An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

30-09-02 AJ

     Well, my son, some good news this morning!  We no longer have to worry about Anwar al-Awlaki!  At least some of the millions that Obama is spending has accomplished something!  But I do have to salute those who destroyed this creature of Darkness.  My servant will take care of what's left when he gets an opportunity, but with his physical form destroyed his power is greatly diminished.  As they all do, sooner or later, this foul thing will make a mistake and get into a position where my servant can corner it and send it to oblivion. 
    We still do not know how long the power we have to directly destroy demons will last, and we return to the situation where the best thing you can do is beat the living hell out of them, literally, so they have to crawl into a hole somewhere, and regenerate for 30 or 40 years.  It gets them out of the way, but we'd much rather be able to destroy them outright. 
    We've been asked "Isn't there any way of getting this power to stay?"  Well, we don't know how it even works!  Our dear Elgard was the first one to be able to use it and then, John Lennon, but we still don't understand how it's working.  It's pretty difficult sometimes when everything has obeyed certain rules for hundreds of thousands of years, when you could predict things right to the minute, and now things are so totally unpredictable!  We're really not complaining!  The power to destroy demons is well worth the unpredictability.  And we are seriously hurting them.  People are saying we'll know we've won when the power disappears. Let us hope they're right. 
   I must continue to warn you that the continuing support of The Republicans for those that are attacking social security is continuing to be the greatest weapon that Obama has.  It will defeat us!  And there simply is no one among the Republican candidates that has the public's trust, even if they were to do some phenomenal things for the public, it would not be enough.  Their nature to promise one thing and do another just makes them unelectable.  Palin continuing to support her anti abortion fanaticism is also having Obama jump up and down in glee.  We reported some time ago that she will never enter my Kingdom because she caused the destruction of a soul, caused a young woman to fail in her mission and it caused her such grief that it destroyed her forever.  The public feels this.  They know this. They might not speak of it but it tints her and makes her unelectable.  The best thing these people can do is support my candidate.  There might yet be a chance for her and her daughter to have eternal life, but they would have to work at it.  It would not be easy for them. 
    I'm constantly asked can't I be merciful?  No. There's some things beyond my ability, some things I cannot forgive.  I can offer hope, but not with me.  There are some things I cannot forgive, and even the blood of Christ cannot wash away.  The destruction of one of my children by those that speak blasphemy is beyond my bearing.  I cannot forgive!  I must give such as these over to others in the hope that they can get them to see reason, do what is right and have eternal life elsewhere.  But they can never have it with me. 
   Well, I'm rambling on here!  I wanted to tell you I am very displeased with Hillary Clinton's attack on The Syrians when they're fighting back against the American ambassador's efforts to  destroy their country.  I cannot understand why The Islamic People have any American diplomats in their countries, whatsoever. It's a mystery to me why they haven't ordered them all to leave!  I have encouraged it for some time.  And I will do all in my power to use my influence to keep any further sanctions from being put on Syria.  Obama's uprisings must fail!  Somehow we need to win back Libya and Egypt.  All that was planned for them is important, especially  Egypt.  They have forever lost their glory, forever forsaken what they could have been.  And they will be punished.  I would prefer to have my servant do it during his administration and not have to do it our way.  It's just a matter of expending power.  We want to use the power for other things. 
    Tell me, if my servant was president and he declared Egypt a terrorist state, could he forbid all travel to it, or would he have to get the consent of congress?  A curiosity.  But I'd like an expert's opinion.  And, too, I'd like to know how much we can save by ending our relationship with The United Nations.  How much will that benefit the American public if we stop paying dues and withdraw our ambassador and his staff, or, hers?  It's something The Republicans could be pushing in the campaign.  I tell you, there's a good many Americans that are fed up with The UN, fed up with their political games.  A president of The UN saying that American men are primitive, backwood savages because they will not accept homosexuality has ended it for my servant!  He wouldn't talk to any of their people!  He doesn't waste his time with garbage!  And anyone that says something like that is garbage, no matter what people think of him, no matter how smart people think he is. When he insults decent people because they don't accept his lifestyle, he's garbage!  We'll admit it, we'll tell the world we have no use for him, or, any like him. My servant won't have anything to do with them! 
    Oh, there's something else I'd like to know.  Does The United States have a permanent envoy to The Vatican?  Do you pay someone to represent us there?  Would really like to know.
    See, you've got all the information.  But just do me one favor. Start asking around.  Start asking influential people if they'd really like to be done with The UN, if they think we should stop wasting our money.  Just ask around, privately if you want to.  But just find out how many American men are tired of being insulted, are tired of being called crap because they don't accept filth. You might be surprised what you'd find! 
   There won't be any regular message today.  I'm only taking the time to talk to you because of your importance.  Linda will be trying again to make the video.  The technicians at Toshiba in the Philippines helped her unscramble what Microsoft messed up.  I tell you my servant is fed up!  When he has the financial resources there will be no microsoft products in his computers.  He's just tired of this stupidity, of the so called experts that can't make anything that works, that makes every good product they have useless!  There's gotta be some systems out there that are less susceptible to hackers and don't jam everything up every five minutes.  Every time they fix one thing they knock everything else out of whack! 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

  You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and