An Open Letter From God The Father
Given Through Speaker Gerald Polley
His Candidate For The Presidency In 2,012
To The People Of The World
And Especially The Followers Of Islam

22-03-02 AJ

    It is with profound sadness that in response to my message of yesterday I was informed that The United Arab Emirates was allowing French aircraft to attack Libya from its bases and that Emirates aircraft may be joining in the effort.  That the Emirates is saying this is an humanitarian effort.  I cannot understand such a statement when the French are murdering Libyans.  How can this be called humanitarian when French and American bombs are killing Libyan babies?  This is humanitarian? 

    I have been asked to disassociate myself from the rulers of The Emirates immediately, to forbid them from ever entering Paradise, and to cancel all rewards promised them.  After due consideration I find I cannot do this.  Though they have definitely gone astray and will sadly learn the price of cooperating with demons, and allowing the murder of their brothers and sisters, when a corrupt American president is trying to stop my efforts to save humanity, but they have not asked me to stop speaking to them.  And as long as they do not do  that I will try to reach out to them and warn them of their folly.  And hopefully bring them back to my favor.  Their bloodlines are important to me.  They carry my power, and I was hoping we might add them to other bloodlines and increase their glory.  For the time being that that I have offered them is still valid.  But they should not take part in the murder of their Islamic brothers and sisters.  I am now asking all Islamic nations to order all American troops to immediately leave their country, as they are obviously a threat to their security where the American president is making war on Islam.  I would include all British and French troops as well.  Every Islamic nation should order them to close their bases and be out of their country in 48 hours. Any equipment that they would be forced to leave behind would be secured and protected until such time as there is an American president that is not a threat to their security and American troops can again return in friendship, and, the troops of other nations. 

    I make this request of every Islamic nation, including Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.  I ask The Pakistanis to forbid the Americans from killing any more of their people with missiles from drones.  I do not like this way of making war.  It kills the innocent with the guilty.  I think a new American president will find ways of dealing with this situation that will be far more selective, and protect the innocent.  But until there is someone in Washington that respects the ways of Islam and does not want to sodomize its sons and daughters no American troops should be allowed in Islamic territories, as the current American leadership cannot be trusted and those troops may be instructed to turn on their allies.  I give this warning to The Islamic People and they know my warnings are good. 

    I have asked China to send aide to Gadhafi's forces, to show The Islamic World they are truly their friends by stationing ships off the Libyan coast and fending off the French and American attacks, bringing back a level playing ground between Gadhafi's forces and the rebels.  I now ask the Chinese to invite their neighbors from Taiwan to also send a couple of vessels to assist them.  And that if possible even though they are having troubles right now, Japan send a couple of ships.  If an invitation could be extended to North And South Korea I would also be grateful.  Those allowing The United States and European aggression supporting their effort to dominate the region and control the governments there will regret this mistake.  I believe the presence of these naval forces will be enough to deter the dictator Obama and stop his aggression.  And The Islamic People in the future will remember those who defended them and said “Enough! These are not your countries!  You do not tell their people how to live and you do not tell their rulers how to rule! You can't even do that in your own country!” 

    Now, speaking of those refusing to listen, we've lost WLOS.  Here's their email.

Mon, March 21, 2011 12:44:34 PM Re: WLOS Feedback
From: "" <>
North Carolina

Please cease and desist sending these e-mails to this account. If not, we may have to report you as spam.

    As they have directly refused to receive my messages I have no choice but to obey the rules laid out in Scripture and remove all associated with them from The Book Of Life and banish them from my Kingdom forever.  If they repent later and ask to be included in our efforts again I will try to see to it that a place is made for them elsewhere.  But they have clearly stated “God, I will not have you.  I will not hear you.  I don't like what you're saying.  I prefer my earthly leaders.  They're wiser.”  They have chosen to abandon me, therefore I have abandoned them and all of theirs.  If those associated with them speak up and say “I'm not a part of this, I want to hear God's messages!”  they may be restored.  But I am done with those directly responsible for this act. 

    I am done with them forever.  I send this personal request to the Governor of North Carolina and the Republicans of North Carolina.  I ask them to recruit a radio station that will receive my messages and share them with their people so North Carolina can get the rewards it is entitled to when this struggle is concluded.  I ask the people of The Islamic World to contact these individuals and encourage them to do my will bearing witness that my servant carries my messages.  We can yet save my children.   But we must work together!

    In conclusion I must thank Philip Elliott for his article “A Perfect GOP Candidate Is Hard To Find” from The Associated Press. The Associated Press has been very helpful to me lately!  It seems like I think of an idea and within a day or so one of their reporters has done a story on it, and usually a very good one.  We will use this article for reference quite a bit.  But I must say, Philip, you missed a Republican candidate, my friend and servant Speaker Gerald Polley who will give The American People something they have never had before, absolute honesty, total transparency.  We will not hide one thing they do, and we will explain to the people why we have to do it, why it is a necessity to save my children, to save my world.  I really wish you would do an article  on his candidacy.  I think it would be well done and precise and tell the world what we offer. 

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621