An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

22-06-2 AJ

    We'll start off this morning with a little comment that we get a real kick out of.  It said "You are total fools!  Your "Daily Show" performance was a joke that everybody laughed at.  How can you possibly call it an accomplishment?"  Well, that "Daily Show" visit may go down in history as one of the most profound miracles of the age!  Before we had it the energy flow in California had gone negative along with several other parts of the world. We were having to take desperate action to stop this negative flow.  It's all described in my servant's magazine.  Within weeks of "The Daily Show" appearance the people of California had reversed that negative flow.  Power was again flowing into my Kingdom that was slowly able to counter the dark power that was coming against us. And in a very short time California, especially Los Angeles, became the power supply that has enabled us to keep my children alive without which, right now, the world would be dying, literally, we were that close!  We will admit we are still struggling, but it is without question that "The Daily Show" saved the human race.  Some find this laughable, but I don't think it is.  I think it is praiseworthy.  
    I'll let you in on a little secret. It won't do any harm for me to tell you because the creatures of Darkness are so arrogant that they won't believe it, but "The Daily Show" is one of the most successful traps that we have set up to expose them!  Time and time again they do a better job of making the public aware of what is going on, than the mainstream media!  We don't know why this is so effective. Perhaps it is because the people watch because they make the segments humorous, but for some reason the message gets by them far better than with any other source.  Some people say it is unfair for us to use them, that it's a dirty trick. I don't think so!  I think it's quite appropriate!  But "The Daily Show" was a tremendous success.  If they ever want to do another interview my servant hopes that whoever comes has as cute an assistant as the one A. Whitney Brown had, and that the being of Light still hangs around them.  He was never able to trace it down and find out what it was.  Little things like that bug him.  But they're not really that major.  He just likes to fill all the pigeonholes.  
    Now, we got the complaint that it isn't fair for us to make so many offers to Fox.  Well, we don't think so. They're doing such a good job we like to offer them rewards.  But we will do this to be fair.  If we make a proposal to Fox and they don't take it within 24 hours, anyone else who wants to come along and claim it would be allowed to do so.  I think that's reasonable and fair!  
    Got the comment "You can't tell The Pope what to do!"  Well, I am his immediate superior.  He has declared absolute obedience to me, so I guess if I want him to do something I'll tell him so!   It's that damned simple!  When people make an agreement with me I expect them to fulfill their part of it.  I am extremely irate with him because he has said that those exposing priests that sodomize them are betraying the church. They should accept the affection that the priest gave them and not betray their trust.  I cannot tolerate such a statement!  That's it!  No matter how justified a person thinks he is in saying such a thing, it sentences him to eternal death, no compromise, no middle ground.  Anybody that says children who are molested should be silent and forgive the molester cannot enter my Kingdom!  I wish to make a place for him elsewhere, but he has to accept my reforms, and make it absolutely clear that the Church will no longer tolerate pedophiles.  He has to support us against homosexual marriage and end celibacy.  I am his superior.  These are my instructions.  If he does not we will continue our efforts to destroy the Church, and that means it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.  
    Somebody says "What about The Anglicans? They're accepting gay bishops!"  They're next.  We're a little tied down right now, but when things get rolling we'll take care of them!  And The Archbishop Of Canterbury will never enter my Kingdom.  
    Now, a very delicate question.  We have said that I believe Obama's wife and children will leave him.  How could this possibly happen?  Well I believe Obama's daughters are the reincarnations of Angelic Beings and that sooner or later they will tell their mother that they cannot stay in this filth, and if she does not leave they will return home rather than live with a creature of Darkness.  Their mother will know that they would be perfectly capable of doing so, so she will leave and take them with her.  That is what I believe will happen.  We will have to wait and see.  But some day Mrs. Obama may be knocking on my servant's door and asking for protection.  It would not surprise me!  And people know how often I'm right, which is always!   Things might not go exactly as we wish, but I'm always right!
    Now, another question.  I've been asked "What if a famous homosexual came forward and said "I want to march with you through San Francisco.  Though I am homosexual I agree with you that the current movement has gone too far, that we should not be openly teaching children that what we do is acceptable.  If you let me march with you and some of my friends, I will give your servant twenty-five million dollars to fund the courier/protector program.  All I ask is that you publicly shake my hand."  Now, people must understand that what I am saying would be in the deepest respect.  I could not accept this proposal.  It would be utterly impossible.  My servant cannot control his powers, and I can't control them when using his body.  No matter how much he would want to acknowledge this generous offer, and accept it, if he was to shake hands with this individual, even with gloves on, his power would destroy that individual's soul most likely beyond any hope of repair.  We could not, under any circumstances, allow that to happen to someone who has had the courage to come forward and offer us support.  It would be a despicable, cowardly act and just beyond our acceptability.  I would make the proposal that these individuals march with Speaker Linda Polley, who is the reincarnation of Sarah, The Mother Of Israel.  She would be able to greet them and honor them.  And I would state that they would be welcome even without the promised funds, though we could certainly use them.  But if such an individual was to make such a proposal this is how we would have to deal with it.
    Now, if we had several of the courier/protectors, at least three, and they had had time to really get functional, that is another circumstance under which this idea could occur.  But definitely not without them.  If we had the main Christian, the Muslim, and, the Israeli, such a thing might be possible.  But my servant would have to be absolutely sure before attempting it.  People ask "Do you really think the American people would allow these young women from other countries to live in The White House if your servant becomes president?" Well, if they are legally his daughters nobody better try to keep them from living there! Or they'll find out what hell is, and I guarantee you, my servant can show them!  He's really good at that!   
    We are appalled at the way the creatures of Darkness are killing off their material servants, three in California within a day!  Again many of them are seeking a way of escaping, would like to obtain the protection of my servants, but they simply cannot accept obedience, so there's nothing we can do.  We're wondering if getting there would help the situation, but we're not sure.  It might actually make it worse, but we would have no choice. If possible we must make the move!  But we're certainly curious as to who will be next.  Definitely servants of creatures of Darkness should not drink and drive!   

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and