An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner, Leader Of The House Of Representatives

14-09-02 AJ

 Greetings John!

    Well, how do you like our little victory in New York?  Kind of upsets Obama's plans, doesn't it?  Now, there's no way anybody can say that I didn't help a little bit in this.  It shows what we can do, even when The Democrats think they've got it made!  There's something I'd really like your help on.  The Bureau Of Indian Affairs is interfering with the rights of The Cherokee Nation, trying to tell them who they will recognize as members of their tribe.  The American government has no business interfering in the affairs of The Indian Nations.  Who they recognize and who they do not recognize as members of their tribe is up to them, not a bureaucrat in Washington.  If my servant becomes president he fully intends to declare that The Indian Nations are separate sovereign states, that all treaties made with them giving them special privileges for hunting, fishing and other rights on American territory will still be honored.  But The Bureau Of Indian Affairs will be shut down. The Indian People are not helpless children that need to be cared for by the American government. They are sovereign, independent people, and the American government should get out of their affairs.  It will become law that no federal  agents will be able to enter the Indian territories without the consent of the Indian people.  This includes The FBI and any other government agency.  The Indian People will be exempt from paying any federal taxes.  Those who serve in the military will receive all benefits given to any other member of the military, but they will not lose their Indian citizenship.  Any persons working off the reservation will receive full benefits from social security. 
     I would very much like to have this proposal taken to the leaders of The Cherokee Nation and to the leaders of other Indian tribes, asking them rather or not they like this proposal.  How many billions of dollars will the American government save each year? Some will ask "How will you negotiate with the Indian tribes without the Bureau?"  The same way we negotiate with any other nation, through the secretary of state. The Indian leaders would be treated exactly the same as the leaders of Russia, India, Japan, their nations would have the same status.  The state department would handle any problems between The United States and The Indian Nations. 
    We need to cut expenses.  The Bureau Of Indian Affairs is something that should've disappeared long ago!  It has only stayed in power because of those that feel The Native Americans are inferior, and incapable of running their own affairs, something my servant does not agree with!
    Again, I ask you for your support.  Would it hurt to send a special envoy to the Indian leaders, asking them what they think of this Republican candidate's proposal?  Because if they  do not approve of it, he would not put it forward, even though it is his great desire.  This is the difference between him and others.  Even when he really wants something if the people he wants to help don't want it, he won't force it on them.  He will still try to protect their rights but he won't make them follow his wishes.  I think that says something about the character of my servant. 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and