An Open Letter From God The Father
To Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister Of Israel
To Te Delivered By A Reporter Of Fox News

20-05-02 AJ

Greetings To A Treasured Son, Even Though We Disagree On Some Things!

    I am writing to you today because of the betrayal of The Democratic Party of The United States towards Israel, and the unlawful interference of the American president in the affairs of Israel.  I know you are to meet with said president today.  I ask you to cancel that meeting, and announce to the world that you will have no further contact with the current American government that is betraying The People Of Israel, and is attempting to destroy Israel to placate their Arab neighbors.  I ask you instead, to go to Ellsworth, Maine, and negotiate with my candidate for president, Speaker Gerald Polley, who will guarantee the existence of Israel at its present borders, and if possible negotiate with its neighbors for some additional territory, given of their own free will in response to my requests to receive the rewards that I offer them if they stop their hostility towards my Chosen People.  
    What I would like you to negotiate with my servant is your asking The People Of Israel in The United States who are American citizens to support his campaign because he is the greatest hope for the survival of Israel and the entire human race.  Though you support  homosexuality and he is not supposed to associate with anyone that does, he will grant an exception in this case for the sake of Israel, for the sake of The Children Of Abraham.  
    What I would like you to do is arrange to purchase some of his material and publish it in Hebrew to raise funds for the Israeli courier/protector and the Palestinian homeland outside of Israel.  I would also like you to negotiate with him to help raise The Arab Nations in the defense of Libya, and to make sure that The United States takes no military action against Syria, which The United States has no right to do, and, endangers the existence of Israel.  It seems an odd twist of fate. that Israel should be campaigning to protect Syria.  But it is to the vital interest of Israel that Obama not take over Syria.  He must not have control of The Middle East!Unfortunately several states there have succumbed to his insanity and have become his slaves.  
    It is to the benefit of Israel to break Obama's hold on them.  I can make you a promise.  If you support us now, Israel will still exist.  It will not be destroyed, and The Israeli People will go to the stars.  But it is a time that you must resist, that you must say no,  that this petty dictator does not rule the world, does not rule Israel, and will not tell Israel that its people have to give up what they paid for with their blood.    Israel made war on no one.  Israel was the one attacked and they have a right to keep what they seized in their self defense, as it is part of their nation anyway.  We will accept nothing else!  We will allow nothing else to succeed.  
    We offer The Arab World peace.  We have a way to settle the conflict, an honorable, a fair and decent way put forth by Father Abraham to settle the disagreements of his descendants, to end the feud between his sons.  We cannot fail because if we do the entire human race will perish!  Millions will cease to exist forever.  There will be no more Israel.  There will be no more Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, The Emerites, Europe, The United States, there will be nothing.  Every living thing on Earth will perish because Abraham's children could not learn to live in peace with one another.  Father Abraham gave The Children Of Ishmael a greater inheritance than he gave Israel.  The Children Of Ishmael should not be trying to take that away.  They should respect their father's wishes and leave Israel in peace, putting out those among them that hate for their own  sake, and the sake of the world.  Because if they fail to do so there will be no world.
    Again, I state my wishes, that you abandon all contact with the current American government, that you no longer receive the American secretary of state, or any other American politician as long as Obama is president, and you do all legally in your power to make my servant president of The United States so Israel will be preserved.  I would ask you to do nothing illegal, but to do all you can that is legal.  My servant would insist on this.  But I see no reason why The People Of Israel should not be able to publish his works in Hebrew and sell them throughout The United States and Israel.  This would be a private venture.  That it raises funds to save the world would make it acceptable.  
    Do not stand with those that are betraying you!  Stand with those that will protect you.  I offer you glory.  Though we are at odds on some issues I think we can stand together on the important ones.  I desire to march through San Francisco on July 4th against everything that is Obama.  I ask you and every other leader of Israel that you can bring to march with me, and to call every Jew in America to join you.  The time has come to resist boldly and to say "No more! You do not dictate to us!  You do not rule our land!"  Bring every Israeli that is a resident of The United States to my servant if you want Israel to survive. If you do not you will know you are responsible for its destruction, because you will not answer my call.  

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and