An Open Letter From John Paul II
Leader Of The Catholic Church
In The Kingdom Of Jesus
Under The Authority Of John Lennon
High Apostle And Steward Of The Kingdom Of Christ
To The So Called Pope Benedict Of Rome
The Catholic Church Of Poland
And The Catholics Of The World

30-04-02 AJ

    I wish I could greet you with cordiality, but I cannot.  The blasphemy that you are committing in my name causes me to bring down God's greatest curse on you and to call for His damnation and your destruction.
    On the word of a lying whore, that in her deranged sickness calls herself a nun you are shaming me before God, and beginning the process to make me a saint, when you know I am unworthy to be a saint.
    You, Benedict, are an abomination.  I tell you now, upon her death I personally will cast this lying whore into the lake of eternal fire, and destroy her soul forever because of the shame that she commits against me with her lies.  She makes me a laughing stock among the servants of God, as you do by perpetuating her lie, and making me a saint.
    I will cast you into the lake of fire also, I will send you to eternal death as I will every single individual in Poland that supports this blasphemy because they are seeking earthly glorification.
    I am personally leading God's efforts to destroy The Catholic Church, to end its power and bring it down, to make it a forgotten memory.   Almost every teaching of the church is blasphemy and the cardinals and bishops know it, but they fear restoring the Church because the people will reject them for not giving them what they want.  They will destroy the entire human  race for earthly power.
    So I make an oath to God that I will destroy this abomination. I will destroy this filth that allows the sodomization of children to maintain its earthly power, who tortures God's daughters to stay in power.  I swear to God I will end this abomination!  We will expose every bit of its evil, every atrocity, every foul plot until the people say "Enough!  I can't be part of this insanity any longer!"  
    And do not think that I cannot do it!  Look at the societies that thought they were all powerful that God rendered to dust.  We destroyed the evil in Rome once before, when the creatures of Darkness called themselves Emperors.  As we brought them down we will bring down the ones that call themselves Popes.  
     By law I must offer a chance for redemption, though I know they will not take it I will offer it. If this false nun comes forward and admits that her claim that I healed her is false, that she lied to glorify me, I will have mercy on her and see to it that someone takes charge of her soul and gives her eternal life.
    If The Pope recognizes God's servant and supports his efforts to save the human race, if he fulfills God's reforms, ends celibacy, ordains women and recognizes that Mary Magdalene was The Queen Of Heaven, not Mary, Jesus' Mother, and assists God's servant in the restoration of Christianity, I will see to it that he, too, has eternal life.  But as long as he will not my curse is upon him and all members of The Church that he controls that insult me, that lie about me to glorify me among men .  I will do a ll in my power to wipe their foulness from the Earth to end their blasphemy,  no matter how much they say they love me, the destruction of my honor proves that they love only themselves and nothing else.
   People say "How can you reject us?  How can you turn upon us?  You were our greatest leader!"  And I will answer "Because you betrayed me, because you lied to me.  You said you were purifying The Church while you were still supporting those that were destroying children, and attacking those that were defending them.  Therefore I must attack you, until you make things right.
    If The Church in Poland exposes every priest that is sodomizing or has sodomized children, casts them out and asks that the legal authorities prosecute them then I will again accept their adoration.  But as long as they tolerate one of these foul creatures I will seek their destruction. As long as they accept two men being lovers and two women being lovers I will call them an abomination.  As long as they teach the hatred of other faiths I cannot abide with them.
    God has spoken. He has risen a great voice and He wants that voice to be The President Of The United States and undo much of the evil that is infesting the world.  If The Catholics in America stand with him I will bless them, but if they stand against him I will destroy them.  I stand with God's true servants, not with the abominations that call themselves Popes, that will accept any lie for power and to please the people.  Because I believe in God's great law, "Thou shalt not bear false witness."
   I could go on all day. This letter could become a manuscript, a book of your damnation.  But the priests have already written that.  It is called Revelation, the greatest blasphemy ever written, but that is the basis of your faith.  I tell you to cast it away, to be done with it, and return to God's truths.  There is one that has them, and only one at this time, Speaker Gerald Polley of Ellsworth, Maine, United States Of America, who is God's candidate for the presidency of The United States. He is your true Pope, the true Father of your souls.  I encourage every Catholic to rally to him, to stand with him, to make him their president. Because if they listen to him he will save their Church and make it something glorious.  
    I can say no more. I have let my anger out. Now it burns at the world, burns at the evil that possesses it.  It is a fire that will eventually consume it. There will be those that will wail "Our Beloved John, why are you doing this to us?" and I will answer "Because you do not know God."

His In His Faithful Service
Now, And, Forever
Never In The Service
Of Corrupt Men