John's next miracle came in September, 2,001. An Anti Christ rose in The Afterlife and tried to seize The Kingdom Of God. Fighting was fierce. Then Yoko Ono put an ad in The New York Times that poured so much energy into John that he was able to drive The Anti Christ into The Afterlife where he and over 4,000 of his followers suffered the second death! This is a miracle that is attributed directly to John. Without his power it could not have been accomplished.

In October, 2,001, using John Lennon's power the last of the immortal souls that were creating the imbalance on Earth were shifted for mortal souls, a tremendous undertaking that can only be called a miracle and could not have been accomplished without John's power.

By November 2,001- John Lennon's power had risen so much as what was happenening became known in England through the documentary "Where Has Eternity Gone?" that there was a rebirth of faith for many there. The energy that John was receiving began to help many in the Darkness who were suffering greatly, and brought them back into The Light, many to The Kingdom Of God! Their loved ones in The Afterlife rejoiced greatly and called this one of John's miracles. We can't argue!

November, 2,001- John Lennon greets George Harrison in The Afterlife. Their friendship is quickly reestablished and George begins to funnel power to John increasing his abilities tremendously! George's quick recovery upon entering The Afterlife and the tremendous amount of work that he immediately did is considered one of John's miracles.

The next miracle attributed to John is the power flow he established in Cincinnati, Ohio, that served The Kingdom Of God well for many years. There is little doubt this flow would not have occured without John's new music. He wrote a special song in May, 2,002 celebrating it that has kept the power flowing there for some time.

In November 2,002- John Lennon writes "Vote Republican!" which becomes the battle song of The Kingdom Of God and brings in energy from all over the world. It is still popular today. The miracle of John's music continues each and every day. Without it The Kingdom Of God would've crumbled. It is considered his greatest miracle by many.

John's next miracle was the Republican victory in the 2,002 elections. Again it showed the tremendous power that The Kingdom Of God could muster.

November 2,002- John Lennon writes "Hussein's Butt Song," which has proven to be his most controversial because it is so different from what he did in his lifetime. But it proves to be a tremendous energy booster! It is passed around by word of mouth and people are singing it all over the world! For a time it was on many other web sites. The power begins to flow into The Kingdom Of God at an astonishing rate showing the effect of John's music.

January, 2,003- John's music is mentioned on The BBC for the first time and begins a considerable flow of energy from England that has fluctuated from time to time but still continues. The site that the people originally advertised is long gone, but the power John created is not!

The next major miracle accredited to John was the victory in what has come to be called The Battle Of The White House, January 30th, 2,003, when the creatures of Darkness tried to seize Jesus and hold Him hostage to make The Kingdom Of God stop Its efforts. John Lennon rallied The Forces Of Heaven and directly led Its Forces devastating the creatures of Darkness, becoming Heaven's Official Hero.

February, 2,003- George Harrison writes the song "The Champion Of God," for John Lennon, which is rapidly spread around the world and begins to bring in even more power to The Kingdom Of God. Though it was not actually done by John it is still considered part of his miracles.

March, 2,003- The band that John Lennon and George Harrison began in The Afterlife, called Beatles & Friends, takes off with a roar and is soon the hottest thing going in The Afterlife! The energy from it reaches those in the material world and energy pours back into The Afterlife! Every mention of it on a radio station increases the flow of energy into The Kingdom Of God. Definitely part of John's miracles!
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