An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

22-04-02 AJ

   Old noah is back!  This guy is just so much!  First he's claiming he has all kinds of college degrees and probably he never finished high school!  Then he's claiming he's a politician or something, on his way to Washington tomorrow and dares me to knock the plane out of the sky.  Does this idiot think I'm going to kill hundreds of innocent people to get him? Oh, come on!  Give me a break!  You're not that important. And then he's come up with the old one "John Lennon said in his song 'Imagine there's no Heaven,' so he obviously doesn't believe in Heaven!'  Hey, idiot, why would someone say imagine that you have to not believe in something if he doesn't believe in it?   Come on, think, man!  You're a fool and you'll always be a fool!  You never understand anything!  All the things that John said in the song "Imagine" that there's no, he's saying that these things exist, you fool!  I mean, these people are just so ignorant that it's hard for me sometimes to understand how they can get so messed up!  But this man's ego is right out of the park!  I tell you what noah610, tell us who you really are. Come out in public.  My servant puts his name and address on everything he sends out.  He tells everybody in the world who he is!  He's not ashamed that he works for me, he's not ashamed of what he does. He knows it is the truth, and he knows he has my power!  And he tells people what I want them to hear.  If  you're such a big shot, mister, come out and tell us who you are, stop hiding behind an email address!  You're a coward, you're not a man!  You insult people, you attack people, and hide behind an email.  You haven't got the guts to tell the world who you are!  So don't tell us that we're cowards, you fool!  I won't take it!  And I'll answer you, I'll tell the world what you are!
    I am asked again, why is it that we need to end the situation in Libya and make it so Gadhafi and his family can travel again?  When Jesus abandoned mankind He left His power in Speaker Linda Polley, who is the reincarnation of Sarah, The Mother Of Israel, and, several young women scattered around the world. We must restore Christianity!  The only way to do that is to get a High Steward to sit on Jesus' Throne and in The Hall Of Judgment.  At this time there is only one man on Earth who can take the position,, Nelson Mandela of Africa.  We were preparing to ask Gadhafi to be our representative to Mandela, to go to him and explain the situation and ask him if he would take Jesus' Throne, then to bring Our Beloved Sarah to him in Africa so she could restore the power upon him to make him The Steward Of The Kingdom Of Jesus.  In order to make this work we would have to have either Gadhafi or members of his family serve as the representatives of Islam as this process was continued. Speaker Gerald Polley, my candidate for President, cannot leave The United States undefended. If he tried to go to Africa with his wife there would be chaos!  Creatures of Darkness would succeed in destroying the world.  So we need Gadhafi or we need members of his family.  And we also need people from Saudi Arabia. It is a very difficult task and a very difficult problem. No one religion can succeed in this purpose, alone.  We should also have representatives from the Hindu religion, from Buddhists and from other religions that people don't know are still functioning on the Earth.  These are very difficult times!
    Our beloved John Lennon is temporarily sitting on Jesus' Throne and serving as the Steward of His Kingdom.  But he cannot do this for very long.  There are those in Europe that do not want Mandela to be the Steward of Jesus' Kingdom, they do not want a man of color sitting on Jesus' Throne. To keep that from happening they are causing the havoc that is now going on in Libya.  That is why the French are so determined to stop Gadhafi, because they are with The Catholic Church and The Catholic Church does not want Mandela on Jesus' Throne. These are terrible, terrible times!  But this is the problem that we have, and why we need Gadhafi and his family.
    I have been asked about the other Republican candidates that are declaring for the presidency.  If I want my candidate to be the nominee, why am I allowing all these other people to come in?  Well of course there are a few that er, we don't want to come in that are actually creatures of Darkness trying to sabotage our Work.  But there's only a few of them.  What fun is it to win a contest if you're the only contestant?  That would be really dull!  We have to show the public that we can win these other people over and bring them to our campaign.  Some of them are deliberately coming into the race because they know about us and are hoping that if they draw enough support they can win a place on my servant's cabinet or, on his staff and be glorified.  They're only human, they're looking for ways to get into the game and be part of it.  We have to struggle. It's not going to be a clear run, it's not going to be an easy fight and we don't want it to be. We want to show the public what we can do!  But I'll give a warning to all politicians both Democrats and Republicans.  We will tolerate no corruption, we will tolerate no cheating, we will tolerate no foul play. If you start this stuff we will attack viciously!  Anything that we can expose we will expose!  If you've got any skeletons in your closet, if you've got any dirt on your floor you'd better be ready!  The public is going to inspect it and sooner or later know all about it.  We give that warning right now.  We're not going to play politics!  We're not going to concede on anything, we're not going to back down on anything to get someone's support.  We will fight!  My candidate is completely open, my candidate is completely honest. He tells people about his past, and he tells people about the future that he intends.  Anyone that cannot do that is going to be our enemy, anybody that wants to hide things, anybody that wants to conceal things, anyone that wants to promise one thing and do another is not going to be a part of our campaign!  People better understand that!
    In conclusion today The Islamic People want me to mention why we want to restore Gadhafi and stabilize Libya.  When Jesus abandoned mankind and went off to another world in the stars Muhammed also left. But he has not bonded with the race that he is staying with. He is capable of returning. If we are able to stabilize Libya he will return!  It will show my power if we're able to reach The Islamic People and get them to stand up against this tyranny from Europe.  In Muhammed's absence The King Of Saudi Arabia was ruling over the Islamic Paradise, but because of the threats to his family and other things he has declined to continue to do so. So for seven months while we are waiting for Muhammed to return we will have no one to rule over Paradise.  I would like to ask Gadhafi to publicly acknowledge that he will, for eight months, rule over the Islamic Paradise until Muhammed returns and has an opportunity to stabilize, return to his proper place.  The Islamic People think this is more important than anything else.  They want their Prophet back!  They will be glorified beyond Christianity, beyond anything if they win their Prophet back and Christianity will never be able to get their Prophet back.  It is a coup that will have them in the height of power for untold ages. So this is one of the reasons why The Islamic People want us to succeed in Libya.  It is not an unimportant reason. We need Gadhafi's support, we need someone ruling over The Islamic Paradise so we can stabilize things. He's perfectly capable of doing this while still being in the material world.  It will be a glorification that will be remembered for ages, and something that a man should seek.  

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

  You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and