An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World
28-05-02 AJ
Some people are wondering why we haven't said anything about the
capture of Ratko Mladic. Well, we're not too happy with it.
We were in hopes he'd go the way of bin Laden and save us a lot of
trouble. The last thing we want is an extended trial in The Hague
raising more hatred and anger in the region. What we would like
is The Serbs to turn him over to my servant and have my servant
immediately hang him and destroy the creature of Darkness that is
dwelling within him. His soul ceased to exist long ago. He
is little more than a zombie being controlled by a creature of Darkness
and still spreading his hate. Of course we want those that have
been protecting him. But where the international court has no
death penalty we wish The Serbs would take care of it. We
have made several attempts to dispose of this problem ourselves, but we
have to admit, this creature of Darkness is one tough old bird!
However, I guarantee you, my servant could finish the job, even in his
weakened state. Of course Obama would never allow it. He
doesn't want him showing his power. One of my servant's greatest
fears is this piece of filth might try to put itself under his
protection and ask for eternal life, an idea he doesn't like.
Continuing our campaign of absolute truth, of hiding nothing, Michael
Jackson has asked to come forth and make a statement to the people that
is actually a message to his children on a matter that he wants them to
act upon. Here's the link to that message.
There's no question things are still gonna be good and lively after I
stop working directly through my servant! But as I have said, I
support Michael's people. Though I understand my servant's
loathing at the idea, the service they have given me deserves a
reward. Some people compare their plight to that of The
Palestinians. I am sure some compromise can be worked out.
And there is no question we need Michael's children, among
others. We can only succeed if we work together and it is only
fair that that work be rewarded. So I send my wishes to Michael's
children also, that they respect their father's desires and serve as he
My servant is doing
better. He managed to get up to the local Dollar Store yesterday
and buy Linda two stand up fans which she needs in her apartment that
would always be useful elsewhere, too. Not a bad deal, two fans
for about $35! But the effort really drained him and increased
the bleeding a bit. We wish so much some of those so needed would
show up before he goes back to the house where he's staying Sunday, and
arrange some better accommodations, begin the effort for the move to
Los Angeles.
The people that contact The
Bushes and get them to respond are going to be among the most famous in
history, with the senior President Bush being my physical host here in
Ellsworth, Maine, and my servant in Los Angeles, we could well begin
the flow of power that will crush the creatures of Darkness. As I
have said, my anger that The Democrats are still attacking his son over
the war in Iraq while allowing their own president to conduct his
absolutely illegal war in Libya, is really angering me!
Both the father and the son should be saying "Enough of this crap!
We're gonna start fighting back!" When they do I'll be supporting
them! We can bring peace to The Middle East. The
separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel is the only
answer. It is the only thing that will truly bring peace.
Nothing else will work and everybody in the world knows it. They
know if they give The Palestinians part of Israel they'll demand it
all, demand that The Israelis be put out. The current peace
proposal is just unworkable and everybody knows it! Let's start
promoting something that will work!
I am
so disappointed that we could not reach Oprah and I didn't get to be on
her last show. Though we disagreed on some things the progress
she made for equality towards women and especially her demonstration of
what a talented woman of color can accomplish has benefited our Cause
no matter what else! My servant has ceased to associate with
several people that have stated Oprah has no right to what she has
because she's a woman, and, colored. He especially dumps those
that use the 'N' word and the 'B' word. The world can be assured
they won't be doing anything working with him! He cannot tolerate
such racism and such jealousy. A man that degrades a strong woman
and calls her offensive names shows his ignorance, and, his true
character. Before anyone says anything, when my servant speaks
against Ellen Degeneres it is because of her sickness, not because of
her gender. As we have said, we promote female equality, not
insanity! This is hard for some people to accept, but it is our
way. We cannot support those women that have turned from my
perfection and live in a sinful relationship. Our stand
might not be popular, but it is what has always been. And it is what it
will always be.
He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and