An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of the House Of Representatives

28-09-02 AJ

    Again I must tell you, my good man, the great opportunity that we have.  Already people are challenging Obama, publicaly declaring that he is the anti Christ.  Now is the time to show the American people that The Republicans can come up with ideas to campaign without spending millions of dollars provided by lobbyists for attack ads that lie and distort.  My candidate, Speaker Gerald Polley, has many ideas on how to campaign without spending a lot of money and while helping people.  Here is but one of them.
    He would like to get in touch with the companies that run Visa credit cards in all the primary states, and say to them, "Look, I'd like to have you support my campaign.  Add a little something to your advertising in the primary states.  Say, "Visa believes in the policies of Speaker Gerald Polley, God's candidate for the presidency, and his desires to help those in need in The United States.  So Visa credit card is offering this proposal. If Speaker Polley wins the primaries, in each state where he wins visa credit card will give those 62 and over an interest rate of 10% for two years.  If Speaker Polley wins the national election we will give those 62 and over an interest rate of 5% for the first two years of The Speaker's presidency throughout the nation."  Visa could help recoup what they might lose cutting their advertising budget by 50%.  They will be getting plenty of free advertising by word of mouth from senior citizens benefiting from this project.  The credit card companies showing good will to the elderly will be the best advertising they can have.  Now, if you could get ahold of the Visa company and suggest this proposal to them, on behalf of a Republican candidate, it will show the world that The Republicans just do not raise funds, but help.  Think about it!  And if we can get some buyers overseas for some of Speaker Polley's music and start helping the disabled without raising taxes, we will again be showing the public there's a better way.  We have got to do things that have never been done before!  We've got to do things like they've never been done before. 
    I still ask you to support The Christmas Buyer's Strike.  It will actually be to the benefit of the credit card companies if they support us.  Because if we get rid of Obama Care, the people will have money to spend that they will not be forced to spend on health insurance they can't afford.  There is a lot of very angry people out there who are very displeased that The Republicans aren't taking action.  Let's give them some action!  Let's show them we can find other ways!   Of course we need to raise some funds.  But let's raise them our way.  Let's make people joyous to donate because they know there's people that really want to help.  Maybe you've got some ideas!  Maybe you've got a book you'd like to sell and donate the proceeds to the disabled.  Let's use our talents to help.  If everybody pitches in we can fix the economy, take care of our people, and return The United States to it's status as the greatest nation on Earth.  But we have to get out there and fight, or, we're gonna lose.
    As I say, I have nothing against the other Republican candidates except they cannot win.  Obama will out spend them, and, defeat them because he has the corrupt behind him.  So The Republicans have to out flank him.  Let's show the world how superior we are, how much smarter we are.  Let's get it done!
    Oh, by the way!   Someone came up with an idea of using my servant's people's power on Halloween to make my march through San Francisco and challenge Obama's power base personally.  Now, this is a possibility.  I would like very much for the other Republican candidates to join me, to march as one.  If we could unify our efforts and have them support my candidate, bringing forth a strong, vital candidate, that's going to be telling the people what they want to hear, and truthfully supporting what he says, we could have the election.  I still desire those I want in California, those who have given us a chance to fight.  If you reach out to them we would have a chance.  Would it really hurt to send a representative to Maria Shriver and ask her to take the place that I offer her, to lead the people of California in the effort to defeat this creature of Darkness that will destroy everything? 
    The Republicans need a candidate that can win!  Already the leading candidate is distrusted by 75% of the people in his own party.  Do you really think he can win an election?  There's not a chance of it!  But as I say, he's a good man.  We'd like to have him on our side.  He's gonna be needed in Texas!  When my servant is finished with his two terms, and Laura Bush is our candidate, she's going to need a running mate that has shown his ability and skill in Texas.  The one we want after Laura may not want to run.  So in sixteen years a man may do a good enough job that the American people will say "Well, God's servant has taken off the rough  edges!  Now he's worthy to be president!  Let's keep The Democrats out of power for eight more years!" Maybe you ought to talk to him.  Sometimes even our plans change!  Sometimes we can't have what we want.  And we need good replacements!

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and