An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Republican Leader Of The House Of Representatives
And All Republicans In the House And Senate

08-09-02 AJ

    This morning I want to share with you some comments made by my daughter Alice.

    "If there was a "Christmas Buyers Strike", all over the USA the whole economy system would crash. Is that what you want ? Okay say just one State in the USA would all stop buying gifts during the season, that in turn would destroy the small store owner as well as the big store owner. So they loose money, and the store owners would not have the money to pay their employees, and each employee would not be able to feed their families, and the store owner would not be able to feed his family, and then those stores would have to close up down the road, and then no one would have money to buy food, and then the food stores would close, and the gas stations would close, and the big companies would get less money, and their employees would loose jobs, and down the road everything would hurt everyone. Just because you want everyone to stop buying stuff to harm Obama? Well it won't hurt anyone except the unemployed. Only the rich will still have the money to buy stuff. But the rich do not shop at Wal-Mart ! The idea you have would throw the world into a total depression, and everyone would starve from the little man, all the way up to the big man eventually, and then it would also hurt foreign counties too just like it is doing now. Costs of things would go up in price to pay the overhead that the factories are not getting from the many who would buy if the cost was lower. So your idea is screwed. If you want everyone to be as poor as you are with a $700 a month social security check, live in a rented room, then so be it.  The way you make the world a better place is to keep spending money so that there will be jobs and stores open and more employment. Consider where you live Gerald, if your landlord can't pay the bills, then he has to sell that building, and then if he can't sell it since no one has money to buy it, then he has to turn you and other renters out on the street and back into the homeless shelter. Is that something you want to happen? What would happen to the economy in Ellsworth ME. if none of it's population would buy anything for a week ? Think about it ! Yeah I am sure you have thought about it !"

   As you can see, Alice fully understands the principles of a buyer's strike, what it can do.  Now, if she can see it, the executives of Wal Mart would be able to see it, the executives of Ford and Chrysler, the CEO of Target, all of them would be on the phone to The Democrats in the senate screaming "Get rid of Obama Care!  Reinstate Don't Ask, Don't Tell!  Oppose gay marriage!  If you have to, get rid of Obama!  If this strike isn't lifted we'll go bankrupt!  Protect us!  The public simply doesn't accept Obama any more. Either get rid of his programs, or, get rid of him!"   The current economic situation has given the American people the power to act like they have never been able to act before.  It would be very unlikely that we would even have to continue the strike through Christmas.  Obama should be out of power or his programs ended long before that!  However, if not, I will say this to Alice.
    My people, my true people, have always been willing to suffer for their freedom, and, for the freedom of others.  My patriot sons stood at Valley Forge, my union boys at Gettysburg.   They were willing to suffer and even give their lives for freedom.  My Yanks stood at Belleau Wood, my GIs stormed the beaches of Normandy.  They were willing to suffer, they were willing to give their all for freedom.  Obama is trying to enslave The United States to the unions.  There are those willing to suffer now to make sure that that doesn't happen.  Of course the lazy and the cowards will say "Oh no!  Not my livelihood!  Not my job!  My family isn't giving up its standard of living."  There will always be the cowards.  There will always be the lazy who would rather be slaves and comfortable than fight for what is right.  However, I do not believe the majority of my children want to be slaves.  And it really makes no difference.  If we do not succeed Obama Care will force so many companies into bankruptcy that what you are predicting here will take place.  So if the people lose they're still going to suffer. They'll still lose their companies except if Obama wins they'll lose them for nothing, they'll have nothing. They will be at the mercy of the unions and they will have to pay for the right to work, so some union boss can live in luxury. 
    I believe my children want to be free.  I believe they want to work where they choose to work, and not where some union says they're allowed to work.  The Buyer's Strike will insure their rights.  There will be some that will cry "Unfair! Unjust!" but the majority will know that the people are fighting for them.  There's an old expression, the truth hurts. It's absolutely true!  Those that accept the lie can get along in life quite easily, and not have much worry. They'll have no freedom, they'll have no independence, they'll have to do whatever Obama's cronies tell them to do, but they'll be comfortable, they'll be happy.  There's people that don't want that.  They want to be able to go where they want to go, do what they want to do, control their lives and not have a Washington bureaucrat control them.  Those are the people that will join the buyer's strike.  Those are the people that will be praised when they enter my Kingdom, not the lazy, not the useless, not the obedient followers, but those who cry out "Not in my country!  Not in America!  It isn't gonna happen!  Obama Care is going to go.  This dictator is not going to make me buy his health insurance and support his unions!" 
    The buyer's strike will defeat Obama, will crush him.  We are in hopes it will bring about his impeachment for his illegal war in Libya.  You can be comfortable if you wish, Alice.  You can say "I'm not going to take part!  I'm going to enjoy Christmas."  It's entirely up to you. But if you do you will be abandoning those that gave their all before, that tried to do what was right, that defended the helpless and the weak against the oppressor.  Now the oppressor is living in The White House, and the people have the power to bring him down.  They only have to take it. 
    I wish you'd send an email to Mr. Boehner and say "Please support the buyer's strike for Christmas!"  I wish you'd send it to your senator and representative.  Tell them "We can't wait.  We have to stop Obama now!"  I wish every one of my true sons and daughters across The United States would do this.  I know the useless won't, the lazy won't, the cowards won't.  But I wish my true sons and daughters would. 
    Oh, I still do not want any Republicans to attend Obama's speech.  Tell the world you're against him, fully and, completely. 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and