An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

11-11-02 AJ

    I really think that one of the current Republican candidates has totally lost his mind!  If not that he is working for The Democrats. Don't you have any conception of how much support we lose when a moron says he'll shut down the department of education and abandon our children?  This man should be gotten out of the race as soon as possible before he destroys any chance we have of winning back The White House. This is ridiculous!  Yes, my candidate believes in making some cuts in education, to concentrate on education not sports, art and music, that tax dollars should only go for these purposes. We think this the public will accept, but shutting down the department of education? No way!  This is playing right into the hands of The Democrats that say The Republicans are too extreme. And the public will be listening to them because they feel the same way. They know how important an education for their children is. And a Republican candidate that says he would abandon them is going to lose us the election! 
    I again ask you to help my servant get on the ballot in all the primary states and to help raise his election committees in every state, have influential people, especially radio and television personalities in each state help raise the loans and establish the trust funds for his campaign that during his presidency will be used to help the people in that state before finally being given back to the people.  Again I ask your wife to serve.  At least come and talk to my servant, find out what kind of a person he is.  We can win the battle! 
    Now, some people are saying I cannot offer the rewards that I am offering for cooperation, that they're pie in the sky and have no basis in reality.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  I am The Lord Of Hosts and besides that I have very powerful friends. We can deliver every reward that we promise, if, of course, we save the human race!  Right now I am offering a square mile of land to the descendants of any person that exposes a corrupt priest, especially one that has been committing sexual acts with children, male or female, because both is going on.  If my servant gets the courier/protectors through them he will be able to give these rewards. They're real, they're not questioned. The courier/protectors and others will receive these worlds in a hundred years, or, a thousand years, and the land will be available to the people it has been promised to. This is retroactive!  Any person that has exposed a corrupt priest can claim half a mile of land.  We'll give a little bit more for new exposure, but still those who have had the courage to come forth and challenge this abomination deserve a reward. I will give it to them through my servant! 
   My servant cannot offer land on the Christian worlds, only on the tenth of the world that will be his.  Many people want him to have far more but any of his own people that wish to claim a reward can put a claim in to him.  This is only reasonable.  But I can fulfill the promises that I made.  I'll make even bigger ones.  Anyone that can expose a bishop will get a deed for twenty-five square miles of land.  Anyone that can expose a cardinal will get a deed for fifty square miles of land.  Anyone that comes forward and says "The Pope made me have sex with him" we'll give a hundred square miles of land. Those who help us the most will be rewarded the most.  No faking!  We want only the truth. Anyone making false accusations my servant would have to destroy forever. So this is something I would suggest people not do.  But we're quite sure there's several young men out there that have great grievances against The Pope. 
     People say "How can you say anything so terrible? How can you make such accusations?" I have The Book Of Life.  Every person that dies has to put everything that has occurred to them in The Book Of Life in order to enter into my Kingdom.  They can hide nothing.  They must tell the absolute truth.  I have ample evidence of many things.  People that think things can be hidden from me are fools!  Even when a person dies forever the testimony of others in The Book Of Life enables us to put together a fairly good transcript of their life.  Small details may be left out, but the basic information will be there to let us know why they were destroyed forever.  Nothing can be hidden from me, no matter how much the living keep it a secret.  Sooner or later someone is going to die that knows the truth and it will be entered into The Book Of Life.  Sometimes it takes us a while, but we always have the truth. 
    People say "You can't do this!  You can't make a person incriminate themselves."  We're not!  We don't!  If someone wants to walk away from my Kingdom they have every right to.  That is entirely up to them.  But in order to enter into it they have to record their life in The Book Of Life. That is our way.  Those that can't and go out in the Darkness then suffer the second death, that is not my fault, it is theirs.  They were given eternal life. They were given a soul that would glorify them forever.  If they chose to destroy it, that is their choice. But I must have the truth in all things, in all matters.  Some things I do not hold in such rebuke as people think I do. Other things I find far more offensive than people think.  That's the problem with being God!  Sometimes you just can't compromise, you just can't say "Aw, that's forgivable!" because it isn't.  I cannot forgive this ignorant politician that would destroy everything we're working for by saying he'd shut down the department of education, trying to please a handful of uncaring people.  Sorry, can't do it!  Won't do it!  Not a prayer of it!  I will not support anyone that would do evil to get in office, and abandoning our children, throwing them away to win a few votes I'm sorry!  That's totally unacceptable. This man will never enter my Kingdom. Such ignorance is totally unforgivable. Well, maybe if he withdrew from the campaign and put his full support behind my servant we might work something out. But I guarantee you, around my servant he'd better show more common sense!  Because my servant has no use for ignorance, no use for stupidity!  So if people want the rewards I offer, they're there and they will be there. 
    I've even got some rather strange rewards to offer.  Some of the races out there in the stars would like certain people to spend a lifetime among their people.  Such heroes as those who help bring down The Catholic Church might be among those they would invite. I know it sounds rather strange, but heroes are very popular out there.  These people do not think the human race will survive, even with the help of The Angelic Hosts. They think they're doomed.  If the human race proves them wrong, they would be joyous to have some of them visit and bring their power among them.  Now, only the ignorant would say that this is impossible, that I created life only on Earth and there's no other races out there.  Anybody so stupid as to think that, well, he doesn't deserve any position of authority, any position of power!  We're not allowed to absolutely prove it, we can't let extra terrestrials land in Washington.  Hundreds of thousands of people would be committing suicide because their egos would be destroyed.  But everybody knows they're out there, anyone that has a brain and is not lost in his inflated ego that his particular race is the most glorious of all.  And anyone that thinks that does have an inflated ego, one that will probably destroy him. 
    But I offer you greatness, I offer you, through your wife, an entire world to guide and protect and have its children glorify me.  I'm perfectly capable of offering this.  I need my daughters' help, but I can do it!  And anyone that says I can't, well, whatever they've been popping in their mouth has flushed their brain down the toilet, or, whatever they've been snorting up their nose. Their wasted anyway! 
    Now that I've made a hundred thousand enemies I'd better go do  some other things. Trying to make it possible for my servant to give out those rewards and only he would be able to do it. If somebody else says they can, they're toast, they're eternally fried! 

He That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
And Wishes To Dwell
In The Holiness Of
Los Angeles For A While

    You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and