An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
17-09-02 AJ


    I am writing to you today because I have a serious dilemma.  Received this message from a member of The Republican Party in North Dakota.

"Please remove us from your mailing list. Thanks. Email to be removed is ""
Matt Becker Communications Director North Dakota Republican Party
c | 701.425.5703 e |

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 3:44 PM"

   Now, I do not believe this individual should have the right to tell me I cannot mail and send my wishes to the public address of the party because this means I must remove not only this individual from The Book Of Life, and ban him from my Kingdom forever, but I must remove every single person from The Republican Party in North Dakota because this person who represents them has told me not to speak to him.  This is our law from the beginning of time.  When the leader of any group, any society tells me not to speak to him, that he will not hear me, it banishes him from my Kingdom forever, and those that follow him with him.  It simply will not be tolerated!  I do not know why this individual was so offended by our message, but I do not think he has the right to damn a whole society.  Therefore, I will give you an opportunity to be the savior of these people. 
    If you will write or call or whatever, the leader of The Republican Party in North Dakota, asking him to dismiss this individual, then send me an email asking to continue to receive my messages, and once and a while give me some comments on how the Republicans of North Dakota feel on these issues, then I could restore the members of The Republican Party. 
   All I am asking is to be heard!  I am not asking anything unreasonable.  However, I cannot accept rejection.  If people disagree with me and don't want to answer, that is acceptable.  But telling me not to speak to them separates them from me forever.  There is no middle ground!  There is no compromise, no understanding.  If I am rejected I must reject those that send me away.  It is that simple.  It is our law and it has been our law for untold ages.  Any message from my servant is a message from me.  Any that reject my servant reject me. 
    We really need these souls if the human race is going to survive.  I would like at least to be heard among the people of North Dakota.  We have serious problems there because they allowed the physical attack on my servant and punished him when he spoke up against it.  This is something we really need to remedy. 
    I need your assistance to stop one of the greatest blasphemies that is spread by the false priesthood that is partially responsible for situations like this.  That is the teaching of the butchering Christ, the teachings that Jesus will some day soon descend from the heavens and butcher everyone that does not believe in Him, man, woman and child, and then make the true believers, as the people that have this teaching call themselves, take over the world and rule it in righteousness.  Anyone who has read the teachings of Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, knows that this is utter blasphemy!  Jesus would never do anything like this, and He would never condone it being done.  This false teaching has caused many around the world to do horrendous evil in the name of Christ, evil that has brought untold shame to my blessed Son. 
    I believe you are a man of reason, that you recognize that this is a false teaching, that Jesus would never do this, that I would never do this, that we reject evil but we would not murder the innocent to bring a certain sect to power.  This teaching was brought about by evil men seeking power, and the falsity of it must be taught to the world. 
    One of the reasons my servant is hated the most is that he teaches that the book of Revelation is a complete fraud, made up by the priesthood to win converts.  My true voices, my true sons, must speak out against those teaching hate, against those encouraging butchery to spread Christianity or any other faith.  For true believers know this is not my way.  A good start would be to win back the Republicans of North Dakota. 
    I will tell you again, what The Republican Party needs is a man of truth, a man of absolute truth who will not hide anything to be popular, who will not give anyone the opportunity to say "You cheated us!  You didn't tell us you believed in this!  This wasn't right!"  This is something we never want.  It is simply not our way.  We are of righteousness, we are of truth, both myself and, my servant. We will not hide any truth to make false believers.  We want true believers who will stand with us through any adversity, and say "These are The Lords of righteousness, these are The Lords of Truth, they are not deceivers."  Isn't this what The Republican Party really wants?  Do they really want those screaming blasphemy and saying Jesus is going to come and destroy our enemies and give us absolute power?  Are these really the people you want to have around your children?  I don't want them around mine! 

He That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and