An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World
19-05-02 AJ
Well, this morning's check of the mail altered everything we were going
to talk about because I came across an article stating that the
homosexuals in California are trying to attack Judaism by outlawing
circumcision. It is generally known that homosexuals prefer
uncircumcised boys and they are trying to make their preference the law
of the land. This is another reason why all synagogues in The
United States should support my candidate. Many are circumcised
because it is considered more hygienic, which I disagree with.
But circumcision is the symbol that bonds my chosen people to me.
And though I do not require it of everyone it is such a fundamental
part of their faith that I do not believe people of other religions
have a right to tell them that they can't practice it. This law
is a direct attack on Judaism! The nation of Israel as a whole
should condemn it, and, condemn those putting it forth. I ask all
the people of California to vote against this proposition, to support
the reasonable right of others to practice their religious beliefs. To
compare male circumcision to the abomination of female circumcision
which is taught nowhere in The Scriptures, shows how deranged these
people are! I would order that those putting forth this
proposition be removed from The Book Of Life, but as we have found they
already have been, there would be no sense in making such a
proclamation. I salute CBS in San Francisco for bringing this
abomination to the public's knowledge so the people can quickly rise
against it.
I again tell the people of
Judaism that my servant is their candidate, the best hope they have for
the survival of Israel and, the glorification for their people.
Those who oppose sodomy should rally all of Israel to me. And all
of Israel in The United States should support my candidate.
Now, I have to speak on Newt Gingrich's comment on vouchers. I've
been asked isn't this the program my servant put forth months ago that
The Republicans are now taking credit for? Yes it is! I
directly asked Republicans in The House to put this proposal forward in
my servant's name, saying that this is what God's candidate
proposes. Unfortunately they're taking credit for it themselves,
which I do not think is right. They should acknowledge who put
this idea forward. It's only right.
There is one comment that has been made that we need to answer, saying
that if the government puts out vouchers insurance companies won't
accept them and insure the people that we want covered. The
answer to that is simple! Any insurance company that refuses to
provide insurance with the vouchers will be shut down, lose their
license to do business in The United States, an instant and easy
solution to the problem. But we do not seriously think that if
the program is up and running insurers would resist. They would
realize it is necessary for the public good. And in the long run
they will still be making substantial profits. We will have to
see if we are wrong. But we still think a simple voucher program
is far superior to Obama Care that takes away the people's freedom
which we will not tolerate.
We were complaining
about our lack of good mail. This morning we got a whole bunch of
it which we are glad to see! Alice asks
I am a little behind in reading your "letters to the world", but I read
this about what you said about that Noah guy.
guess I wondered how you figure that Noah is emailing you from his work
place ? Noah said he was a college student. How do you know he is not
emailing you from his home or dorm ? Maybe he is not even employed, so
how could he get fired for emailing you ?
Well, Alice, we first came in contact with good old Noah when he wrote
and asked to be removed from our email. As we are only emailing
to newspapers, tv and radio stations, and religious groups, it is a
very high probability that in some function he works for somebody in
the media. We're quite sure that the email he originally
responded on was one from a broadcaster before he started using his
Noah address. So you can understand we're quite sure he has a
boss somewhere, and our sincere hope is that his boss will not
appreciate his ignorance and will probably cost his company millions of
dollars because he is attacking my servant. But that's why we
think he has an employer.
Lee asks
"Hi there,
wondered if it would be possible to get a CD or DVD containing the
songs you have channelled through John Lennon and co., and if so, would
it be possible to get it sent to the United Kingdom.
Many thanks,"
Unfortunately Lee, we cannot produce John's music. A couple of
well known celebrities have been interested in it. But their
efforts have been blocked by Yoko Ono, who refuses to accept John's
Apostleship and that he no longer supports homosexuality. So we
have been unable to find a producer that would bring the works to the
public. Perhaps one might come forward with the financial means to
fight Yoko in the courts and make this music generally available.
