An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

02-11-02 AJ

Greetings To My Most Gracious Son!

   Now, tell me the truth!  What do you think of my efforts in Tennessee and Oakland, California?  Are we doing good, or are we doing good?  Has The Old Man still got it or not?  If we could have as much success in The Middle East we would be really accomplishing something!  But I will tell you again, you are the key to our success.  Obama is trying to destroy any hope, whatsoever, of us restoring Christianity, of us forming the courier/protectors and gaining the power to save humanity.  And I think we're doing a pretty good job of setting him on his pervert ass.  We're taking away his Gestapo.  We're taking away his supporters.  It is sad. The mayor of Oakland has much potential but she's on the wrong side.  If she was to join The Christmas Buyer's Strike, and encourage the people of California to join it, if she was to come out in support of my candidate, and ask Maria Shriver to be his campaign manager and be her first assistant, reaching out to all the mayors in California, and enlisting their support, I could make her one of the greatest women in history.  She could earn a hundredth of a world for her descendents and the people of Oakland.  The rewards I'm offering are great.  Remember, I'm offering your wife a whole world, not just part of one, a whole one which she will be able to distribute to the people of Ohio, giving deeds of land to those that support us while being its spiritual ruler besides.  Pretty good wages for a few years' work and supporting someone that really works for me and speaks the truth, no matter how unpopular it is!  He won't lie to the people.  He will tell those that are destroying themselves forever, that they're destroying themselves.  He won't let them go to eternal death to get what he wants.  It's just not his way.  That's why I like him.  That's why I've always liked him from the first time he spoke to me 500,000 years ago, he has never once uttered a falsity.  The greatest complaint I have with him is for all he has done for me there's very little I can do for him!  Even in this current situation.  All he is asking is the power to protect my children!  He asks nothing for himself, nothing for his people. His people would let him ask for nothing other than what they have already been given. 
   I know it's hard for other people to understand who are filled with greed and lust and think only of themselves.  Everybody  else that comes to me wants something, wants me to give them something.  My servant wants only to serve me.  It is so refreshing!  It is so hard to put into words, but I will always cherish that willingness to do for me and the respect that is always shown me.  That my foster children obey me more than my true children sometimes hurts me very much.  It causes me to be profoundly sad, but still, I will give everything I have to those that give their all for me.  They don't have to stay here, they don't have to suffer, they can leave any time they want.  But they won't abandon those that have kept them alive all these thousands of years.  Mankind should understand what is being given to them, and how much it should be treasured. Some of the theatrical performances that make the children of Haven into monsters really disturb me!  And I do not welcome those that make them, because they really know the truth. 
    But as one of my true children, one of my true sons, I ask you to give me the same support that is given to me by The Star Of The North, by The Northern Light, by The Child Of Haven, and all of his Kinsmen.  If you do, we can defeat Obama, we can defeat The Democrats, we can even defeat the corrupt Republicans.  And we can make a world they won't worry about leaving.  We can make a people that will be welcomed to the stars, that will become the friends and good neighbors of everyone they meet that other races will say "Oh!  These are the humans, the children of Earth, the descendents of The Havens, The Hashons and, The Peepians, those who carry the blood of Angels, who carry the blood of Haven."  That is how I want my children to be greeted.
   Now, one of the things I want you to do. I have mentioned it before but I want to reinforce it.  I want all Republicans to stop having anything to do with MSNBC.  Grant them no interviews, grant them no support.  Where they can get nowhere near the truth, where they say anything to support Obama, there's no sense trying to talk to them.  There's no sense giving them interviews.  They'll only twist what's being said to them into something evil.  Their treatment of Mr. Cain, to my servant is unacceptable.  Though he is an adversary we do not like the current smear campaign being conducted by The Democrats, and we do not like that MSNBC is supporting it.  We ask only fairness.  We ask only honesty.  As I have said, the women that made these accusations of sexual harassment should've been charged with fraud!  Their attacks were bigoted and intended to disgrace a man of color who was becoming an influence in the community.  I would appreciate it very much if that could be proven. 
