An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

14-10-02 AJ

Greetings To One Of My Most Illustrious Sons!

    I cannot tell you the opportunities you have for greatness, especially with the ignorance of those you are opposing.  The comments of the Obama administration that it's not The United States' responsibility to deal with the attempted assassination of the Saudi ambassador on American soil, that it's up to The Saudis to deal with this, is so embarrassing to the American people that I cannot understand why they are not crying out in anger.  If The United States will not protect foreign diplomats on their soil, they have lost all honor, all prestige, all dignity!  When the ambassador of another country is on our soil it is our responsibility to see to his safety, or, hers!  That is a matter of absolute honor.  It is an unquestioned duty!  If the United States will not protect those under their care The United States no longer has any power.  It has ceased to be a viable nation.  To say that The United States is not responsible in this situation is asinine and childish.  Obama said he was attacking Libya for humanitarian reasons and now says he will not defend a foreign diplomat on our soil, that it's not his responsibility?  The man does not deserve to be in office, the man does not deserve to be called the president of The United States. He commits an illegal war over nothing, then won't act on a legitimate cause.  He is such a farce that we cannot understand why the people do not rise against him!
    Our plan is the best solution to put ultimate pressure on Iran and make them return the individuals involved in this plot and, in the earlier murder of  an Iranian dissident on American soil.  This international criminality will end!  These people that think they can commit any crime in my name and get away with it will be stopped!  And my servant is the person to stop them. He won't play, he won't fool around, he will take action! 
    Now, I have to speak on something very difficult.  The question of torture has arisen again.  As we will not lie on any issue we will tell the public what we intend to do in all things.  I must inform you now that when my servant becomes president torture will not be allowed by the American military, by The CIA, or by any contractor working for the American government.  Any persons found to be involved in torture will be turned over to the government of the country where the torture has taken place with the recommendation that they be tried and if they are found guilty, hung. 
    Torture will not be permitted!  We are not a barbaric state.  We are not animals.  We will not behave like animals.  All prisoners will be treated with dignity and respect.  If it is found they should be executed they will be executed humanely.  But there will be no indignity and no torture.  If a man connected with American forces, or, a woman, starves an Islamic woman and then forces her to eat pork that person will be put to death when their crime is exposed. 
    There is a sickness in the American nature that must be dealt with, the feeling that some have a right to torment others to amuse themselves.  It will not be allowed any more!  We warn the world, we will not tolerate it with any working with us.  Those who are my servants do not injure others for their pleasure.  Something will have to be done about the torture that has already occurred.  My servant will try to come up with a system that if people come forth, admit this was going on, and give details so others can be found and prosecuted, a type of amnesty might be provided where they would continue to serve The United States in some out of the way place, and when they retire find accommodations there under the protection of the American  government. But they would never be allowed positions of great authority again.  This would apply to all individuals, both military and civilian contractors. 
    We are people that seek the truth, but if confession is given and the people truly understand what they did was wrong, we will be merciful.  It is our nature, especially if those responsible give the rest of their lives in service to those they have offended.  It is much better than imprisoning them or, executing them.  It also gives them a chance for eternal life. So it is the way we prefer.  So those that come forward would be treated with dignity.  Those that try to hide, those that try to escape will be offered no such mercy when they are found.  This is something we have to be absolutely clear on.  There is no excuse for this behavior, no way it can be accepted!  Those that hurt others for their pleasure are unacceptable, no excuses! 
    Now, the matter of the protesters.  Some are being told they have to temporarily end their protests so the areas they are occupying can be cleaned.  This is reasonable, as long as they are allowed to return after that cleaning takes place.  As long as they are cooperating, as long as they are nonviolent they should be allowed to express their opinion.  The United States is not Iran.  So I would appreciate it if you would make it known to the American people that this is the opinion of The Republican Party on this matter, and especially the opinion of my candidate.  As long as protests are peaceful the people have a right to carry them out.  Once the protest becomes violent, becomes a riot, then the authorities will have to act. . That is why my servant cannot glorify those who took part in the riots at Kent State.  They became violent, they were destroying private and public property which is unacceptable.  They should not be praised as heroes, despite the tragic conclusion of that incident. 
    We will support the right of protesters with our blood.  But we will not support the right of rioters.  That is our way, and it will never change.  So I desire you send a message to both the civil governments and the protesters in my name.  Keep it peaceful.  That's all I ask.  Then I can support you with every fiber of my being. Turn violent, attack people, attack property, and I will not support you. 
    Now, I have rambled on, but I think what I have said is important.  I will make one final request of you.  Bring Obama's job bill to a vote, defeat it, then announce you are supporting The Christmas Buyer's Strike put forth by my candidate.  I'd really appreciate it! 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and