An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

11-06-02 AJ

    To begin with today sadly we have lost another synagogue.  People beg me to be more merciful, to understand people's disbeliefs and their feelings, that some of the things we oppose are prejudice.  Unfortunately I cannot.  I am fighting for the very existence of my children, for the survival of my world.  Those who reject me, who say they will not hear me are against me.  The members of this congregation are not of Israel, they are servants of Baal.  They worship sex and money, not truth, and I cannot abide them.  If the members of this congregation put out the one that said "I will not hear you," and ask to receive my messages and respond to them, then there will be a place for them in my Kingdom.  But if they support this individual and say I am prejudice because I will not accept the filth that they desire, the covenant that I made with Abraham does not apply to them.  They have rejected it.  It's that simple.  They cannot worship falsely and claim a place in my kingdom.  If they accept things that I say are forbidden, if they will not support our efforts to save Israel, they are  not of Israel and I will not accept them.  And because I've been told not to communicate with them I cannot tell them.  But I give their name and their address so all the world may know I am done with them, and they should not associate with them.  They will not take part in any of the rewards I offer others, even if they return to me.  The only reward they will have is the knowledge that they are protecting Israel, and protecting the way of their Fathers.  But they will receive nothing else because they have foulness among them that has said "I will not hear you, I do not want what you are saying.  I prefer the ways of man."  All should be warned!  Those who listen and will do nothing can be spared, but those who say I am not true and encourage others not to listen to me cannot be.  Any that say "Remove me from your email," have rejected me, and I am done with them.  There can be no mercy.  There can be no forgiveness, just as there was none for ancient Israel when it betrayed me.  The people of this congregation have chosen, they have chosen to be done with me.  If the person who represents them rejects me, they reject me.  

"Please kindly remove us from your email list. Thank you.
Temple Beth El P.O. Box 871 Woodlawn St. Augusta, Me 04332"

    Here's a complaint from those in my Kingdom that used to live in San Diego, California and still love their city.  They want San Diego to have an opportunity to take part in my coming to California and receive an opportunity to get some of the rewards we offer.  They comment that we didn't mention housing.  Well, as my servant is receiving $722.00 from social security with the $3,000 that we would be getting from the trust fund, we thought we might be able to find a suitable place to rent somewhere near The Roosevelt Hotel that would be sufficient for our Work in California. If not that, there was some thought of perhaps others providing some accommodations.  But I am a loving God and wish to please my children.  So I will give the mayor of San Diego and, the city council an opportunity to set up a trust fund for housing but it would only be necessary for two years.  Then the funds would be donated to charities in San Diego.  We will offer the same rewards that we offer Los Angeles.  We will even put forth a specific proposal.  
    My servant has on the internet a story called "Space Agent, which we would like to have put out as a book and made into a movie.  I would like to have Ron Howard direct the movie, donating his services and I would also like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brad Pitt to be in it.  I would like Johnny Depp to play the lead.  Again, having these individuals donate their services.  If we could get others it would be great.  We would use the funds from the sales of this book and from the movie to set up a trust fund for the mayor of San Diego's salary and the city council, then we would use the rest to help pay the expenses of the Iraq war, taking some of the burden off from the national debt and the U.S. tax payers.  I think this would be a very excellent way of glorifying San Diego, if they could get these people to assist in these projects that would not only benefit San Diego and California, but the entire United States.  I wish to base my servant's campaign on good deeds, and I think this would be an excellent way of showing how we intend to do things.  Of course I'd like to have my servant have a little part, too.  I don't think he would have the time to play the main character, but we could throw him in somewhere.  However, that's my proposal.  I love pleasing my children!   If the people of San Diego were able to do this I would be joyous.  
     Got a rather obnoxious comment that went something like "Why don't you offer Huma Abedin Weiner a world of her own if she'll join you?  Maybe after the fiasco with her husband she'd want to get away from The Democrats and their lifestyle."  Well, where she's Hillary Clinton's aide we doubt she would be much interested.  However, it certainly would be a coup to bring her over to our side. I can imagine The Democrats would be messing themselves, terrified she'd reveal their deepest secrets, especially something that might take down Hillary!  
    So I will make an offer.  If she was to join my servants and serve as a temporary courier/protector helping them move to California and set up operations there, staying with them for a month or so, and then moving to Pennsylvania, (that's just a suggestion, might be someplace else) and becoming my servant's campaign manager there, after the election my servant would offer her the position of secretary of state, where President George W. Bush, our first pick, will be taking the position of chief of staff instead.  Then in 1,000 years, if she does well, and I think she would, I would give her power and glory equal to my own, and a world of her own in the stars that will be especially for the people of Pennsylvania that support us.  I'm perfectly willing to make an offer to get a fully qualified person for a position that we're seeking to fill, and who I think would do a good job. There would have to be a little bit of service to show capability.  But the lady definitely has contact with people we're trying to reach.  If she could get our messages to The Saudis and make sure that they have received them she would make a lot of people feel better. So that's my offer.  I would give her a position of glorification.  Rather or not her husband comes along would be up to her.  He hasn't quite done enough that I would directly ask her to dump him.  However, he should resign.  If he was cooperative we might be able to find a position for him that could bring him back some dignity and prestige.  But absolutely no more exposing himself!
    Now, I'm asked by my Hindu friends is there not any way that things can be healed between my servant and Kali so that they would not be at odds with each other?  Sadly, this is an impossibility. Both my servant and Kali know how their relationship is going to end.  Sooner or later Kali will make a mistake and put herself in a position where my servant can destroy her forever.  He will do so without the slightest hesitation.  It is his duty, it is his existence to destroy evil, to remove it from the universe.   He will do so, no matter what attachment he has to that evil.  Kali fully understands that, she knows it is the only way that things can end.  However, she'll still be a general nuisance as much as she can.  That she has lasted this long shows extraordinary skill, incredible determination.  But she knows her fate.  There can be nothing else.  And I cannot change that.  Because she will not change what she is, the way she does things.  She does not have enough respect for the innocent.  They are expendable to her.  That is something my servant can't tolerate.  Even I cannot change some things, cannot stop how things must proceed.  The decisions that others make seals their own fate.  That is the end of that.  
    Speaking of moving to Los Angeles, there's one thing I'm going to want a qualified physician to look into as soon as possible, why my servant's hernia surgery which was done many months ago, will not completely heal up.  The doctors here in Maine seem unconcerned. Probably it is nothing serious, but I don't like it.  Constant little infections wear my servant down, take his strength, and we need all his strength.  So if our friends in Los Angeles can recommend a doctor that might have some idea what's going on here when we get there, I'd appreciate it.  It's just a little thing but it's an annoying thing!  
    We're also going to need a good gynecologist for Sarah, especially if we move before she gets her current problems taken care of here.  We hope to take up residence somewhere near The Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood, as we have mentioned. What's the best hospital in that area?  
    That seems to be about it for today!  I should mention the creatures of Darkness aren't quitting.  They're still desperately trying to keep us from communicating.  But they're not succeeding very well!  They're not succeeding very well at all.
He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and