An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Republican Leader Of The House Of Representatives

29-10-02 AJ

    I cannot tell you how sorrowful I am that the governor of Tennessee has turned into one of Obama's Gestapo.  This fills me with profound sadness.  One comment that has been made that has really disturbed me is the one which went "We cannot control the current situation because a criminal element has joined the demonstrators, the local homeless people who are stealing from others protesting."  Now, let me get this straight, Mr. Governor, the people that The Democrats have driven from their homes and given no place to go with their policies are criminals?  I think not, sir!   I think they're victims of you and those like you.  I do not believe you are fit to serve! 
     I am asked "What should the people of Tennessee do?"  If the people of Tennessee are honorable they will stand with those legally protesting, rather their governor wants it or not.  I want them to join The Christmas Buyer's Strike but I also want them to begin a general buyer's strike until this piece of filth that they call a governor resigns.  Make no major purchases.  If you have to make a major purchase go out of state and make it as much as possible.  But buy nothing in Tennessee.  Buy only canned meats and canned vegetables. Do not buy fresh produce, fresh meat.  Let it rot in the stores!  Send a message to the major companies in Tennessee.  "You don't support us, we won't buy your products!  You try to enslave us, you give us dictators to rule us that do not respect our rights, and we'll put you out of business!"  Make the businesses in Tennessee support you by not supporting them.  It's a simple strategy but very effective. If the major department stores are going bankrupt because the people simply won't buy they're going to be screaming for the governor to take action.  Your wallet and  your pocketbook are the greatest weapons that you have. Stand up and say no to tyranny!  Stand up and say no to your neighbors being abused!  Demand that all persons that have been arrested be immediately released unless they have committed legitimate crimes, and demand that this illegal curfew be lifted that has been put in place only to quell the demonstrations. 
    I would like the people of Tennessee to lead the country in the defense of their rights, and not let their corrupt governor take them away.  He says he can't perform his duties, if he can't perform his duties get rid of him!  This is what I say to the people of Tennessee.  And I ask you, as my servant, to help me get the message to them, to say no.  A Republican leader cannot violate the law, put in illegal statutes to take away the people's rights!  As a leader of The Republican Party you will speak against it and encourage the people to resist.  I hope you will mention on my behalf. 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and  

FOOTNOTE: We couldn't even get this finished without receiving a request from the governor's supporters that he be given some avenue of withdrawal.  They say he is basically a good person and would be useful in our cause.  Well, I am a just and loving God.  If the governor stops the harassment of the demonstrators and asks major businesses in the area to support their demonstration I see no reason why we can't be merciful.  If the governor was to come forward and offer his wife's services as my candidate's campaign manager in Tennessee, I might even be able to offer him a reward, and the people of Tennessee a reward.  I would much prefer that to putting him out of my Kingdom with all who follow him. As I say I am a loving God.  It grieves me to hurt my children, to have to punish them.  It causes me great distress.  So if this person was to see reason I would be delighted!  Actually I would be overjoyed. So I give him this opportunity.  Support us, and be glorified.  I guarantee him, it's a much better course  of action than the one he's now following, much better!