An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

26-09-02 AJ

Most Sincere Greetings!

    Again we're rather celebrating today.  We're very glad to hear that The Saudi Government has announced that women will be able to vote in the next elections, something we have worked for for some time. 
    Wanted to let you know why I didn't write yesterday.  We have had our beloved Linda send a letter to The Knesset in Israel, stating she would like to visit, and why, seeking sponsors for this visit.  I would appreciate it very much if you would contact George W. Bush and ask that he let the world know if this visit is arranged he will accompany Mrs. Polley and assist her in negotiations.  When my servant becomes president he still wants him as his chief of staff to assist him on this project.  Michael Jackson has asked our friends at KROQ to try to get people to support this mission.  I would appreciate it if  you would contact them and encourage them to fulfill Michael's wishes.  Those who support homosexuality and marijuana should set aside their differences on these issues and support us in this effort, the bringing of peace to The Middle East is paramount for the survival of the human race.  Our plan is the only plan that can truly succeed.  It is the only hope the human race has.  So we have to make it work.  A good word from you to the government of Israel saying that you support this effort and will try to get your Republican colleagues to join you would be of tremendous benefit to us.  If you could get some wealthy Republicans to join us in co ventures to raise funds for this project, so when we begin negotiations, people can see we're serious, that we're already putting money in the bank, again this would be of tremendous assistance to our cause.  We can bring peace!  It is a goal that can be reached.  We simply need a plan that will work, and our plan will work.  It will succeed if it is given an opportunity. 
   Joining The Christmas Buyer's Strike is the wisest thing The Republicans can do. Breaking Obama's power now and stopping his treachery in The Middle East is what the world desperately needs at this time.  Waiting for the elections may be too late. We need to act now!  The political system just isn't going to work. Obama will block everything you're trying to do and then call you the obstructionist because you won't accept his philosophies.  We must attack in ways that have never been used in The United States before.  Helping my servants accomplish their missions and beginning their projects will strike tremendous blows against Obama because it will show that substantial things can be done without his tax and spend philosophy.  Everyone is in place. We keep saying this constantly but it's true.  Everybody's actually waiting, but they don't know what they're waiting for.  The creatures of Darkness have confused them.  We need to unconfuse them before it's too late. 
    You are in a position to save the world.  You can reach the people we need.  You can convince them how important it is to support us.  The governor of Texas is ripping The Republican Party apart.  He is destroying any hope of victory, yet he is a man that if we could reach him and gain his support, could ensure the survival of the human race by withdrawing from the campaign and supporting my candidate.  He would make Texas one of the most powerful weapons in our arsenal by telling the world "I want to be president very much, but I know God's candidate is better. So I'm putting my support behind him.  And when he becomes president I'll be here in Texas to help him defend the border, to help him defend America!  The barbarians are not going to over run us like Rome was over run." That's the kind of man we need, that no matter how much he wants something, when he knows what I want he'll stand with me and support my candidate.  If The Republicans in Texas started raising funds for The Palestinian Homeland, and help us bring peace to The Middle East, they will be glorified.  You should call him, you should talk to him, you should tell him what's going on and ask his support.  If my daughter can go to Israel and tell the people there "Look, we've already raised several million dollars!  The trust fund for The Palestinian Homeland is already growing. If we have a commitment, if the people we want will tell us "We'll sell you the land!" then that fund will grow even more.
    I want my servant to be the Republican candidate because he is our best hope of winning.  And if The Republicans help us show the world there's a better way, a greater way, we can do it!  It's up to you!  I know it's a burden, I know it's hard, but the greatest things are always hard.  Those things that come with ease are of very little value.  Those things that have to be worked at, that have to be struggled for, are what amounts to something.  A lot of people don't like that, they want the easy path.  They want everybody to like what they're doing, they don't want challenge.  They don't want to have to fight.  But if my children are going to survive they have to fight, and they have to fight hard or they're not going to.  We need you in this fight.  We need the people you can bring with you.  As my servant constantly says I'm a stubborn old God!  We've emailed 121 members of The Israeli Knesset.  Linda has told them she wants to visit, that she wants to negotiate.  The Republicans should give her something to negotiate with.  They have the people to do it.  Let's get it done!

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and