An Open Letter From God The Father
To All The Islamic Nations Of The World
But Especially Saudi Arabia And The United Arab Emirates
That Are The Hope For The Survival Of My Children

21-03-02 AJ

These are very dark and troubled times.  My servant Demetrius (Speaker Gerald Polley, my candidate for the presidency of The United States) says he has never seen me so angry except, perhaps, in ancient times when we destroyed the kingdoms of Israel because they had turned to the worship of Baal.  I will admit, I am not in a good mood!  My world is on the verge of extinction.  One man, in his ignorance, is destroying all that we have worked ages to accomplish.  And I will admit, without the slightest hesitation, that my desire is to stop him.  I will state that man's name clearly and distinctly, Barack Obama, the current president of The United States whose presidency I believe is illegal. 
    To cover his disasters at home he is making war on The Islamic People, trying to destroy their culture so he can implement his sodomistic lifestyle in their countries.  He is breaking international law by trying to assassinate the leader of an Islamic country, and to remove his family from power.  Drastic action needs to be taken to stop him.  So I am speaking directly to the leaders of The Arab World and,  the leaders of all other Islamic countries.  I am making suggestions to you that would be to the greatest benefit of your people, suggestions that if Islam is to survive, you would be very wise to follow. 
    I ask all Islamic nations to shut down all their embassies in The United States and bring all of their diplomats home.  Sever all diplomatic relations with The United States, Great Britain, and, France.  Order them to close all embassies and consulates in your country and, to  remove their people immediately. 
    I then ask all Islamic countries to request of Speaker Gerald Polley that he be their sole representative in The United States, that they provide suitable staff and an appropriate salary for such a position.  I will explain in a while why I think it is appropriate he should represent The Arab People.  But I wish The Islamic World to make it very clear that they do not want Obama using them as a distraction as he enslaves The American People with his illegal health care program. 
    Next, I ask The Islamic People to remove all of their ambassadors from The UN and to cease all payments to The UN until such time as The UN withdraws the no fly zone over Libya and forbids the Americans and the Europeans to interfere again, in that country, to let The Libyans solve their problems.  It will be hard not supporting humanitarian efforts but many of these efforts are used by those leading The UN to sodomize children.  And Islamic people must condemn these practices! 
    Next, I ask all Islamic countries to cease all shipments of oil to The United States, Great Britain, and, France, to remove from their fellowship any country that still continues to supply them with oil and does not condemn the aggression they are conducting in Libya.  Their murder of The Libyan People to support their agenda to make it possible anywhere in the world for men to marry men and women to marry women, and let them live in abomination, showing their sickness publicaly. I will not allow it!  I would rather have my people perish forever, than see them living in sin, having them dwell in filth. 
    Next, I would have The Islamic Nations make an appeal to The Peoples Republic Of China, asking them to send warships, station them off the coast of Libya, and have them shield The Libyans from air attacks from the coalition forces.  If The Chinese People cooperate I would suggest that The Islamic People reward them by  selling them oil a dollar cheaper a barrel than they are selling to anyone else, a small reward if they help defend The Islamic Way.
    There is a question rather it would be legal for Speaker Polley to take the position we are suggesting as the representative of The Islamic People, and still run his presidential campaign.  If this is something that cannot be resolved legally, I would suggest that you have his wife Linda, who is the reincarnation of Sarah, The Mother Of Israel, be the representative of The Islamic People in The United States, again, if this would not interfere with my servant's presidential campaign.
    Some would consider these drastic proposals, I do not.  I always encourage my people not to associate with evil.  And where the current leadership of The United States is nothing but evil the best thing we can do is sever all relationships with them until we can get decent people in office there, and The Islamic People saying "No more!  We won't tolerate this!" may be a tremendous help.  We want to take The 4th Of July away from Obama.  We want to make it a campaign against the enslaving of his people.  If The Islamic People help us win this battle we will succeed.  I believe Obama is committing impeachable offenses, totally illegal acts.  The Islamic People should be telling the world they believe this, also. 
    Many cannot understand why Speaker Gerald Polley is so important to me, why I believe he should lead The United States, why The Arab People should follow him.  I believe it is time to reveal a secret.  I cannot directly tell it, it will be a violation of trust.  So I will explain some things that are commonly known and let you hopefully, make the right conclusion.  Each time my servant lives a human lifetime when he enters The Afterlife afterwards, he splinters off that existence and makes it a separate individual, that, after a time, functions totally independently.  He has been many individuals during the ages that have served mankind, and, me.  A good example is Krishna of India.  Strangely, in the last few years, these splinters, as they are called, are reincarnating, something that isn't supposed to happen.  Almost all of my servant's aspects are now in the material world!  Fortunately it does not seem to disturb his power.  As I have said, Linda, The Speaker's wife, is the reincarnation of Sarah, The Mother Of Israel.  She is also the reincarnation of Durga, The Hindu Goddess Of War and the consort of Krishna.  Whenever Sarah takes a human form it is with the male she has been with for ages.  They come into the world to fight evil together. 
    Now that I have told you these things you should understand why the people of Islam and of Judaism should support Speaker Polley.  I have told you a secret that should make you understand his power, and why his affection for you is so great, and, his affection for all the world.  He has been my servant for 500,000 years and done very well in every place he has served.  I believe he will do just as well in The United States.  I give you my glory.  I give you the power of those that serve me.  You should rally to it.
He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04604, (207) 812-1621 and