An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

23-09-02 AJ

 Most Sincere Greetings To One Of My Most Valued Sons!

    Sorry I didn't write to you yesterday, but I was working on my little gift to you in California, making sure we get as much play, as much advantage out of this victory as possible.   When I hit 'em, I wanna hit 'em hard!  I want them shaking in their boots and saying "Why did this happen?  Why did this happen now?  How did this get exposed?"  I want the world to know it was me, God The Father, The Lord Of Hosts directing my agents, using the forces at our disposal.  I want the world to know that!  I want this corrupt woman to know that.  She's a thief and she steals from the people.  Like all of her kind, like all Democrats she has no conception of decency, of fair play, of honesty.  She thinks only of herself and her own pleasure.  I have brought her down.  I want the world to know that.  I want The Democrats to know that.  I want The Republicans to know that.  Because I will show no favor, though we need The Republicans, though we want their support, if we find any among them doing things like this, and we can expose them, we will!  So if the treasurers in any Republican committees are dipping into the funds for their own benefit, I'd give them a very strong suggestion, put the money back, and quietly resign.  Have nothing to do with politics again.  And if you can't pay the money back all at once, arrange to have it paid back in installments.  Then we will not demand prosecution.  But if you don't, and we catch you, and chances are we will catch you, we're very, very good at it, there will be no probation, no minimum security prisons, you will be sent where you belong, with the trash!  We will not tolerate dishonesty, we will not tolerate criminals no matter how much some people feel it is part of politics, if we find it we will deal with it, from the highest to the lowest.  You can see what havoc we can create in just one incident.  I want The Republicans with me!  Their in fighting is destroying our chances of defeating Obama.  Their inaction is hurting our efforts. 
    As my servant said in his regular message we want Obama's dirty tricks stopped.  But we want alternatives quickly passed so that the public cannot blame us for the inaction.  Obama attaches disaster relief to an unacceptable funding bill, defeat the bill, then pass the disaster relief.  Make Obama sign it, without his tax increases.  Show the people who can lead!  Work faster, work more precisely.  Keep hitting Obama so hard that he can't come back.  Every time he pulls a dirty trick go around him!  Show your superiority, defeat him!  Crush him at every move! 
   Every day we're being proven. My servant has for years told people that his People used to have space ships that could go 700 times the speed of light.  It took them only a few days to travel from star to star.  Even the great Carl Sagan used to argue with my servant that nothing could exceed the speed of light.  Now, scientists are beginning to detect hyperwaves, particles traveling beyond the speed of light!  Everything we predict is coming to pass.  Everything we knew is being proven.  The people that laugh are having a hard time laughing any more.  We know what's going on!  We fully expect that in 100 years we will have space ships that will be able to do at least ten times the speed of light and shields so powerful that nothing they ran into would be able to affect them.  We expect that in a much shorter time we'll have ships that will be making their way through the solar system, colonizing every world we can reach.  That is if the human race survives. 
    I have asked you to help us save The Catholics, especially The Pope, to offer him your protection and a place on your world if he will agree to our reforms.  This was supposed to be done by Maria Shriver in California.  In my servant's regular message he speaks of my desire for KROQ in Los Angeles to become his official campaign station.  I would very much appreciate it if you would give my dear friends Kevin & Bean a call and ask them if there's any possibility they could accept this assignment and assist us in efforts like fund raisers for The Palestinian Homeland. They would know Arab rock groups in the area, Jewish rock groups.  People that though they disagree with us on other things, might do some benefit concerts to raise funds for The Palestinian Homeland.  All we need is just a little bit of support, and to make it so the media cannot ignore us.  If you support my right to speak, my right to be heard, even when what I'm saying is unpopular, then we could break the homosexuals' hold on the media. 
    My servant is simply not going to bother to email to MSNBC any more.  Every time he looks at any of their Democratic propaganda, and that's all they are, a propaganda machine for The Democrats, they are totally bias, their shows are nothing but endless commercials for Obama!  So it is a waste of time to communicate with them.  But you could help us reach the rest of the media, those who are responsible and will show everyone's views, not ridicule those speaking the truth. 
    The Republicans have a chance, but not if they play politics as usual. They have to come out, and they have to come out fighting.  Here's an idea.  We need money for disaster relief.  Let's cut The CIA's budget by the amount of disaster relief we need. Let's have them stop paying $2,000 for toilet seats and $1,000 for hammers!  Let's start getting some control and openness!  Let's have congress start scrutinizing their budgets, in secrecy of course, we wouldn't want to jeopardize any operations, but we want to know where the money is going.  They've been an utter failure in Pakistan. Pakistani security agents are still funding and training the terrorist groups.  This should've been exposed years ago, and all funds to Pakistan cut until these people are arrested, tried, and hung.  That is what will happen when my servant becomes president.  Pakistan will not get one penny from The United States until these murderers are dealt with, until these traitors are found and, punished!  No token prison sentences, no removal from their commands, they have been murdering people, they pay the price!  That is what The United States will demand, and we hope to have the support of China so that The Pakistanis will be getting no support from them.  Because these terrorists are not attacking us alone. They're attacking The Chinese as well, and they're being funded with American dollars, something I don't think The Chinese appreciates.  As I want their support, I will see that something is done about it. 
    We cannot win in Afghanistan while we are allowing a betraying government to train those fighting us, and to fund their operations with the dollars of American  tax payers.  It has to  stop!   And when my servant is president it will stop!  No matter how much the alliance is needed we'll find another way!  We will not fund murder, no matter how justified these lunatics think they are, no matter how much they want to oppress women to prove their male superiority.  We will not tolerate it!  And I do not think The American People will really tolerate it either.

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

  You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and