An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

05-04-02 AJ

    First of all let me say that my servant's doctor's visit today did not go well.  I will get to that later.  But now we need to deal with Libya first.  Again I am asking all the Arab countries to send all European diplomats home, especially the Americans, The British, The French and The Italians.  The Italians recognizing the Lybian rebels as the legitimate voice of The Libyan People is absolute betrayal!  They are turning Libya over to Al Quaida and they know it.  It will be a disaster beyond imagination.  Obama's purpose is to destroy Islam, destroy its righteousness, so he can sodomize The Middle East.  He must be stopped!
    I also ask the oil producing countries to start selling oil to these same nations at $110 a barrel, while selling it to the rest of the world for $97 a barrel, to send a message to these countries that they'd better leave Libya alone. 
    And I send a warning to the Asian countries, especially China.  Beware!  Obama has eyes on you!  He wants to overthrow the government in many of your nations. Be vigilant!
   I wish so much to start direct contact with The Chinese government.  There are proposals I wish to make that will benefit both China and The United States, but I would like to discuss them in private so that the creatures of Darkness can't interfere with them until we are ready to announce them.  Taking your enemy off guard is often your greatest weapon.
    Now, I will speak of my servant's doctor visit.  A little blood in the urine, even one isolated time, seems to cause panic!  Now my servant is going to have to have abdomen scans, a bladder exam, and maybe a prostate biopsy.  The scans are nothing, but the other procedures concern him.  And our precious Caylee is in an absolute panic again!  She believes that if my servant loses his prostate there will be no babies.  Several of her friends keep telling her this.  My servant has tried to calm her, telling her all kinds of wondrous things can be done now and the losing of the prostate might not be all that serious.  Caylee's answer was "Father, you are the world's worst liar!  You really shouldn't do it because you're simply no good at it!  You know what it means as well as I do.   Even the lady in  Saudi Arabia wouldn't be able to help us then!
    She's referring to a doctor in Saudi Arabia people keep telling her about that is supposed to be the leading expert in fertility.  My servant finds it very strange that there would be a female doctor in Saudi Arabia leading in that field!   But if she should appear she would most certainly be welcome, though he really doesn't know if this is an idea that has any practicality.  But a promise  has been made and we will have to do our best to fulfill it. One thing about my servant's species, they don't have many emotions, but stubbornness and determination are two of them!  There is no word in their language for surrender.  They just keep trying. Maybe that's why they always win!  It takes them a while sometimes, but they always seem to be the victor, no matter how powerful their enemy.  That is why they are my greatest servants.  I remember another man that was quite on in years who was my servant many years ago, who thought it was too late for him to be a father, also.  But I pulled off a miracle that time!  Perhaps I can pull off one this time.  I love to do that!  with a little bit of help I can do anything!
    Now, got the usual complaints.  But also have been getting alot of emails back saying that my correspondence is marked as spam.  I am asked to have mercy on those that do this because it is so hard for them to believe.  I will not!  I will not show the slightest bit of compassion or pity towards them.  When they enter into The Book Of Life they have done this, they will be rejected from my Kingdom.  The rules are absolutely clear!  Reject my messages, you reject me, you reject Heaven, you reject eternal life.  No compromise, no middle ground, no compassion, no pity!  Reject me, I reject you.  Cling to the filth of man and that is all you will ever have.  I cannot tolerate evil, and those that say "I will not hear you!" are evil.  The warning is given, it should be heeded!
    I am personally asking the members of The Catholic Church in The United States to support my candidate for the presidency, Speaker Gerald Polley.  I am asking The Anglicans in  The United States to support him.  I am asking The Muslims and The Jews.  I am declaring him my Voice above all others.  I am giving him to you  a protector, a giver of truth.  His People do not wish me to call him a prophet.  I will call him a Voice Of The Prophets, a Voice that speaks for every Prophet, from Father Abraham to Muhammed, who carries the same messages of truth that they carried, that will not bear false witness, that states clearly and distinctly "A person that is born a man is a man, and should be intimate only with a woman.  A woman that is born a woman is always a woman and should not be intimate with another woman, only with another man."  This is absolute truth, it is a truth that we will defend even if it means the eternal death of my children.
    Those who teach anything else are abominations, are creatures of Darkness, things of filth, priests and priestesses of Baal no matter how popular they are, no matter how powerful they are they will never enter my Kingdom, they will never abide with my people.  They will be cast into the Darkness, where they will be consumed by their lust as fire consumes the flesh.  This is absolute truth!  And any that deny it are not of me.  And all that believe it and understand it, no matter what other small things they do not believe, they should be rallying to my servant and battling this evil.  For if they do not, the world will end. 
    There is no middle ground!  There is no compromise!  it is either believe the truth or perish.  I give you the truth.
    You do not know how much I would like to use my servant's physical form and be Oprah Winfrey's last guest, and have her announce that she will be supporting my candidate and doing a reality show on her network about his campaign.  You do not know how much power that would give us!  I am sure she is not pleased with what is happening in Libya.

He That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621, and