An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The United States House Of Representatives

17-10-02 AJ

    And a damned good one, in my opinion!  I'd really like your help on something.  I want to get ahold of The Syrians and ask them what they think of my little counter protests in The United States.  I'm sure they're making Obama nervous.  He's desperately trying to find some way to shut them down.  I want you to make sure you do everything legal to keep him from doing so.  If the Wall Street Protesters are shut out of public parks, get court orders insisting they be allowed to use them.  If they're treated unfairly by corporations see that those corporations get severe warnings that they'd better play fair.  Siding with the people is the best thing The Republicans can do.
    Now, Linda's got a new song, well it's a remake but it's a good one that we'd like to have these people singing.  How about getting some Republican Committees around the country where these demonstrations are taking place, to run off some copies and hand them out in the name of a Republican presidential candidate and also encourage them to join The Christmas Buyer's Strike?

    We've just found out the local Lowe's is shutting down, not getting enough business.  Good many people going out of work.  One of the paper mills nearby is laying off 1500 people.  Obama isn't creating jobs, he's destroying them!  We have to get rid of Obama Care!  We can't wait two years, we have to get rid of it now!  The Supreme Court should immediately declare it's unconstitutional, that a petty tyrant can't force the American public to buy something against their wishes! 
    There's still time for you to march with me through San Francisco and condemn the homosexual movement.  There's still time to reach out to Maria Shriver and try to win her to our cause.  The reward I offer is great, power and glory equal to my own and a world of her own for the people of California. Pretty good payment for a few years of service!  And of course we still want her husband.  We'd like Arnold to gather a cast, get some sponsors and make one of my servant's stories into a movie, donate the proceeds to the social security fund for the disabled.  We want to show people what good leaders can do.  I want him to be my servant's secretary of defense.  If he was marching with me through San Francisco supporting the return of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," then it would be a glorious beginning.  With him and his wife campaigning for my servant in California, the chances of us winning would be greatly increased!  If they were to raise the funds to bring my servant to California, to Los Angeles, so we can run our campaign from there, and he can draw on the power of the people of California while I draw on the power here in Maine, we could accomplish wonders! 
    People say my loan idea wouldn't work, that we could never raise enough.  I want to prove them wrong!  I want to prove to the world that we can run a presidential campaign, defeat a creature of Darkness like Obama, and then ten years later, after the money has been used to support our president, it will be given back to the people, that it will benefit every state. 
    Of course my servant wants to do a lot of other good things, too, like setting up a trust fund to help pay the salary of the mayor of New York and lessening the burden on the tax payers. Now, is that really a bad idea? Is that something you would oppose?  He would also like to set up trust funds to pay the property taxes of teachers, an incentive to have them stay in a community and educate our most important resource.  There's all kinds of good things that he wants to do.  Of course there's The Palestinian Homeland.  With a little bit of support we could do it. 
    If The CEOs of these major companies know he's going to be president they might be willing to listen to his proposals, make the offers he'd like to have them make.  That's why the Wall Street protesters should be supporting him.  He doesn't want to make the rich help, but he'd like to get them to help of their own free will.  Because that's our way, that's my way, that's what I like to do. And with just a little bit of help we could accomplish our purposes.  We can make this a better world!  You have the power to do it by getting ahold of the chairman of The Republican Committee and saying "Come on!  Let's be fair!  Let's give God's candidate a chance.  You never know, their way might work!"
    Get some volunteers. Form his election committees. Gather some loans. Let's make history!  You can do it!  You can give Obama a slap in the face!  He'll look at what you're doing and know he's finished, because our power is rising, we're gaining our strength and he's going to be through.  Get ahold of The Bushes, tell them "You know, you're missing a great opportunity.  God wants you to be the most powerful people in the world.  He wants you to make history.  And He's sent somebody to help. You really ought to talk to him!"  We'd have The Democrats reeling, we'd have them crying and wailing! 
     We've got to use what comes to our hands. These protesters want to do something about corporate greed. My servant's the man that can do it!  So how about giving us a hand?  Tell the world there's another candidate, a candidate who has different ideas, different ways of doing things that aren't necessarily bad ways.  Let's give 'im a try!  Let's give him to the people! 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and