An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

04-11-02 AJ

Greetings My Son!

    Sometimes I really wish that people would listen to me!  I'm asked again "How can you tolerate the violence in Oakland?"  I do not!  I desire that all demonstrations remain peaceful. Unfortunately there's some really hurt people out there that have been severely abused by this government, used and abandoned for their perverted lust so they can push their agenda.  I wish there wasn't!  I wish there weren't such bad feelings, but they're there, and they cannot always be controlled. Those who are committing violent acts must be dealt with  accordingly. I support the Oakland city government and, its police in that completely, as does my servant.  But the peaceful part of the protests should not be interfered with, that simple!  The people have a right to complain.  I still say their best course of action is to add The Christmas Buyer's Strike to their efforts and give my candidate credit for bringing it forward and starting it.  That is the best hope they have of defeating this filth in The White House.  The greatest weapons they have are their pocketbooks and their refusal to use them.  If all the companies that have put on extra workers for the holiday season have to let them go because the stores are empty, people are going to be screaming!  I want The Supreme Court to take immediate action on the health care bill, to declare it unconstitutional, illegal, that no president can force American citizens to buy health insurance, that the whole program has to be scrapped because of this, and, done over again,  then I want to work on my servant's voucher program that will create no government bureaucracy,  use The IRS to distribute the funds to the people that need them, no insurance czar, no insurance commission, no bureaucracy.  No more government workers.  We'll use the existing insurance companies to provide for the American people, with a few laws to make it so they have to, much simpler, much easier. 
    We want to get rid of a lot of the bureaucracy.  Too much of it is just redundant.  My servant will do it because he's not tied to any government organizations.  He has no loyalty to anyone.  He won't worry about keeping their jobs so he can make appointees.  He will be the kind of person the people want, somebody that's owing to no one, supporting no one. Those that need to go will go.  Programs that are totally unnecessary will be scrapped.  Waste will be gotten rid of, rather it supports some senator or not.  He will do the hard things because he will be a servant of the people, not the government! 
    I tell you truthfully, he is the one you need, and he is the one you should be supporting. Our goal is simple. do so much good, make my servant so popular both in The United States and, overseas, that Obama will be begging him to come to The White House and negotiate some compromises.  Then my servant can tell him to go to hell!  We won't lie about it, we won't disguise it, that is our goal!  Our goal is to gather all the people that really want to serve America, not just use the presidency to enrich themselves, defeat The Democrats and their special elite that they feel should rule the world by using the true elite that believe in serving mankind, not using them. 
    Again, I state very clearly, I do not support violence, and I support the police dealing with any violent person.  But I also support peaceful demonstration and the people's right to gather and express their grievances.  The Oppose people have legitimate grievances with the executives of these big companies and, the government that has used them bitterly.  I call out to them, I tell them that I bring forth a man, a common man, but a man with tremendous power and wisdom who they should support.  Because he will fight for them!  Though he is asking the support of The Republican Party and though I am asking it, he will fight any corruption in that party.  He will not accept corruption anywhere.  He will try to purify The Republican Party, get those out of it filled with lust and greed, and make it an instrument of my glory. 
    Again, he sends an offer to Mr. Cain.  He is appalled by the obvious racial attacks against him.  It is sad that he would have no chance of winning the election so my servant again, offers him the position of secretary of commerce if he'll discontinue his campaign and support his, start campaigning for him.  Help him get on the ballot in the primaries.  His business experience would be invaluable to my servant, someone who had to work through the government bureaucracy would be very beneficial to help him find the things that need to be changed, and the things that need to be gotten rid of.  I, too, think that they could do great things together.  I want to put together such a team, such a force behind my servant that they can really accomplish things.  So I ask your help.  I ask your support.  Because I have put you in a position to give that support, to help us win this battle.  We can do it!  No matter how much some people think we can't, I know we can!  I'm The Lord Of Hosts!  What I know usually comes to pass.  Once and a while the creatures of Darkness manage to delay us for a time,  manage to really foul things up, but in the end I'm the one that's victorious. Haven't failed yet!  With your support we could win again and send these perverts where they belong. 
   Believe it or not many homosexuals are actually with me!  Because they know sooner or later, the people are going to turn against the public acceptance and they want someone in office that's going to protect them as long as they remain quiet.  My servant is that someone and they know it.  They know though he can never accept them he is also the best hope they have.  I know it sounds strange, but it's true.  They're scared to death of these act up people, these people that are out in the streets saying "Let me have your children.  Let me teach them our way."  They know that if they're not stopped they're going to cause a blood bath, and hundreds of thousands of homosexuals are going to be butchered.  My servant doesn't want that, I don't want that, and I don't think you want that.  However,  it's growing closer every day, unless we stop it now.  In the present situation its inevitable unless common sense can return. 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and