An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

18-09-02 AJ

     Oooh!  God is on one of His nasty days!  He's telling John Boehner some of our most controversial ideas.  But there's no sense hiding them.  If I get in office it's what I intend.  So we might as well let the world know about it. Here's the link to that message.

    If The Republicans wanted to they could really start kickin' butt!  We fully intend to!
    I plan for my inauguration day to be a real banger!  I don't intend to waste time.  As soon as I have the power I will start using it.  I'm not going to be a president that worries about the people that don't like what I'm doing.  I'm only going to worry about the people that we need to protect.  I'm definitely not going to be popular with The Civil Liberties Union!  That's going to be an understatement!  Here's the link to our regular message.  Some unpopular stuff in that too, probably.

    But I will remind the world Lincoln was a very unpopular president. They said he could never win a second term.  They were wrong!  He saved the nation.  He brought freedom.  I intend to do the same thing.  So I'm not going to worry about how popular I am.  I'll get reelected, just like Lincoln! 
    Chris Liles came back using the name Lezard Valeth and said he's got a million emails. We told him as fast as he uses one we'll block it out, so to keep coming. It'll show the world how stupid he is.  When I'm president we've gotta see if we can do something about this.  I'm thinking of a requirement that whenever somebody sends an email they have to put their true name and address on it.  Otherwise than that they will be restricted from using email services. And anybody that gets an email address using a false name and address goes to prison for five years, no plea bargains, no probation, if you do it you go to prison.  So that every time somebody emails with insulting comments people will know exactly where to find them, exactly where to send the police if they go too far.  I think this is a change that is definitely needed.  We have to make it so these cowards can't hide behind email addresses and attack decent people.  It will in no way infringe on free speech, but people have a right to be able to identify people harassing them. I'm a person that believes in rights.
    Here's the link to one of our older songs.  But we're still wondering if the chamber of commerce in Cincinnati might want to get their members together, buy the rights to it, and donate it to the social security fund for the disabled.  If we could raise several million dollars we would be more than happy. Wouldn't this be great publicity for Cincinnati?

   Here's the links to some of my recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621