to stand with America's brave sons and daughters and defend them while they perform their duties. He'll admit he's not quite the man he used to be, but with a little practice he can probably still shoot as straight as he used to.  And I guarantee you, no one wants to be the one he's shooting at, if the need be!  But he really would appreciate it if you could help us get going so that some time next year between speaking engagements he could slip down to the border, join the border patrol, and go kick some drug lord butt, destroy a whole lot of their poison so he can tell the people "I'm not gonna be a president that's going to be sitting on my duff in The Oval Office, every once and a while if I can, I'm gonna go out and make an enemy of The United States absolutely miserable. If I can I'm gonna put his butt in jail, if I can't I'm going to destroy millions of dollars of his product and seize millions of dollars of his money."
    This is how my servant is.  Now, some people might say a presidential candidate would have no business doing something like that.  But I say to you any presidential candidate that isn't willing to put his life on the line with those defending America, who isn't ready to stand out there beside them with a rifle in his hand, watching their backs while they're performing their duties, he's not worthy to be president of The United States!  Of course we've gotta get rid of this damned infection from his hernia surgery before it kills him, but I'm sure we can get that taken care of before we'd take this little mission. I'd really appreciate it if you'd ask around and see if the border patrol would be willing to let the best friend they ever had join them on a mission.  Maybe make him a U.S. Marshal or something so if he pops off a few rounds at some drug dealer nobody's going to be screaming. 
   Oh!  God The Mother.  She's been busy with me lately.  Again, she wants to put forth the proposal that maybe we could skip the senior President Bush and have Barbara be her physical host in Ellsworth, Maine for two years, have her stay here with The Holiest Of All and transfer power to us in California.  Now, this is an idea that's been discussed quite frequently, and I say why not?  It would mean Barbara would get the world in a thousand years for the people of Maine, and not her husband, but still I don't think the switch would matter much.  I don't think it would matter much at all!  People keep saying "You can't make that promise!  You have no right!"  I'm The Lord Of Hosts, damn it!  I can make any promise to anybody that I wanna make!  And there's a damn good chance of it coming true!  I have promised Israel that his descendants will outnumber all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world.  I intend to fulfill that promise!  Course my servant's going to have to help a little bit. He's kind of fond of Israel too!  But what I promise is absolute, and anyone that tries to stop me doesn't have a prayer! 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
But Would Like To Dwell
In The Holiness Of
Los Angeles For A Time

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and