An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner, Leader Of The House Of Representatives

13-09-02 AJ

    John, I'm ashamed of The Republican Party, I am absolutely appalled that they think Rick  Perry has any chance, whatsoever, of winning the presidency.  He will lose dismally, and Obama will remain in power, if The Republicans continue to back him.  His attacks on social security will bring down The Republican Party, and even if he backs off now, no one will believe him, because he's a politician.  The people simply will not listen to the lies any more.  They know a leopard won't change his spots.  These people that think social security is a good target are forgetting one thing.  Many of the young people that will be out there voting have grandparents on social security, or relatives that will soon be applying for it, that they won't be able to take care of if social security is gutted. 
    Now, my servant has a much better idea!  He is trying to sell the rights to some of his music and raise funds from foreign nations that still have resources and personally boost the social security disabled fund until we can create more jobs and have more funds coming in to make it solvent again.  If need be, having other projects to raise funds to keep the system solvent while we hunt down the fraud and get rid of those that should not be in the system by putting them back to work, ending the payments to drug addicts so we will not be supporting the Mexican drug cartels with tax money. 
   So how about lending a hand?  Surely The Republican Party has influential friends in the music industry around the world.  Let's show the people what we can do in the private sector to help those in need without increasing taxes.  Just give it a try!  See who you can talk to.  Call in some favors. 
   My servant is perfectly willing to use his talents and the talents of those that support him to care for the people.  That is his purpose.  Give us a hand and we can have a Republican in The White House, someone who's going to be working for the people like no president has ever worked for the people before.  He will be giving every bit of his talent to The American People.  He wants to have enough resources and trust funds so he can pay for everything himself, so he will not be a burden on The American People whatsoever, just be someone that will serve them, because that is his greatest joy, that is his greatest pleasure, to serve, to protect, to cherish.  He doesn't care about anything else.  Everything he does is for this purpose. 
    One of the greatest problems I have is I can't offer him anything for a reward.  He's already got everything!  With all the power and glory I can offer there's nothing that I can give him because he already has it.  I will tell you, to me this is very frustrating!  But I tell you sincerely, and without doubt this is the man The American People want to have as their president during this crisis.  If he becomes their president there's a very good chance The United States will survive and take its people to the stars because of his tremendous desire to serve and protect.  If he doesn't become president and the circle of life is broken, he will have to leave this world in profound sadness because he will not be able to stay and watch his children die. 
    Again, we offer The American People something they have never had in a leader, someone who will give them the absolute truth.  He'll never hide one thing he's doing.  He'll never hide one bit of his power.  And every talent he has will be going to benefit The American People. 
    Just take a small look at what we can do!  Obama puts out his job plan, which I ask you to bring to a vote and soundly defeat. What do we do? The next day we get rid of 30,000 jobs.  Do you really think Obama can compete against us?  Do you really think anyone can compete against us?  Join us!  Give us a chance.  Use your influence to contact people. Help my servant make a deal with China for some of his music, and help him put those funds in the social security for the disabled fund.  Show The American People what can be done if we do things our way, not the way of the greedy, not the way of those filled with lust, but in the way of those that truly serve me. 
    All we need is a spark to kindle the fire, to light the beacon.  No current Republican candidate can give one.  They're dousing the fire with the water of ignorance as fast as they kindle it.  You need a man of truth, a man that's not going to play politics, that's not going to try to pick an issue that they think the people will back them on in order to win.  My servant says clearly and distinctly he will not abandon the old, nor, will he cheat the young that have a right to the same benefits their parents had.  He will find ways of funding these programs without burdening the people.  And with your help he can succeed. 
    He wants people supporting his campaign to have warm jackets made for children here in The United States and put on them "Polley For President, 2,012!", distribute them to children who need them throughout the country.  This is the way he wants to advertise!  This is the way he wants to campaign, not telling people he'll dump the old, throw them away, and abandon them for votes.  No!  He'll find a way to care for them while hunting out and punishing those who are stealing from them no matter who is protecting them!  Help him!  Haven't you got friends that want to see children wearing warm coats as they go to school, that less of them will die of pneumonia this year?  Come on!  There's gotta be people with means in your state that would want to help my servant campaign in this manner, help him show the world what people that care can do!  Is there a coat manufacturer in Ohio that would like to have the work so a child won't have to say to it's mother "I can't go to school. It's too cold.  I'm too cold!"  Come on, John!  Haven't you got a heart?  Haven't you got a soul? 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and