An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

08-09-02 AJ

    Here's another poor soul that has chosen eternal obliteration rather than believe the truths of God.  How these people will whine and cry and say "But God, how can you expect me to have believed?  It is against everything I have been taught!"  and God will answer  "Because I told you it was true." How they will wail as eternal death consumes them! But they have been warned!

    "Please remove us from your mailing list. Thanks"

    Now, had not intended an email today but the Nevada Republicans showed the power of God to reveal the evil that The Democrats are doing as we promised we would, and we just had to share it with the public!  It seems Rep. Shelley Berkley of Nevada, a Democrat, does not care that her husband's medical group was implanting bad kidneys and killing some of their patients, she used her influence to keep his program from being shut down so that they would continue to rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars, showing The Democrats' attitude, "Anything for money, anything for power.  If it interferes with our livelihood cover it up.  So what if a few kidney patients die? They'd probably die anyway!"  Some people will say I'm being very unfair and very harsh.  I can't see it.  To me this type of sickness is appalling!  We thank the Republicans for bringing this information forward, and we certainly hope they will bring forth more.  The Democrats must be shown for what they are, individuals that do not care about the public whatsoever, only their chosen special people.  I certainly hope the investigation of this matter will be reopened.  And when I become president if it hasn't been I guarantee you, it will be! 
   Now, Alice asks some difficult questions 

    "A number of years ago Gerald and Linda put into place Dead Zones all over he USA. So what happened to all of these Dead Zones ? I do remember that you stated that the "Space Shuttle Columbia" blew up upon re-entry back in 2003 because it smacked right into one of your Dead Zones that was over Texas.  Why do you like taking credit for something of this tragic nature? when this Shuttle broke apart due to the Shuttle's thermal shields being damaged from a piece of foam from the propellant tank hitting the wing when it lifted off into space."

    Alice, the tragic times of these dead zones, when the Darkness in man's souls was so great, still troubles us today.  But as God fought back and His people began to answer, we began to build the power that we are now using to battle the creatures of Darkness.  Some of the places that were the very worst are now some of the places where God is most empowered.  Those were very dark times!  But thanks to good friends that rose God's power we were able to drive the creatures of Darkness back.  As to the shuttle, NASA knew the dead zones were there.  They knew they were dangerous to high speed aircraft. True, the shuttle was damaged, but we firmly believe it would've landed safely and the fault with the heat shields would've been exposed.  But as damaged as it was when it hit the pressure barrier of the dead zone it finished it.  Even if it was totally sound we're not sure a shuttle would've survived a direct impact with a dead zone.  We still hold the officials of NASA that sent that ship up responsible for the deaths of its crew.  They thought man's technology was superior to God's power. They learned how wrong they were.  We, in no way, take credit for this disaster.  We warned the American government.  They knew the dead zones were there.  It is their responsibility, not ours.  We did our best to protect that crew.  Those responsible must be held accountable.  Actually, we did not put the dead zones in place, God did.  We only told people what God was doing.  Here's a link to The Dead Zone Journal.

    Here's another one from Alice.

    "Why do you both think that the entire world revolves around you ?"

    Well, Alice, we don't!  The entire world evolves around God.  I am really an insignificance.  I just happen to be stuck with carrying His messages and trying to undo the damage that the perverts and their lust are doing.  Right now I'm the focal point of the good in the world, where Obama is the focal point of all the evil.  I guarantee you, it's a job I don't want!   I'd much rather have other people take their responsibilities and do the jobs they promised God they'd do. If they do, we have a chance of saving this world.  But I'm just a voice calling in the Darkness, holding up a Light and praying that those who are lost see it and come to it.  I never consider myself that important.  I am always replaceable. If anything happens to me another would take my place.  I am just a small part of a very big operation.  I take very little credit for what I do.  I am only capable of doing these things because millions of souls empower me.  As I say, the world does not revolve around me, it revolves around God, and I revolve around Him.
    Some of our most powerful are losing faith with everything that is being piled upon them.  It is understandable.  But still, we are God's servants, and we must understand that the enemy is going to throw everything they can at us trying to break us so we will fail God and they can win.  We must not let that happen!  We must summon our courage and do all that we can. 
   Now, would like to get ahold of the governor of Texas, Rick Perry.  I've heard of the problem they've been having with emissions from their coal plants.  Now, God gave me an idea some time ago, and I've been trying to get the coal plants here in the northeast to try it out.  Perhaps the governor of Texas, though he is a rival for the Republican nomination, would bring forth my idea to the power plants in Texas, I'd appreciate it if I would be given credit for it!  But God wants to know why we couldn't mix 50% wood chips made from waste wood gathered from around Texas with the coal, generate electricity and cut the sulfur emissions of the coal by 50%.  His idea in New England was to use convict labor, people that could be trusted to work outside of the prisons with little supervision, to harvest the wood chips providing them with an income that would help support their families, and help pay the cost of their incarceration.  So much wood is wasted every day, that could be turned into fuel that would benefit  not only Texas but the world.  Now, I ask this good man, because I believe he is a good man, to bring forth my idea, or God's idea, and find out if we can make it work.  It would benefit so many people, and solve many problems.  The coal producers might not like it too much!  But they should think of this.  They are harvesting a limited resource.  If this works it will stretch the availability of the product they are producing for several more years.  And they can invest in farms to grow more wood to eventually replace their coal, an endless, renewable resource!  So they should be assisting in getting this project going, show that they are responsible individuals interested in the welfare of Texas and the world.  So come on, Rick!  Let's show the world we can share ideas, that we can work together.  It would be much better for everybody if you stayed the governor of Texas.  I could use you right there for the next eight years or so, helping me implement more of God's ideas.  I think we'd make a great team, and Texas would really benefit.  At least talk to people.  See if we could get this thing going. How many tons of fuel could we produce a year that wouldn't go into landfills, that wouldn't be a fire hazard?  Think about it! 

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621