An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
The Leader Of The House Of Representatives

07-10-02 AJ

Greetings My Son!

    Well, as you know, I'm still at it, still concentrating my main efforts in The Middle East, trying to undo what Obama has done. We desperately need a young lady from Syria and from Saudi Arabia to be courier/protectors, though my servant still has great problems with the one from Saudi Arabia, and we are still trying to reach China. My servant spoke to you about that yesterday. 
    The need to take action on some things right now is really serious!  And one of the things that is troubling everyone is the matter of drug addicts getting payments for disability because they can't work.  This is enraging the people!  It has bothered my servant for some time because his nephew is an addict and is receiving payments, and the only problem he has is he's totally and completely lazy!  He has spent most of his life in prison because he prefers to have people take care of him than work.   When he's out of prison he does nothing but take drugs paid for with tax payers' dollars.  My servant thinks this should stop, not just to his nephew, but to all drug addicts throughout the country. American tax payers should not be funding the Mexican cartels.   So this is something I would like the house and senate to work on right now, and I'd like my servant to be given credit for.  If there's any way I would like you to put the legislation forward in his name so the world will know it is his idea, that he's trying to help right now. 
    This total insanity of funding drug addicts is beyond my understanding!  And I have a very great understanding!  But I cannot imagine how anyone came up with this insanity!   We cannot fund addiction!  We cannot support it.  No matter how much some lazy people want to have their wayward children taken care of  it's not the responsibility of other people to fund their habits.  This is something the tax payers should not be asked to do!   I firmly believe in work programs in prison so that the inmates pay for their own support, and states are not burdened with dead weight. Some people will say "Oh, you can't say that!  These people are helpless!  They can't control themselves. They're not dead weight!"  Well, that's certainly a matter of opinion, but people that are absolutely useless living on the state are a burden that the public should not have. 
    People cannot expect other people to take care of their losers, those they failed to bring up properly, or who some drug dealer destroyed.  People have to take their own responsibilities.  If they have someone in their family that prefers to shoot up all day, or snort all day, and refuses to work, it's up to them to take care of them, not the public.   Get them in rehab and get them living lives again.  I am being very blunt, but I have to be.  Because this sickness is dragging down the whole world, not just The United States, but everywhere.  And people have to take action before it's too late!  It's that simple. We just can't stand by and let these drug addicts destroy the world because they're lazy and useless.  Some people will say "Oh!  Some people that use drugs accomplish great things!" Those great things are wiped away by what they destroy.  It is up to private agencies to take care of those that simply will not function in society, not the government, not the people.  Those who are legitimately disabled need to be taken care of.  The dead weight, the useless, must be gotten rid of. We simply can't afford to take care of them, and people should not be required to. We've got to stop supporting the drug dealers! 
    I'm sure you can come up with some legislation.  I'm sure you can attack the problem.  But we've got to stop the tax payer's dollars flowing over the border into Mexico.  The Democrats won't like it because a lot of their relatives are drawing payments.  But it must be stopped! You are our power in Washington right now.  You should lead the way to stopping it.  As I say, I would like my servant given credit for bringing forth the proposal and making the problem known to you, though probably others have.  But we will never solve the problem on the border without doing something about the addicts, the lazy and the useless that are destroying everyone. 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and