An Open Letter From God The Father
To The People And Government Of Israel
Sent Through The Fox News Network
Who I Desire To Deliver It

19-03-02 AJ

Most Sincere Greetings To My Chosen People Without Whom Mankind Cannot Go To The Stars!

I am writing to you today through my servant Speaker Gerald Polley, my candidate for The Presidency Of The United States in 2,012 because I am against what Obama and European leaders are trying to do in Libya.  They are trying to make it impossible for me to put forth my peace proposal for The Middle East, a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel, by removing those leaders in the Arab communities that would've restored Christianity and supported the rising of that homeland.  Gadhafi of Libya and his family are vital to this effort.  Power is stored in their bloodlines that we cannot do without.  We could use one or more members of their family to support our work and overcome the foulness that is devouring the world.  So I ask your assistance.  I ask the assistance of The Israeli People. 
    Yesterday I sent a message to Gadhafi asking him to follow my wishes pertaining to the rebels that have been influenced by outside forces to overthrow his rule.  That if they will lay down their arms, to allow my servant to deal with their punishment when he becomes president, to guarantee the safety of their wives and children, to punish those that have committed atrocities but to have clerics from outside of Libya judge them and verify their guilt. 
    I ask the people of Israel to inquire of Gadhafi rather or not he accepts these terms.  If he does accept these terms I ask the leaders of Israel to come to his aid, by having members of their families fly to his capitol and visit members of his family.  To, with their own lives, shield them from American cruise missiles, and, American bombs, or whoever is sending their assassins through the air to destroy the power we need.  I ask the people of Israel to show the world that they stand with me and not the corrupt and the perverted who want the mothers of Israel to give their sons to men to fulfill their perverted lust.  And, who also want to betray the mothers of America. 
    I ask  the government of Israel to ask all Israelis who are now citizens of The United States to support my servant's candidacy, to rally to him and defend his cause.  For he is the greatest hope that the people of Israel have, and, the Palestinian people, for that matter.  For if we do not succeed all will die!  All life on Earth will disappear, every living thing.  Therefore, we cannot fail,  somehow we must stop Obama!  The people of Israel standing with us and shielding those that he wishes to destroy to fulfill his purpose will tell the world how they are in service to it, and, to me. 
     I again ask the religious leaders in Israel who oppose homosexuality to declare my servant a rabbi, a high religious teacher in their organization.  And, to state to the world they believe he is a voice speaking for Father Abraham, and, the other Prophets who seeks peace among all his descendants.  Israel can  survive!  It can go to the stars.  Their desire is to live among the children of Heaven and not to be separate from them.  If they fulfill my wishes now, their desire would be fulfilled, and, the desires of all humanity. 
    Golda Meir, one of your greatest leaders, asks one of her children, one of her descendants to serve, to be a power source for Speaker Linda Polley who is the reincarnation of Sarah, The Mother Of Israel.  It will be his glorification if he joins her and becomes her son, helps her defeat the creatures of Darkness.  The people of Israel should be selling some of my servant's material to raise the money for his effort, and, for the Israeli courier/protector.  There is so much that Israel can do to save itself and, the world!  I ask them to do it!  They have been glorified when they have followed my wishes before.  They will be glorified again if they fulfill my wishes now. 
    Oh!  I would also like those in Israel that would be going to Libya to also invite former president Jimmy Carter and The Reverend Jesse Jackson to join in the defense of Gadhafi and his family.  My servant would like Mr. Carter to be his secretary of housing when he becomes President, and, to campaign for his election.  Fulfilling my wishes in this matter would certainly help. 

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, and, (207) 812-1621.