An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

15-04-02 AJ

    Got a rather sarcastic message saying "Bet you wish you could make Gadhafi's daughter a courier/protector!"  Well, the truth be known, we do wish we could get her into that position!  She would be superb.  Unfortunately she does not have quite enough power, and is actually too old to be a protector.  The best we could do would be to offer her the position of a chaperon and assistant to the Islamic protector from Australia.  She would also be very handy with the one from Saudi Arabia.  Her knowledge of the Arab legal systems would be invaluable to us!  And serving in this capacity she could be constantly recharged by the protectors and be able to carry out missions that would be very important to us.  We wish The Islamic People would violate the travel ban that The United Nations has put on her and allow her to go to Saudi Arabia and negotiate with The King on my servant's behalf, making sure he has received the messages I have sent.  If she succeeds in 100 years I could give her power and glory equal to that of Lord Peter, and a tenth of the world that will go to The Islamic People which would be exclusively for the people of Libya.  Then in 1,000 years, if all goes well, she could be elevated to power and glory equal to my own and become God The Mother of the world that would go to Libya.  Kind of a round about way but it would be necessary to increase her power so she would be able to take the position, serving the courier/protectors will give her the power to have a world of her own.  She is a very powerful soul but not yet quite immortal.  But there is no question if she was to serve me in this manner she would achieve immortality.  There would be no doubt of it, just as the courier/protectors will achieve immortality.  When individuals use their power for me their power grows in a positive way. Her husband is also quite powerful and could be very useful to us.  Of course it would be very unlikely that a male associated with such a female would not also be powerful.  
    As we have said, we have all we need to accomplish our purpose, to save my children.  We just need to awaken them.  They are in every nation, as The Children Of The Lords are in every nation.  
    Concerning Them, I am constantly asked "How many of Them are there?" and "Why can't They solve the problem that is confronting us with the destruction of so many human souls?"  Well, each group is about equivalent to the current population of the Earth, maybe a few hundred thousand more in each race.  They have been waiting for the human race to reach its current population.  So you take the current population and times it by three and that is how many of The Children are living in my Kingdom.  And I consider the ones outside of It just as much a part of my Kingdom.  For Their loyalty to me is unquestioned.
    As to why They can't help, though they are immortal souls and can inhabit human bodies, They cannot create new souls.  They exist here because of the genetic inheritance They have given my children.  This sustains Them.  But it is not enough for Them to sustain my world.  You don't know how much They desire that They could!  But it is simply impossible.  If the souls of too many of my children die and The Circle Of Life is broken, They will not have the power to enter into human form.  They will simply have to watch the Earth wither and die.  You can't imagine what that possibility is like for such powerful Beings, to be in some ways so helpless.  But while They can fight for Their children, for They consider the human race Their children, They will fight for them!  And They are the most dangerous thing in existence, parents fighting for their young!  They can leave any time They want to, They do not have to suffer for the human race.  Few would endure what my servant and his followers endure.  Few would suffer so much for others.  But there is no greater bond than that of parent and child.  And They wish so much to end this crisis and take Their children to the stars.  They've gotten rather used to human bodies.  
    Speaking of Saudi Arabia, got another obnoxious remark, saying "Haven't seen any attack on The Saudi Royal Family.  What you're saying is crap!  And if my favorite psychic says you're crap, you're crap!"  Sometimes it's laughable!  There has been no attack because thusfar we have flaunted every attempt the creatures of Darkness have been making!  Saudi security is eliminating the individuals that would make the attack.  Hopefully, we can keep this up.  But we'd still like to get the children out of there, as we'd like to get Gadhafi's grandchildren out of Libya. Their bloodline is very important and we'd like to see to its protection. Obama and the creatures of Darkness that support him want to destroy it, and we can't let that happen!  
    We are very surprised that they are managing to cover up the incidences in The United States.  But there's so much drug violence that it's easy for the authorities to make it look like anything that happens is part of that, especially in the states along the Mexican border.  
    Again I have been asked to secure this area and move my servant to Washington to take my power directly against Obama.  If we could just get The Bushes and The Schwarzeneggers, have operations going in California, Texas, and, Maine, that might be possible, especially if some of the Arab embassies would give us space to use for a couple of years til we move into The White House. It would not be quite as good as Los Angeles.  But it would undoubtedly give us much needed publicity and an opportunity to work directly with the Republican senators from The Tea Party and others, pushing our legislation even before my servant's election.  
    You do not know how much he wants to have his proposal on the draft passed, with the condition that on inauguration day, after he is sworn in, he can shred the last draft card, freeing the young men of America forever, and ending the tyranny that would be Obama's homosexual army.  Such a victory before the election, to let the people know what he is going to do, would be joyous!  Every mother in America with children that are eligible for the draft should be supporting him.  They should be saying "No way!  Not our sons!  Not in America!"   It is just one issue that should be binding The United States behind my candidate, but it is an issue of supreme importance.  I ask again that every mother in America join The 4th Of July Boycott and raise the people in their state to march with me through San Francisco on The 4th and challenge the perverts in their base of power.  Don't surrender your sons!  Don't let them be sold into sodomy so an illegal president can rule you!  Surely those that support him can now see the folly in that.  None can be so blind!  

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

    You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621, and