American Hypocrites An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

10-04-02 AJ

    I must start off this morning with something that quite upsets me.  The Chinese arrested a group of Christians that were conducting religious services in a public area which is a violation of their statutes, and they are deeply criticized for doing so.  Yet if the exact same incident was to have happened in The United States civil authorities there would've done exactly the same thing!  This strange double standard that seems to permeate the American media rather fascinates me at times.  The Chinese do not allow large numbers of people to gather in their homes and worship.  People might not like this but it is their right.  We are working to try to ease this situation.  But as corrupt as The United States is and the way it oppresses religion they should not be criticizing others.  My servant and I have a very long memory.  A very short time ago major municipalities in The United States were attacking people for having religious services in their homes, saying it caused traffic problems and such, while they were allowing sex groups to operate in the same neighborhoods, saying that this was an expression of their civil rights.  Doesn't anyone else see something wrong with this picture?  It took considerable legal battles to remedy this situation.  The United States should not criticize any other nation for suppressing religion.  One of the laws that my servant would like to have changed before he becomes president is the one that forbids ministers from speaking out against corrupt politicians without losing their tax free status.  This law must end!  It is infringing on the minister's right of free speech, and, on his people's right to hear the truth.  When corruption is exposed a minister or any other member of the clergy has a right to speak out against it, and to recommend to his people or, hers, that they not support this candidate.  The separation of church and state is important.  No one religion should ever get control of a country.  But a minister's right to speak out when evil is seen should not be violated.  These are tough decisions, we know.  But some common sense must be shown! 
    Obama does not want ministers speaking against his sodomy.  He does not want churches being told not to support him.  We must take away the tyrant's power to keep them from doing so.
    On another matter that's in the news, I cannot understand how any Islamic nation can support The French when they are openly persecuting Islamic women, trying to force them to violate their decisions on morality.  They have arrested people for protesting their law against the veil.  Now I will admit, I don't like the veil either, it is a barbaric blasphemy.   The teaching that a woman's beauty must be hidden so men will not lust after her is disgusting!  If a man cannot control his lust he is the one that should be punished.  The woman should not be shamed.  Such false teachings are appalling.  But where we will strive for laws declaring that a woman may not be forced to wear the veil and punish severely any man that harms a woman because she won't wear one, we will not force women not to wear veil.  The ending of the veil must come from within the hearts of my sons.  They must come to understand that the beauty of their mothers, their sisters and their wives is not something to be hidden, not something to be ashamed of.  My greatest joy will be when Islamic men bring their wives to public areas and as one remove their veils and tell them "You are never to wear this again!  God forbids and I do, also!  I share the joy I have with the world."  You do not know how joyous that day would make me!  And I sincerely believe some day it will come.  Cruel and abusive men have started sickening traditions, and some day good men will say "Enough!" 
    The false teachings about my daughters sometimes are so twisted we wonder how the creatures of Darkness ever began them!  Take for example, a woman's menstrual cycle, which some people declare is a curse that I have put upon them to shame them.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  A young woman's menstrual cycle is her glorification, a sign from her that she will fulfill my commandments.  Each month she gives me a blood offering, sacrifices part of herself so she may be fertile and bear the children that will be my glory.  This is not something that makes her impure and defiled, but something that glorifies her.  Men, in their ignorance and jealousy that they cannot do this beat themselves and shed blood trying to imitate what my daughters can do, and damn themselves by committing self mutilation, seeking their own glorification rather than glorifying me and doing my will.  The twisted teachings of the feeble minded are sometimes beyond understanding.  But I declare my daughters' glory!  I accept the sacrifice that they give me.  There are now very dangerous drugs available that will stop a woman's menstrual cycle.  I strongly recommend women not use them.  They could cause dire consequences later that they will not want. It is very dangerous to interfere with the natural flow of life. 
    Sometimes the questions I'm asked are very, very foolish.  Again I'm asked "Do you really positively absolutely believe that your servant can become president and do a good job?"  I would not put forth my servant in this effort if I did not believe totally and completely in his ability!  Every one of his weaknesses is balanced by a strength.  And those strengths are what would make him a great president.  Such as this.  We support abortion.  We believe that it is a woman's right.  But we also understand those that do not want their tax money spent supporting organizations that provide abortions, and counsel women in them.  And we respect that right.  Organizations such as Planned Parenthood who assist young women when they need an abortion should be funded by those that support abortion.  Those that do not should not be forced to support them by having their taxes support these organizations.  This might be a very unpopular view with some but it is the way we look at things.  We will resist all laws opposing abortion and persecuting women that need an abortion, but we will support the right of those that do not want their taxes to support abortion.  We have to be absolutely fair.  Health care is another issue.  If health care is provided it should be up to the individual how they use those funds and no one else.  But that's another issue completely.  But let's start having the people that support issues pay for them and not have others forced to do so.  We certainly hope we can reach some of the anti abortionists and make them understand the errors of their ways. We are wasting so much time fighting them when we should be fighting the homosexuals.  But we are quite sure there are enough Republicans that don't support the anti abortionists and enough Democrats that don't support the homosexuals to give us a considerable victory.  Time will tell! 

He Who Dwells
In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and