An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
God's Candidate For The First Lady Of The United States In 2,012
To The Mosques And Synagogues In The United States
And The World

27-09-02 AJ

    In my letter to The Knesset of Israel I explained that I am the reincarnation of Sarah, The Mother Of Israel.

    People constantly ask do I have any memories of this lifetime.  Yes, not many but I remember being in a tent, waited on hand and foot, everybody pampered me and they loved me.
    People also ask if I've ever had any other lifetimes with my husband besides the one as Sarah.  Well, those are almost uncountable!  I was the first among our people to take on human form and was his human wife when we first came to Earth, then before I was Sarah I was Durga known as The Goddess Of War, and we were in many a scrap together.  Unfortunately Gerald also got involved with my twin sister Kali, and that has created age old problems.
    However, I haven't always been his wife. During New Testament Times I was his mother and the head of the secret society to which he belonged.  I knew Mary, Jesus' Mother, and Mary Magdalene, His wife.  When he stood with Martin Luthor against the creature of Darkness that had taken over The Catholic Church I was his sister.  So we have shared many relationships together.  Unlike my husband I have not splintered off my human existences and made them separate individuals.  So to say we've been around a long time is an understatement! 
  I am writing you today to tell you how much I want to serve my people as I served them before.  I'm asking you to support my husband's campaign for the presidency, to help in any way you can.  He is running as a Republican candidate.  He will be a completely honest president, never saying he'll support one thing then changing his mind to back another issue.  He has many plans to help the economy, including one that will help raise money for the social security disability fund.  He wants to sponsor his own campaign, not taking any funds, but raising them himself with co ventures concerning the books and stories he has written and his music.  You can see samples of these things on our web site.

   We need to form committees in every state.  We have to do everything we can to stop Obama.  If we don't he will literally destroy the world. 
   My husband is trying to start a Christmas Buyer's Strike, which would take no time to stop Obama in his tracks.  If even a small amount of people didn't buy Christmas presents this year, or decorations, it would really hurt the economy and Obama would be in disgrace. 
    I want to be an active First Lady, always out in the field working on projects, not just sitting around in The White House looking pretty for reporters.  My main concern is women's issues, and I will do everything I can to help with them. 
    I hope you will help get my husband's name on the ballot.  Right now there is so much in fighting between the Republican candidates, none of them can beat Obama. God has asked my husband to run for president.  God says he is the only one that can win.  You can help me gain good memories of this lifetime, as The First Lady Of The United States.  Help us fix this mess!  Help us save America! Help us give this country a better future, and a future in the stars!

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621