An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

24-09-02 AJ

    Again my good man, I must tell you you are missing a golden opportunity.  The Republican Party is missing a golden opportunity.  I wish so much you would join us in The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  We must take bold and precise action.  We must do things in ways they have never been done before, or the human race will perish, there is no doubt of it.  You have the power to save it.  Simple things could accomplish so much!  A simple message from you to the government of China telling them that as strange as it is, my servant is sincere in the desire to contract with them to build the starship Alura, if The Republicans in The United States could start some fund raising efforts for that project to show The Chinese that it is not a joke, that there are those that believe in it, it would go a long ways in our efforts to reach out to them.  I am sure you are well aware that there are things out there that the average person has no conception of, do not dream of in their wildest fantasies.  If you could get China to buy some of the rights to some of my servant's music, to be produced in Chinese, and have the funds go to the disabled through the social security system, we would be showing the world while The Democrats want to tax everyone, we are helping, The Republicans are helping, without burdening people. They are finding other ways of doing things. 
   There are so many ways The Republicans can boost my servant's efforts!  Though there will be those that disagree with some of the things we have to say in The Republican Party, but they are a minority. Unfortunately they are a minority that is dragging the world into oblivion! 
    I got a message from a dear young lady.  She inquired if we were still answering questions like we did in the "Here's Jesus!" series.  It seems her mother is an anti abortion fanatic, and every time she visits she is teaching the woman's daughters that doctors and nurses who commit abortions should be killed.  The girls are terrified to tell their grandmother that they disagree with her and they do not think abortion does any harm.  The young woman asked what she should do.  I advise her to tell her mother if she continues to visit she must not make such statements any more in her house.  If she is unable to stop doing so then she must not visit any more.  Children must not be taught to hate, must not be taught that those who disagree on religious issues should be killed.  This is what has separated my servant and his beloved sister.  For she has even made threats towards him and, his wife because they do not accept her false beliefs.  These are very sad situations.  But unless those lost in this blasphemy are not separated from The Republican Party, Obama will win the election, and our efforts to save the human race will be in serious trouble. 
    Unfortunately, a few misguided fanatics such as Al Quaida and the anti abortionists can create untold havoc.  I will not permit my daughters to be tortured by a bunch of hypocrites that want to force their beliefs on everybody else.  I state clearly and distinctly, a child is not alive until it is born, until it leaves its mother's body and takes the first breath. Up until that time it is little more than a parasite, living off the mother.  It does not have a soul until it leaves the mother's body, and a soul inhabits it.  This is truth.  Any other teaching is blasphemy.  Any other teaching is the lies of creatures of Darkness merely trying to gain power.  Rational people know this is true. 
    I was once asked a foolish question "Are parasites alive inside another creature's body?  Do they have souls?" In most cases, no.  They are not truly alive until they leave the host's body.  Sometimes a parasite can live for years inside a person and not be truly alive until it leaves that body for a short time to reproduce.  Only then does a soul enter it.  Up until then it is just a collection of cells preparing for life.  Bacteria, viruses, none of these things are truly alive.  They just function.  They just create copies of themselves.  They're just organisms.  It is an absolute truth.  Two souls cannot exist in the same body at the same time. No matter how sophisticated something appears to be if it's inside another physical form it's not truly alive, it's not intelligent.  I'm afraid some of the creatures of fiction simply cannot exist.  It would be interesting if they could, but it simply wouldn't work. 
    Well, I've rambled on here but I'm trying to get you to understand the importance of what I'm saying.  Right now The Republican Party has tremendous opportunity.  They can make history!  They can accomplish incredible things!  But there's some false things, some unacceptable things that they need to let go of.  No child should ever have to tell her mother that she can't come into her house because of what she's teaching, of what she's accepting.  No child should ever be put in that position.  I will sometimes forgive those opposing abortion as long as they have taken part in no violence. However, those that encourage others to kill I cannot abide.  I'm sure you understand that. 
    Speaking of that, we have received reports that protesters in Syria are being murdered.  Women are being beheaded.  I am asked how can I allow this?  I don't and I never will!  Each one of those that commits such atrocities is marked for eternal destruction and destroyed forever.  Anyone that says "I do this in the name of God!" is a liar!  I permit no such things.  I tolerate no such actions!  I instruct my servant to destroy anyone doing such things, forever!  I would strongly advise that the government of Syria condemn these actions immediately, if such things have been done, find those who have done them, immediately execute them, and to tell all their other forces this is what will happen to anyone that commits any further atrocities.  I will accept self defense, but I will not accept murder!  Remember, I am a just God and will not allow injustice.  My servant is even worse than I am.  You really do not want him mad at you!  If it should be one of his children that you injure, if you interfere with one of their missions I would not help you. I will not defend you.  I will let him do his worst!  You really don't want that, I guarantee you, you don't want that! 
   Here's a link to the "Here's Jesus!" episodes previously mentioned.

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and