An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

27-04-02 AJ

We must report that the creatures of Darkness are not happy with the situations now occurring.   They have launched vicious spiritual attacks against us again in Maine, Saudi Arabia, and China.  Their failure to assist Obama's agents in causing uprisings in Saudi Arabia and China is frustrating them greatly.  That we have been able to block their efforts is enraging them.  They can act materially but they cannot defeat us spiritually.  Strangely again, it is the forces of The United Arab Emirates who are repeatedly giving us victories in these spiritual battles.  We only wish we could do so well materially.  But our success in holding off The Europeans in Libya is encouraging.  
    And what is going on in Washington?  Arab Prince visits Obama and all of a sudden Obama is shifting staff.  We are surprised Gates has stayed with him and done his bidding for so long!  He just does not seem to be Obama's kind of man.  We are still concerned with Saudi Arabia, but doing our best to protect its leadership even at the cost of other things elsewhere.  
    The situation in Syria is critical, and degrading by the hour.  The chances of them doing something totally insane is very high.  But when they are directly murdering civilians instead of fighting rebels, why is Obama not bombing them?  The farce in Libya is being shown for what it is, an attempt to murder a ruling family and gain power in the region, nothing else.  This is Obama's goal.  The UN is closing its eyes and assisting  him.  That is why when my servant becomes president The United States will be done with them.  We may even ask that they remove their headquarters from New York because we will not want their abomination in The United States.  Let someone else have the burden of their corruption.  But they will get no more American money.  
    Our troubles here continue. Sadly the hospital refuses to pay the bill for the medical charges my servant got while he was in the county jail because of the false accusations made by their security guard that he assaulted Linda and the guard, total  fabrications!  But the hospital refuses to take responsibility.  So sooner or later when we can acquire an attorney, we will have to take legal action.  We will not be satisfied until we get a public statement from the hospital that their security guard lied and the accusations made against my servant were totally unjustified, and blown all out of proportion.  Criminal charges should have never been filed.  We will continue to speak out on this issue strongly until we have that statement.  We will tell the world what this institution allows.  This individual should've been dismissed long ago, but because he is an ex police officer the  police department is harassing the hospital, and we will not tolerate it.  
    On another matter the circulation department of The Boston Globe is trying to rip off Linda!  It's an old scheme, but it still is just as unacceptable.  Here's the email she sent to their editor.  We have  had problems like this before and the parent companies say they are not responsible.  Well, they are responsible!  If these individuals are using their product to engage in these rip offs, it is their responsibility to stop it!  If there  is some legal loophole that allows them to take no action, we will not recognize it.  They are responsible, as simple as that.  


I have to tell you I am very upset with and disappointed in several members of the staff of your newspaper! In the middle of this month I received a call from a man and woman trying to sign me up for a free copy of The Boston Globe. I told them I didn’t want it as I wouldn’t be able to afford to subscribe. The people were very rude at the beginning of the conversation. The man who had an accent kept asking me if I speak English even when I told him I do. Then after I told him I didn’t want the paper, he kept saying I would get it at a discount, just to accept the complimentary copy and see how it goes. After this I called your customer service department and canceled anything they signed me up for against my wishes. Soon afterward I received a bill for $12.50, $2.50 for the supposedly free copy of the paper!
I called the customer service department back today, and the woman who answered claimed there was a bad connection, she couldn’t hear me. She told me to wait a minute and passed my call on to a woman named Mary. She asked my phone number. I had to give it to her three times, and every time she read the beginning of it off one number up or down from what I’d told her! I hung up on her then called back. The woman who answered this time told me my subscription had been canceled the 17th when I’d last called, BUT I still owed $2.50 for the paper that they sent that was supposed to be free, and that I had to pay it! I told her I don’t have to pay anything because it was supposed to be free and that I wouldn’t pay anything because I didn’t order the paper to begin with.
This is a complete rip off. I feel I am being harassed to buy something I didn’t order. I live in a residence for seniors and disabled people. Two or three of the other residents here have told me this same thing has been done to almost everyone in the building. It’s just not right to try and take advantage of people like this!
I will not pay for a paper I did not order and which was sent after I canceled the subscription I didn’t sign up for!
It’s too bad there are people that do this out there, like to pray on older people. I hope something can be done to stop this. Your paper deserves better employees than this! Something has to be changed!

Linda J. Polley
430 Water St. #206
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 812-1621 "

    Unfortunately also Google is shut down, curtailing a great deal of our work.  The hackers are working overtime trying to cripple the internet, which is not surprising because they know it will be through the internet that we succeed.  Combined with the regular media we hope it will give us victory.  
    Again we  have the complaint why are we pushing the birth certificate issue? It is meaningless.  No, it is not meaningless.  It shows The Democrats do not respect the law. It is very important.  We know Obama is not an American citizen.  He was not born in The United States.  His family has tried to make it appear that he was so he could seek high office.  We want to prove that because it will show he is a liar from the beginning, and, his family.  Exposing the truth is never trivial.  It is a simple matter.  Bring his birth certificate out of the vault, display it, and let people examine it.  No computerized print out, let people see the real thing.  Though it will probably be a fake do it!  That simple, that easy.  Why won't they do it?  Because there's something about the birth certificate they don't want people to know about.  That is why I am having my Agents push this issue.  We must show a trail of corruption, a trail of lawlessness.  And if we can we will.  Anything we can expose we will expose.  
    And again I am asked "Please don't take away my medical care."  We will not take away your medical care.  We will get rid of the slavery that Obama has set up, and replace it with something that works, giving people the good things that they want.  But we will not allow Obama to enslave The United States.  It is that simple!  It is what my servant stands for.  We want to get the government out of health care as much as possible.  The shortcomings of government controlled health care are seen around the world.  But the few in The United States that want everybody else to take care of them so they can live their extravagant lifestyles are bleeding the rest of the nation dry, and the corruption.  These are the two things that we must attack and not enslave the nation.  This is why we must oppose Obama and his oppressive state.  These are hard times. We must do hard things.  I still want my my march through San Francisco opposing Obama's homosexuality, his health care, and the legalization of drugs.  I want to attack him in the seat of his power.  If I can rise the people I will!  I will bring the evil down!  And I will do it legally, something The Democrats are incapable of.  

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and