But she is ruled by a creature of Darkness and is lost in her
lesbianism, which will keep her from John forever. That is why he
will only serve temporarily as Jesus' High Steward. If he cannot
save her, he does not believe his power is worth anything. I
think this is one of the greatest love stories of our age that very few
people know about. A man so loves a woman he would give up the
rule of Heaven if he cannot have her with him. That is love that
can only be called profound!
There are
those that are organizing Rapture Parties for the 21st to show they
don't believe in this minister's prediction. I would really be
grateful if some of these parties in many states were dedicated to
organizing campaigns for my candidate in that state so there will be no
end of the world, so the human race will go to the stars. Call
them Awakening Parties. Let the 21st be the beginning of a new
age, the age when all religions cooperate for the survival of the
entire world and give up the idea that only those of one particular
sect will survive. I have said it before and I will say it again,
there will never be a butchering Christ who will return to Earth and
destroy all who do not worship Him. This is totally opposite of
my blessed Son's teachings and everyone should realize that. He
taught clearly and distinctly, that His children should love one
another, and that includes people of different faiths. Any that
say that this isn't so are creatures of Darkness and will never enter
my Kingdom.
Our good friend Elgard writes this,
"Yes, GtF and GtM have us all beat by a considerable amount of time! LOL
It is believed that the first organisms appeared on Midgard
approximately 3.5 billion years ago, 1 billion years or so after
Midgard itself was born.
Yes, I would say that 3.5 billion years is a considerable age difference over 1 million years.
It makes me wonder if Odin’s and Frigga’s world will take the same
length of time to sire self-aware, technologically advanced peoples."
In answer to his question, probably a little bit less. My servant
can't remember if he told him, thought he did, that when Odin and
Frigga danced The Dance Of Life and became the life force of a new
world the other eight dancers abandoned them and went off to become the
life force of another world, saying "You are already gods! You don't
need us!" Odin and Frigga are already totally aware.
Telepaths visiting them from advanced races are already communicating
with them, and their new world has been declared off limits for any
colonization. This is very unusual, but not unknown. So
life may develop quite a bit faster on this world, probably cut a
billion years or so off the evolutionary process. It will be an
interesting process to observe if we do not fail here and there's
nobody to observe it.
Speaking of our friends The
Asgardians, Them and the Hindus are rather upset! Our servant
happened to catch an episode of "Supernatural". In it the main
characters were brought to a meeting of the Hindu and the Asgardian
gods at which humans were being sacrificed and eaten. The
Asgardians are enraged, not withstanding, The Hindus! The
Asgardians especially say they're going to get the producers of this
show because They did not practice human sacrifice, and They did not
eat human beings! Odin would never say that Ragnarock has not yet
happened, as he would know full well it has. This program is
putting forth representations of these deities that are unacceptable to
Them, and they had better get their mythology straight. The
Archangels don't care much for them either, as They are the protectors
of mankind, not their potential destroyers! Mankind is doing a
damned good job of that themselves! To put it bluntly, there's
nobody that cares too much for the producers of this show. If
they should fall down a well somewhere nobody would welcome them.
Nobody seems to be having a very good opinion of Hollywood
lately. Everybody seems to be upset with them. Even The
Amazons are upset that the new Wonder Woman series has been dropped and
wonders if SyFy might pick it up. As part of his campaign to
raise funds for his project my servant would like to do bit parts, make
personal appearances on many series, the funds to go to support the
courier/protectors and, the Palestinian Homeland, but we do not think
"Supernatural" is going to be one of those shows, not if they keep up
this kind of crap!
Oh! A little comment to obnoxious Noah. We have more than a couple of friends!
Ooops! One more thing! I'm asked do we think our little
French friend in New York should get bail? As long as he's well
monitored. If he should flee it would only be proof of his guilt,
and eventually he'd be brought back. We don't think he's that
stupid! Of course, we could be wrong!
He That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and