An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

05-10-02 AJ

Greetings My Son!

    How do you like my little effort with India and Afghanistan? Pretty good work, huh?  Who says this old God still ain't got it?  May have some other interesting things coming soon, too!  I simply love upsetting the ignorant. 
    Now, what I really want to talk to you about. China.  Now, I fully understand your legislation. I fully understand what you're trying to do to get them to float their currency. I'd like to get them to do that too, and several other things that would be very beneficial to my servant's campaign. I think the best thing we have to offer is the contract to build the starship Alura.  This is going to be a very expensive process.  We're going to be putting a lot of effort into it, a lot of scientific research and such, long before the ship is actually built.  Now, if The Republican Party would assist us in some co ventures to raise funds for this effort, or encourage The Chinese to do so, and accept the contract, discussing the other things that we would like them to do to show my power and my servant's ability, this would be very beneficial to the entire world.  I still want The Chinese to publish the History of my servant's People in Chinese and English, and have the funds from these projects go to support the Chinese, North Korean, and Japanese protector.  We desperately need the North Korean protector!  She has a power that is vital to us, and essential for our success.  She would be fortified by the other protectors from Asia, and I believe, the Chinese protector would take over for her when her four years of service is done, empowering my servant through  the second four years of his term. Chairman Mao wants this very much. 
    The little things we are asking for the world that we will be offering in return would be very small.  The recognizing of Taiwan as an independent nation, the recognizing of Tibet as an independent nation, and the removal of Chinese colonists and troops, restoring the nation to The Tibetans. The sacrifices of these tiny pieces of territory to gain an entire world I think, is acceptable.  It is my effort, my intention, to have my servant win The Nobel Peace Prize next year.  If The Chinese would help us with that, their glorification would be unquestioned!  It would certainly bring my servant not only American notice, but international notice, as well.   
     The situation that The Democrats have put us in by allowing this trade imbalance to occur is going to be difficult to solve without going to our ways.   We are offering very valuable rewards for the service that we are requesting, rewards we are perfectly capable of providing, and people know it!  But they are afraid of admitting that their forebears made some mistakes.  That handicap may well destroy the entire human race.  All that it might take is a few words from you, a call to the Chinese ambassador saying "You know Speaker Gerald Polley, God's candidate for the presidency, is making some offers to you that I feel are totally legitimate, that your people should seriously consider.  It may help resolve our problems and insure China a prosperous future.  I am sure, as time goes on, he will be able to offer other things.  The power and prestige that China will have in the future will be considerable for a little common sense and help now.  A trade war between us would be unfortunate and may well destroy the human race. Couldn't you at least send someone to negotiate with Speaker Polley?  He would prefer a female.  China and The United States could make history together, could go to the stars together. Or, we can destroy each other. The choice is ours.  I, personally would prefer to journey with The Chinese People to the stars." 
    Now, would that really be an unreasonable message?  Would it be something that difficult to say?  The Republicans have the power.  They can save the world if they support my servant.  People are going to be very unhappy when they're watching their children starving to death because there's nothing left to eat. They're going to be saying "The Republicans in The United States could've stopped this!  They had God's power, they had His strength, but they rejected it.  What fools they were!"  That would be kind of unpleasant, wouldn't it?

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant,  Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and