An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Republican Leader Of The House Of Representatives
And All Republicans In the House And Senate

02-09-02 AJ

Most Sincere Greetings!

    In my message to you yesterday I told you what I would like you to do concerning Obama's speech before the house and the senate on the 8th.  People say I can't do this.  I can't ask representatives of the American government to walk out on the president of The United States.  Well, in answer to this I say show me the law that says I can't!  My servant can bear any message to any person in the world I desire him to bear!  If people don't want to follow my wishes, that is up to them.  But I have the right to speak through my servant, and no one will ever take this right away from me! 
     Speaking of what my servant is saying, I'd like to bring something to your attention.  The other day he mentioned that we would like to bring rain into Texas. Now, at the time we got obnoxious comments saying "There's no possibility of that in the near future. There are just no weather patterns that would bring any rain into Texas!"  I would like you to take a look at the current forecast for Texas!  I would say there's a considerable amount of rain headed that way, perhaps not the type of rain that we wanted, can't always get what you want, but rain, none the less!  We believe this is another sign that Obama is losing power, that The Democrats are losing power, and now is the time to strike as hard and as forcibly as we can. 
    For some time we have been desiring to move my servant to California so he could tap into the power supply there and we could have operations on both coasts, forming a bridge of power across The United States.  This is still my servant's goal.  However, I must advise you that you have an opportunity to raise the rich among The Republicans and make them understand that my servant is the best chance they have for a prosperous future, to rally them to him.  Instead of him going to California, and setting up the courier/protector program there, have him come directly to Washington, set up the courier/protector program there, and bring his power directly against Obama and The Democrats now!  Both courses of action would be very beneficial for The United States, but I am beginning to feel that bringing my servant to Washington with the support of The Republicans and conducting our campaign from there might be just as beneficial, if not more.  We could rely on our friends in California to raise that power there, and still form a bridge of power across the country.  Some of our dearest friends laugh at the need for courier/protectors.  They simply do not understand what The Democrats caused when Jesus abandoned us, and how desperate we are to restore Christianity.  If this could be done from Washington it would give The Republicans such power and such respect that they will be remembered in history forever, that the exploits of these times may be added to my servant's People's History and the names of those that stand with us will forever be recorded.
    You have an opportunity that few men throughout the ages have.  You have an opportunity to make history, to change the course of the human race, turn them back from oblivion and give them the stars.  I ask you to take that opportunity!  Support my servant!  Help him form election committees in each state, especially the primary states and get him on the ballot.  Here is a link to the material explaining what courier/protectors are, what their duties are, and the rewards that they are offered.

     My sons have failed me.  They have fallen into perverted lust.  Now, my daughters are the only hope of my children for eternal life.  If the daughters of Republicans come forward and say "I will serve God, I will be a temporary protector, I will show the world it is an honorable and glorified task!" perhaps the true protectors can be raised and they will answer my call, my servant's powers can be brought to their full levels, and we can drive these creatures of Darkness back into the night. 
     Not attending Obama's speech is only the first step. Showing the world there is nothing to respect, that he has nothing that will help, is only the beginning.  The American People need a leader to whom truth matters, a leader who, when he gives his word it is absolute, who won't make all kinds of false promises and then do just the opposite.  My servant is that leader.  He is what The Republicans need, he is what America  needs.  He is what the world needs.  If The Republicans stand with him they will be glorified.  Those among them who have my power will come forth.  But The Republicans have to say "This is it!  Politics as usual, has to end!  We must become true representatives of the people!" 
    The Republicans have the opportunity for true greatness, for true glorification.  All you have to do is reach out and take it!  Help us form The Christmas Buyer's Strike, be the first to announce that you're taking part. Encourage every other American to follow you, and you and your family will be rewarded.  You will have a place in the stars.  I cannot tell you right now the extent of those rewards, but if your service is great, they will be great.  That is our way.

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

  You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and