   I encourage every woman who is truly sexually harassed to come forward, but things like this I will not tolerate, and people doing them should know that I will punish them.  My law is very clear.  "Thou shalt not bear false witness."  To me that is absolute. There is no middle ground. You do not bear false witness for any purpose. It is a crime to do so.  You don't merely  say things to make money. That will be punished and that will be punished severely! 
    As I say, I'm not done in California yet!  But I am very grateful to those that have said "Enough!" and stood with me.  They will be rewarded.  I am in hopes that reward can be great if some of my children will let go of their false beliefs, their misunderstandings, return to me, and fulfill the promises that they have made.  I know things have changed a little bit, the situation is far more dire than when they made those agreements, but still those agreements are valid, those promises should be kept.  It will hurt them bitterly and may destroy some of them forever when they find they have failed me, that they have broken their word to me.  I do not want that.  I do not want that at all!  I want to greet them at The Gates Of Heaven and say "Well done, my daughter!" or, "Well done, my son!  Welcome Home!"  For my Kingdom is their Home. 
   Now, speaking of California, a small question has arisen.  Where Arnold Schwarzenegger's and Maria Shriver are now separated, is there any possibility that if Arnold serves as my servant's secretary of defense, that instead of being Maria's consort he be given power and glory equal to my own and a world for the nation of his birth, that he take these people to the stars and Maria and him choose other consorts?  Well, yes.  This could work if we could get the support of the people of his homeland and Maria and Arnold agree to it.  I would not like to break such a bond.  I would still prefer that Arnold and Maria be the God The Mother and God The Father of the world for the people of California, but if they cannot resolve their differences than this proposal is workable.  People keep saying "You can't say such things!  You can't offer such things!"  I most certainly can!  I'm The Lord Of Hosts!  I'm The Ruler Of Heaven And Earth and I have very powerful allies who can do very incredible things, both in the material world, and, in the spiritual!  There's virtually nothing I can't do!  Every promise I make is valid.   Every prophecy I make is valid.  If I say somebody will have something in a thousand years, if they do what I ask now, they will have it rather other people want them to have it or not!  If I say Gadhafi is now The Ruler Of Paradise and all Islamic people entering it must obey him, he is The Ruler Of Paradise and all who enter it must obey him!  If I say John Lennon of The Beatles has earned the right to sit on Jesus' Throne and temporarily rule His Kingdom, John Lennon sits on that Throne and rules that Kingdom!  In The Kingdom Of God I am all, I am everything, I am the only voice,  the only truth. Anyone that says his truth is better is put out and usually dies forever, ceases to exist.  I AM THE LORD OF HOSTS, and I'm sure you know that. I'm sure you feel my power. You always have!  No reason for you to stop now!  You've stood beside my servant many times and followed him into battle against my enemies without question.  I'd really appreciate it if you'd do it again. 
    But I am The Boss!  I am The Ruler of this ball of mud.  All those from other worlds that visit recognize me.  They don't recognize The Queen Of England, they don't recognize the president of The United States, they don't recognize the president of Russia. They recognize me as The Ruler Of This World, the absolute authority that they must respond to, the one they must ask permission to do anything.  That's who I am.  My servant is my voice.  He is The Voice Of The Prophets.  He represents every religious leader in this world, every single one that I have given power, every single one I have recognized.  He is my voice and he is the voice of my allies.  I'm showing what he can do.  Because I'm not doing these things by my power alone.  It's with the power of his People that I'm accomplishing them.  His daughters and his sons follow my every command, attack and destroy all of my enemies.  Because I am The Lord Of Hosts, The Ruler Of Heaven And Earth.  If only my own were so loyal.   Well, that said I think I'll wish you good day!  Things to work on, things to do! 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and