An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

03-10-02 AJ

Greetings To One Of My Most Powerful Sons Who Has The Opportunity To Save The Human Race And Take My Children To The Stars!

    Our dear Alice does not believe we can succeed by speaking the truth.  But this is the only way that we can succeed.  Here are her comments and my reply.

    "You guys always say that your views on homosexuality is the reason why no one wants to listen to you on videos, letters and emails etc. to the world. But it is NOT the homosexual reason that is doing it, that is only a minor topic compared to everything else you are saying. Channeling God, Lennon, Jackson, etc. Reincarnation of you being Biblical people, calling anything you own powerful artifacts equal if not to the Shroud of Turin. Wanting to be president, wanting to be a Cardinal and a Bishop for a while, wanting to be a 3 star general for a while, wanting to get the Pope or Arnold or his wife to drive a moving truck to California with you, trying to rub elbows with famous people and foreign leaders as if you too are in their category, wanting to go to Israel, wanting to go to Africa, being from another planet, making people think you are the center of the universe, a winged creature, God giving parts of other planets to people in 1,000 years with equal power to his own if they listen and give you your way, building a space ship, trying to get foreign counties to buy stuff of yours, and all the other things you say you are or want to be for decades. THAT is why people are not listening to you, THAT is why no one will ever take anything you say to any degree of being serious. Am I being harsh? yeah I am, only because you can't seem to see the real reasons for people ignoring you or not giving you what you want. You're not going to change, and neither is anyone else going to see you in any other light except as two crazy people with the goal of wanting to have fame on some huge unimaginable scale. You know this, you would be the first to agree that most of anything you say is too far out there for anyone on Earth to actually believe in. Earth is set up as it is, there are no political leaders on Earth that would be able to relate to your wants and needs. You do have some good ideas for the world I grant you that, but the rest of the world can't understand you so nothing happens for you. Sorry this is the way it is in this world, but there is less free thinkers in the world now than there ever has been. Everyone that is running this world are locked in their own boxes, they can't get outside of the box any longer to think on their own. It is very sad !"

     Dear one, I disagree with you completely!  I believe many of the world's leaders that are aware of our messages sincerely believe that we are capable of delivering what we promise and would like to take advantage of what we are offering.  But they do not know how to deal with the hate that would be generated among their people when they realize that what they have been taught for generations is completely false.  They are afraid that it might destroy their societies.  This is a problem that we are aware of.  But we have no choice.  We have no hope of saving my children except by following the avenue that we are proceeding on.  If we try to take any side street we will lose them.  We must go directly ahead and give the people the absolute truth, not hiding who we are and what we have to do.  It is the only chance we have.  The Pope  knows we're true, but he cannot bring himself to admit that he did wrong protecting his boyfriends, and keeping them in the church.  And he does not want the world to know that his priests drove away Jesus.  He would sacrifice the entire human race for his vanity.  He would throw everything away and let everything on Earth perish to keep the cardinals and bishops in the church that he knows should have been gone long ago.  We are fighting dark forces.  But we can only fight them our way.  Unfortunately, the only way we can prove what we're saying will be if the world starts to die.  And then it will be too late. The majority of my children will be doomed.  My world will be lost.  So we have to keep trying.  We have to keep reaching out until all hope is gone.  We have to offer what we have.  There are those that want it, but it is difficult for them to get the courage to take it.  But the power is growing.  We just hope it can come fast enough!  But there are those that believe.  They know we're true.  They just can't bring themselves to admit it for very foolish reasons.  It is going to be a sad epitaph for the current Pope when somewhere on some world a record is kept that in his foolishness he destroyed the human race. 

    I will tell you what I have been doing the last couple of days so you can understand my purpose.  I have been visiting the leaders of The Arab World, every Islamic nation, especially Syria.  I want The Syrians to put out the American ambassador, and the entire embassy staff for interfering with the internal affairs of their country.  I want them to declare if Hillary Clinton ever sets foot on their territory again she will be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity, that her diplomatic status will not be recognized because of the deaths she has caused by orchestrating these rebellions in Islamic countries.  I want every other Islamic country to do the same thing.  Then I want all the oil producing nations to start selling oil to The United States, Great Britain, France and Italy at $110 a barrel, while cutting the price to China by $2.00 below the current price.  And I want them to tell the world that they are doing this on behalf of Speaker Gerald Polley, God's candidate for the presidency of The United States.  And they will return the price of oil to normal when President Obama is impeached for his illegal war in Libya, and, the murder of Libyan children to push his agenda. 
    I'll tell you openly what I'm trying to do, what I am trying to get The Islamic People to do to protect themselves.  We won't hide our efforts.  I want the oil producing nations to show the world that they believe in my promises and the promises of my servant.  For the promises that he makes are my promises, because he is my representative on Earth, my voice among my children.  Whatever he expresses are my wishes.  He would never say anything that I disapprove of. 
    We will do all in our power to bring down Obama.  If we can reach The Islamic People and turn them against him, we will. This is our right, and we will do what what we have to do to protect our children.  This is perfectly legal. I can reach out to anyone I please, suggest that they do whatever I please, and offer them whatever rewards I please.  I am The Lord Of Hosts. My servant speaks for me but I do the work, I oppose my children's enemies.  When he's at his full power he's a tremendous help, I can relax and take it easy!  But while he isn't I will do all in my power to bring down this filth!  He is calling the American people criminals because they will not buy his health insurance. I cannot understand why the people do not rise against him!  He is trying to make their sons and daughters serve with the insane and be molested by perverts, which we will not allow.  Even if my servant is silenced that will not stop me!  I will continue to attack!  It will only make my attacks more vicious. So the more the homosexual media blocks us out and keeps us from being heard, the more I will attack. 
    This is how things are, and this is how they will always be. You are one of my greatest sons. You could assist me.  You could send a simple message to the king of Syria and tell him "I believe the messages being sent to you by Speaker Polley, God's candidate for the presidency of The United States are true.  I believe you should follow his advice, even if it is contrary to the wishes of our current president.  I believe my country has no right to overthrow your government."  Such a simple message as that would give me a far better chance of succeeding in my efforts. 
    I am asked constantly not to forsake America, not to attack it.  I cannot answer that request until decency returns to America, until the cheating, lying Democrats are put out of office, and, The Republicans that support homosexuality.  My servant makes it very clear.  He will not have homosexuals around him, he will not have insanity preached to his children.  Anyone that supports it will be put out of his service.  If they keep it private he will respect them, and let them serve. But the moment they start sodomizing children he will stop them!  I believe you understand this.  I believe you realize the need for this.  It is hard, yes. You want to be fair, you want to let them speak.  You want them to be accepted. But there are some things that cannot be accepted.  Those who turn against my perfection are lost forever, and they cannot drag others down with them. This is hard, this is difficult, but it is what must be done. 
    I have offered you a great reward. That offer is true.  Because if you serve me you will earn it.  Those who no longer believe, those who say I have no power any more will be shown.  We do not want to be bitter, we do not want to be hard, but we will not allow our children to be destroyed.  You have the power to help me.  You have the power to say "God still exists, God is still here!  God can still do wonders.  We might not like some of the things He says, but He is still God.  He is still the Ruler Of This World.  He is still our Righteousness."  Just a little support from you and we can win.  And we must win! 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and